Well, well, no more. Rather than envy you. Com. Cor. What is the matter That being pass'd for consul with full voice, I am so dishonour'd that the You take it off again? Sic. very hour Answer to us. Cor. Say, then: 'tis true, I ought so. Sic. We charge you, that you have contrived to take From Rome all season'd office, and to wind For which you are a traitor to the people. Men. Nay, temperately; your promise. Cor. The fires i' the lowest hell fold-in the Call me their traitor! Thou injurious tribune! Sic. Mark you this, people? Citizens. To the rock, to the rock with him! Sic. We need not put new matter to his charge: Peace! What you have seen him do and heard him speak, Opposing laws with strokes and here defying 70 Those whose great power must try him; even this, 80 So criminal and in such capital kind, Deserves the extremest death. Bru. 57. envy, betoken ill-will towards. But since he hath 64. season'd, established by long custom. What do you prate of service? Served well for Rome, Cor. Bru. I talk of that, that know it. Cor. You? Men. Is this the promise that you made your mother? Com. Know, I pray you, Cor. I'll know no further: Let them pronounce the steep Tarpeian death, For that he has, Sic. Even from this instant, banish him our city, From off the rock Tarpeian never more To enter our Rome gates: i' the people's name, Citizens. It shall be so, it shall be so; let him He's banish'd, and it shall be so. Com. Hear me, my masters, and my common Sic. He's sentenced; no more hearing. Let me speak: ΙΙΟ I have been consul, and can show for Rome My country's good with a respect more tender, Sic. We know your drift: speak what? Bru. There's no more to be said, but he is banish'd, As enemy to the people and his country: It shall be so. Citizens. It shall be so, it shall be so. Cor. You common cry of curs! whose breath I As reek o' the rotten fens, whose loves I prize [Exeunt Coriolanus, Cominius, Menenius, Senators, and Patricians. Ed. The people's enemy is gone, is gone! Citizens. Our enemy is banish'd! he is gone! Hoo! hoo! 120. cry, pack. [Shouting, and throwing up their caps. 130. Making but reservation, 120 130 etc., preserving your lives, but ruining you in every other way. Sic. Go, see him out at gates, and follow him, Citizens. Come, come; let's see him out at The gods preserve our noble tribunes! Come. [Exeunt. 140 ACT IV. SCENE I. Rome. Enter CORIOLANUS, VOLUMNIA, VIRGILIA, MENENIUS, COMINIUS, with the young Nobility of Rome. Cor. Come, leave your tears: a brief farewell: With many heads butts me away. Nay, mother, That common chances common men could bear; craves A noble cunning: you were used to load me The heart that conn'd them. Vir. O heavens! O heavens ! Cor. Nay, I prithee, woman, Vol. Now the red pestilence strike ali trades in Rome, 10 And occupations perish! Cor. What, what, what! I shall be loved when I am lack'd. Nay, mother, Six of his labours you'ld have done, and saved Droop not; adieu. Farewell, my wife, my mother: 20 And venomous to thine eyes. My sometime I have seen thee stern, and thou hast oft beheld Heart-hardening spectacles; tell these sad women 'Tis fond to wail inevitable strokes, As 'tis to laugh at 'em. My mother, you wot well My hazards still have been your solace and Believe 't not lightly-though I go alone, Like to a lonely dragon, that his fen Makes fear'd and talk'd of more than seen-your son Will or exceed the common, or be caught With cautelous baits and practice. Vol. Cor. O the gods! Com. I'll follow thee a month, devise with thee Where thou shalt rest, that thou mayst hear of us A cause for thy repeal, we shall not send 26. fond, foolish. VOL. X 30 40 33. cautelous, crafty. 36. exposture, exposure. H |