Vol. On's brows: Menenius, he comes the third time home with the oaken garland. Men. Has he disciplined Aufidius soundly? Vol. Titus Lartius writes, they fought together, 140 but Aufidius got off. Men. And 'twas time for him too, I'll warrant him that an he had stayed by him, I would not have been so fidiused for all the chests in Corioli, and the gold that's in them. Is the senate pos sessed of this? Vol. Good ladies, let's go. Yes, yes, yes; the senate has letters from the general, wherein he gives my son the whole name of the war: he hath in this action outdone his former deeds doubly. Val. In troth, there's wondrous things spoke of him. Men. Wondrous! ay, I warrant you, and not without his true purchasing. Vir. The gods grant them true! Vol. True! pow, wow. 150 Men. True! I'll be sworn they are true. Where is he wounded? [To the Tribunes] God save your good worships! Marcius is coming 160 home: he has more cause to be proud. Where is he wounded? Vol. I' the shoulder and i' the left arm: there will be large cicatrices to show the people, when he shall stand for his place. He received in the repulse of Tarquin seven hurts i' the body. Men. One i' the neck, and two i' the thigh, -there's nine that I know. Vol. He had, before this last expedition, twenty-five wounds upon him. Men. Now it's twenty-seven: every gash was an enemy's grave. [A shout and flourish.] Hark! the trumpets. 170 Vol. These are the ushers of Marcius: before him he carries noise, and behind him he leaves tears: Death, that dark spirit, in 's nervy arm doth lie; Which, being advanced, declines, and then men die. A sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter COMINIUS the general, and TITUS LARTIUS; between them, CORIOLANUS, crowned with an oaken garland; with Captains and Soldiers, and a Herald. Her. Know, Rome, that all alone Marcius did fight Within Corioli gates: where he hath won, Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus ! [Flourish. All. Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus ! Cor. No more of this; it does offend my heart: Pray now, no more. Com. Look, sir, your mother! Cor. O, You have, I know, petition'd all the gods For my prosperity! [Kneels. Vol. Nay, my good soldier, up; My gentle Marcius, worthy Caius, and By deed-achieving honour newly named,- Cor. My gracious silence, hail! Wouldst thou have laugh'd had I come coffin'd home, That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah, my dear, VOL. X 177. nervy, sinewy. 49 E 180 190 Such eyes the widows in Corioli wear, Men. Now, the gods crown thee! Cor. And live you yet? [To Valeria] O my sweet lady, pardon. Vol. I know not where to turn: O, welcome And welcome, general: and ye 're welcome all. weep I could And I could laugh, I am light and heavy. Welcome. That is not glad to see thee! men, You are three yet, by the faith of We have some old crab-trees here at home that will not Be grafted to your relish. Yet welcome, warriors: The faults of fools but folly. Com. Cor. Menenius ever, ever. Ever right. Herald. Give way there, and go on! Cor. [To Volumnia and Virgilia] Your hand, and yours: Ere in our own house I do shade my head, The good patricians must be visited; From whom I have received not only greetings, Vol. To see inherited my very wishes And the buildings of my fancy: only I have lived There's one thing wanting, which I doubt not but Our Rome will cast upon thee. Cor. Know, good mother, I had rather be their servant in my way 200 210 Than sway with them in theirs. Com. [Flourish. Cornets. On, to the Capitol! 220 Exeunt in state, as before. Brutus and Sicinius come for- Bru. All tongues speak of him, and the bleared sights Are spectacled to see him: your prattling nurse While she chats him: the kitchen malkin pins Are smother'd up, leads fill'd, and ridges horsed In earnestness to see him: seld-shown flamens Sic. I warrant him consul. Bru. On the sudden, Then our office may, During his power, go sleep. 230 Sic. He cannot temperately transport his honours 240 From where he should begin and end, but will Lose those he hath won. 223. rapture, fit. 224. malkin, wench. 225. lockram, coarse linen. ib. reechy, grimy. 229. seld-shown flamens; the flamens were priests dedicated to the service of a particular deity, and seen only on rare ceremonial occasions. 233. nicely-gawded, daintily arrayed. Bru. Sic. In that there's comfort. Doubt not The commoners, for whom we stand, but they With the least cause these his new honours, which As he is proud to do 't. I heard him swear, Bru. Nor, showing, as the manner is, his wounds 'Tis right. Bru. It was his word: O, he would miss it rather Than carry it but by the suit of the gentry to him I wish no better Sic. Sic. It shall be to him then as our good wills, A sure destruction. Bru. So it must fall out To him or our authorities. For an end, We must suggest the people in what hatred He still hath held them; that to's power he would and Dispropertied their freedoms, holding them, In human action and capacity, Of no more soul nor fitness for the world 250 260 tarch, for suitors to wear a single garment only. Cf. note, ii. 2. 140. 250. napless, threadbare. |