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Dr. Frank S. Gordon, of Blairstown, N. J., was introduced by POETRY in February of last year with a group of tribal songs from the Southwest, Along the South Star Trail. The present group is similarly inspired by a study of aboriginal music and admiration of "the variety and freedom of Indian rhythm." Of the Morning Hymn the poet writes: "The mountain Sisnajinni bounds Navajo land on the east. The gods adorned it with a white shell, and fastened it to earth with a bolt of lightning. They covered it with a sheet of daylight, and put the Dawn-youth and Dawn-maiden to dwell in it."

Miss Edna St. Vincent Millay, now a resident of New York, is the author of Renascence and Other Poems, recently published by Mitchell Kennerley.

Of the poets new to our readers:

Mr. John Curtis Underwood is well known as the author of several books of verse, the latest being War Flames (Macmillan Co.). This poet's residence seems to be bounded only by the coast and border lines of the United States, in whose free ranges he scorns a fixed address.

Mr. Samuel Roth, of New York, is founder and editor of The Lyric, and author of First Offerings-Sonnets and Lyrics (Lyric Pub. Co.).

Mr. Fenton Johnson, a Chicago journalist, was founder, and first editor of The Champion, a magazine for Negroes. Three small books of his verse have been privately printed: A little Dreaming (1913), Visions of the Dusk (1915), and Songs of the Soil (1916). Mr. Louis Gilmore, of New Orleans, has contributed to the special magazines. Mr. Calvin Dill Wilson, of Glendale, Ohio; Mr. Raymond Peckham Holden, of New York; and Miss Winifred Waldron, of North Glendale, Cal., have published little as yet.

A. C. McClurg & Co., of Chicago, have recently published an excellent English translation of the anonymous little book, Lettres d'un Soldat, which inspired the poems by Wallace Stevens printed in POETRY for May. The title is, A Soldier of France to His Mother.



The Habitant and Other Typical Poems, by William Henry Drummond. G. P. Putnam's Sons.

The Old Huntsman and Other Poems, by Siegfried Sassoon. William Heinemann, London.

Shepherd my Thoughts, by Francis P. Donnelly. P. J. Kenedy & Sons, N. Y.

Singing Carr, by William Aspenwall Bradley. Alfred A. Knopf. Lover's Gift and Crossing, by Rabindranath Tagore. Macmillan Co.

Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses, by Thomas Hardy.
Macmillan Co.

A Book of Verse, by Morris Gilbert. Privately_printed.
Reincarnations, by James Stephens. Macmillan Co.

The Rejected Voice A Song of Genius Slain, by Nelson Gardner.
Privately printed, N. Y.

The Burglar of the Zodiac, by William Rose Benét. Yale Univ. Press.

Shadows Which Haunt the Sun-Rain, by John Collier. Privately printed, N. Y.

Posthumous Poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne, edited by Edmund Gosse, C. B., and Thomas James Wise. John Lane Co. The Collected Works of Padraic H. Pearse. Frederick A. Stokes Co.


Wheels 1917, A Second Cycle. B. H. Blackwell, Oxford; Longmans, Green & Co., New York.

The Melody of Earth-an Anthology of Garden and Nature Poems from Present-day Poets, selected by Mrs. Waldo Richards. Houghton Mifflin Co.

A Pagan Anthology. Pagan Pub. Co., N. Y.

The Muse in Arms-a Collection of War Poems, edited by E. B. Osborn. Fred. A. Stokes Co.

The Evening Hours, by Emile Verhaeren, translated by Charles R. Murphy. John Lane Co.


Plays for Poem-mines, by Alfred Kreymborg. The Other Press, N. Y.

Thaisa A Tragedy, by Charles V. H. Roberts. Torch Press, N. Y. Saul and David-An Epic Drama, by Torahiko Khori. Arthur L. Humphreys, London.

The Flying Stag Plays: No. 1—The Sandbar Queen, by George Cronyn; No. 2-Night, by James Oppenheim; No. 3-The Angel Intrudes, by Floyd Dell. Egmont Arens, N. Y.


Nationalism, by Rabindranath Tagore. Macmillan Co.


"A Magazine of Verse

JULY, 1918



WAS born on the prairie, and the milk of its wheat, the red of its clover, the eyes of its women, gave me a song and a slogan.

Here the water went down, the icebergs slid with gravel, the gaps and the valleys hissed, and the black loam came, and the yellow sandy loam.

Here between the sheds of the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians, here now a morning-star fixes a fire sign over the timber claims and cow pastures, the corn belt, the cotton belt, the cattle ranches.

Here the grey geese go five hundred miles and back with a wind under their wings, honking the cry for a new home.

Here I know I will hanker after nothing so much as one more sunrise, or a sky moon of fire doubled to a river moon of water.

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