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Epitaph on STIGELIUS, written by himself.
Hic ego Stigelius jaceo, quis curat? ut omnis
Negligat hoc mundus, scit tamen ipse Deus.

In Urorem, quæ marito submerso non lacrymavit,
Submerso il flesse viro Gallonia fertur:
Sustulit unda virum, sustulit uxor aquam.

Literary Intelligence.



Mr. A. J. Valpy has in the press a new edition of the Greek Septuagint, in one large Vol. 8vo. without contractions. Pr. 1.5s. It may be bound in 2 Vols. if preferred.

Also-A new edition of Homer's Iliad from the text of Heyne; with English Notes; one Vol. 8vo.

Academic Errors, or Recollections of Youth. One Vol. duod, Professor CREUZER of Heidelberg is preparing a complete Edition of Plotinus: and the specimen, which he has published, gives a good idea of his labors.

M. HEYLER of Strasburg has undertaken an edition of Julian. Catullus; with English notes. By T. F. Forster, Junr. 12mo. The Second No. of Stephens' Greek Thesaurus, which has been delayed on account of the treaty for Professor Schæfer's MSS., will appear in January.

A work" on the classical territory of Westphalia, formerly the scene of various exploits of the Romans, recorded by Tacitus, and other writers of antiquity," is announced by its author in the following terms Much has been written on the Roman expeditions of Drusus, Germanicus, and Varus, but little that can be relied upon, most authors on this subject having been deficient in local knowledge, and guided by reports. The topographical investigations, which I intend to publish, were made by myself. Being placed at the head of the provincial administration of the places and districts, where the most important events of those times occurred, and having carefully examined and compared the several opinions and hypotheses of such modern authors as have made the accounts of Cæsar, Tacitus, Pliny, Strabo, and Dio Cassius, the ground-work of their conjectures, I shall perhaps be able to throw some light on many a memorable spot hitherto either entirely disregarded, or yet subjected to considerable doubts. I have, for a length of time, daily visited the country, formerly the seat of Aliso, that celebrated point d'appui of Roman power. I am familiar with the spot, whence the expedition of Varus's legions penetrated through the

forests of Tentoburg. In the vicinity of the ancient Trotzenburg I can point out the ford, of which the town of Herford, (from Heer, i. e. army and ford, a ford,) probably received its name. I have, step by step, pursued the route of the Roman ariny through the ravines, in the neighbourhood of Lübke on the Ronzecal, as far as the country on the Lake of Dumm, and from thence have followed the expedition to Greatesch as far as the stones of Gredesch on the Teufelsbruch, near the Hase, in the Duchy of Osnabrugh, where probably the remnant of the Roman legions received their last discomfiture, which ended in the suicide of their leader. From thence I have traced the track of the later vengeance unsuccessfully directed by Germanicus against the destroyer of the legions, and have attended his expedition to the confines of the country of the Marsi. I have conclusive reasons for believing that the ground on which stands the ancient Borchholzhausen contains the spot of what, according to Tacitus, was called templum Tanfana, that spot being even yet denominated Tanfanne, and which from a pestilent fen I have converted into a paved public walk. From thence I have followed the armies of young Cæsar as far as the Visurgis (Weser,) near to the famous Westphalian gate, or Pforte, in the vicinity of Minden, and there I have evidently discovered the only point where Arminius can have held the memorable conversation, preserved, in substance, by Tacitus, with his brother Flavius, who was in the Roman camp and service, near Idistavi, beyond the Weser." (Dated Herford, 14th July, 1816, and signed von Hohenhausen.)

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Hieroglyphicorum Origo et Natura: Prolusio in Cura Cantab. (in Comitiis, quod aiunt, maximis,) 111. Kal. Jul. MDCCCXVI. recitata, cum primum tulisset præmiorum, quæ ab academiæ legatis dari solent quotannis senioribus, sic nuncupatis, Artium Baccalaureis. Conscripsit JACOBUS BAILEY, B. A. Coll. Trin. Schol. Appendicis loco accedit Hermapionis Obelisci Flaminii compendiario factæ interpretationis Græcæ fragmentum, necnon etiam, quæ in Tabula Rosettana reperitur, inscriptio Græca. Cantab. 1816. This Dissertation, which gained the first Senior Bachelor's Prize at Cambridge, was, at the unanimous request of the Examiners, printed free of expense at the University Press,—a circumstance, we believe, without precedent.

We were, as we mentioned in our No. xxvI. p. 461, unable to furnish in time a list of the works published at Leipzig at the Michaelmas fair, 1815; but having at last obtained a Catalogue, we present our usual extract to our readers:

Abhandlungen d. königl. Akademie d. Wissenschaften in Berlin. Aus d. jahren 1804-11. Berlin. 4to.

* 1.

Amersfoordtii, J., Dissertatio philolog. de variis lect. Holmesianis locor. quorund. Pentateuchi. Lugd. Bat. et Lipsiæ. 4to. maj.


Anleitung zur Kenntniss d. Dichtkunst, des alten Roms, u. dessen vorzüglichsten Dichter, für Liebhaber d. römischen Dichtkunst und Anfanger im studium derselben. A. d. Französischen m. Anmerk. u. Berichtigung. v. N. A. Heiden. 2. Thle. 8vo. Nürnberg. 1815.

Beck, C. D., Grundriss d. Archäologie, oder Anleitung zur Kenntniss d. Geschichte d. alten kunst und d. kunst-denkmäler u. kunstwerke d. classichen alterthums. 1ste. Abth. 8vo. Leipzig.



Becker, A. G., Demosthenes als Staatsmann u. Redner. Histor. krit. Einleit. zu dessen Werken. 1ster Thl. 8vo. Halle. 1815.

Bertholdt, L., historisch-kritische Einleitung in sämmtliche kanonische u. apokryph. Schriften d. alten u. neuen Testaments. 5r Thl. Iste Hälfte. 8vo. Erlangen. 1815.

Bröder's, C. G., praktische Grammatik d. Lateinischen Sprache 10te verbiss. u. verm. Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig. 1815.

Casar's, J., Jahrbücher. Uebersetzt, v. A. Wagner, 2 Bde. Neue Ausgabe. 8vo. Hof. 1815.

Chabakuk, a. d. Ebräischen ubersetzt von Euchel. 8vo. Kopenhagen. 1815.

Ciceronis, M. T., ad Quint. fratrem Dialogi III. de Oratore. Cum integris notis Z. Pearce edid. et al. interpretum animadd. excerpsit suasque adjecit G. C. Harless. 8vo. Lipsiæ. 1815.

M. T., Opera quæ supersunt omnia, ac deperditor, fragment. edid. C. G. Schütz. tom. vii. Orationes in Catilinanı, pro Murena, Flacco, Sulla, Archia poeta, Plancio. 8vo. Lipsiæ,


, de natura Deorum lib. iii. ad Codd. MSS. partim nunc primum adhibitor. fid. recens. emend. L. F. Heindorf. 8vo. Lipsia. 1815.

vier Katilinarische Reden. Von Karl Heinr. Jördens. Svo. Gorlitz. 1815.

Collectio Epistolar. Græcarum. Græce et Lat. recens. not. priorum interprett. et suis illustravit Jo. Conr. Orellius, tom. Imus. 8vo. Lipsia. 1815. (Hoc volumine continentur Socratis et Socraticorum, Pythagoræ et Pythagoreorum epistolæ.)

Danz, J. T. L., de Eusebio Cæsariensi historiæ Ecclesiastica scriptore, ejusque fide historica recte æstimanda, disputatio. 8vo. Jenæ, 1815.

Dionysii Halic., de composit. verborum liber. E copiis Bibliothecæ Regiæ Monacensis emendatius edidit Fr. Goeller. Accesse

runt var. lectt. in Themistii Orattu quibusdam ex cod. Monadensi excerptæ a F. Jacobs. 8vo. Jenæ. 18.15

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3 Ephori Cumai fragment. Collegit atque illustr. M. Marx, Præfatus est F. P. Creutzer. Svo, Carlsruhe. 1815.

Fundgruben d. Orients, bearbeitet v. einir Geseilschaft von Liebhabern. 4ter Bd. Fol. Wien. 1815

Gerken's, W. F., Beweis d. götlichen Ursprungs ides (Offenbarung Johannis durch Erklarung derselben vom 13ten bis 20sten Kapitel u. s. w. Zweite verbesserte Auflag. 8vo, Altona. 1815.

Heeren, A. H. C., Ideen über die Politik, den Verkehr, uden Handel der vornehmsten Völker der alten Welt! Ister Bd. in 2 Abtheil. Asiatische Völker, Ste Auflage. 8vo. Göttingen, 18 15, , Zusätze sur 3ten Aufl. desselben Ister u. 3r Band. uber die Indeir; u. uber die Deukmäler der Egyptior a. Theber. 8vo. Göttingen. 1815.

Hesiodi Carmina ad fid. optimor. libror. edit. 16mo. Lipsiæ, 1815. b

Homeros Hymnen, Epigramme, u. Batrachomyomachie, übers. u. ni. Anmerk. v. F. Kammerer. 8vo. Marburg, 1815.

Horatius, Q. F., Satiren, erklärt von. L. Fa Heindorf 8v6, Breslau. 1815.


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Oden u. Epoden. Von K. H. Jordens. 8vo. Görlitz,

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Hug's, J. L., Schutzschrift für seine Deutung des Hoher Liedes. gr. 4to. Freiburg. 1815.

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Jesaia Vaticiniorum pars, continens Carmina a Cap. Xisque ad LVI. 9. Hebraica ad numeros recensuit, versionem et notas adjecit E. J. Greve. Prof. 4to. maj. Amstelodami et Lipsiæ. 1815.

Journal, kritisches, der neuesten theologischen literatur; therausgeg. v. C. F. Amneon, u. L. Bertholdt. 3n bdes Is. bis 4s stück. Svo. Sulzbach. 1815.

Kosegarten, H. G. L. Carminum Oriental. Triga. Arab. Mohammedis ebn seid ennâs Jaamorita, Pers. Nisami Kendschewi, Turcie. Emri. 8vo. Stralsund. 1815. .

Müller, C. G., Notitia et recensio Codd. MSS. qui in Bibliotheca episcopatus Numbergo-Cizensis asservantur. Particula VIta. 8vo. Lipsie. 1815.

Passow, F., Uebersicht d. römischen und griechischen, literatur als Leitfaden bei Vorlesungen. 4to. Berlin. 1815, contami Peckii, G. T., Lexicon Manuale Græco-Lat. præfatus, est Norberg. 8vo. Lundii et Hafniæ, 1815.

Quinctiliani, M. F., de institutione Oratoria libri duodecim, ad god. vet. recensuit et annotatione explanavit G. L. Spalding. Vol. IV. contin, libb. x-XII. Svo. Lipsia. 1816.

Rosenmüller, J. G., Scholia in Nov. Test. Tom. Lus. Edit. VIta. 8vo. Norimberg. 1815.

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Rosenmüller's, J. G., Leben und Werken. Dargestellt von M. J. C. Dolz. 8vo. Leipz. 18.15 wa ndens six9 Sallusti, C. C., Bellum. Catilinarium et Jugurthinum

adj. M. Thorlacius, 8vo. Hafniæ. 1815.


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198101) A A des salst →→→→, opera quæ extant omnia præter fragmenta omnia. Textum recognovit et illustravit G. Lange. Syo. Halæ Sax. 1815. Sarpii D. G., analectorum ad G. L. Spaldingii M, Fab. Quintilianum specimen, 8vo. Halæ. 1815. col gunned Saback, D. N., de Valeriano, sæc. V. homileta Christiano, 8vo. Hafnia. 1815.


Schubert, E. G., de infantia Jesu Christi historia a Matthæo et Luca exhibitæ. 8vo. Gripiswaldiæ. 1815. de

Silentiarius, P., Ambo ex cod. palat. anthologia descripsit Im. Bekkerus. 4to. Berolin. 1815.

Zoponλeous Teayudías, Sophoclis Tragœdien, emendirt; u. erläut. durch J.v. G. Frohlich. Ister Thl. 8vo. Sulzbach. 1915. Stein, A., Antholog. epigrammat. latt. recentioris ævi. 8vo. Vindobonæ et Lipsia. 1815. {;,7•aff༼3


D. C. G. D., Teutsch-griechisches Haudwurterbuch. Lexiconform. Berlin. 1815. i on th Stolberg's, F. Leop. Graf von, Geschichte d. Religion Jesu Christi. 10r Bd. mit Beilage. Svo. Hamburg. 1815.

Terenz, verdeutscht v. J. C. Schlüter. 1 ster Thl. Munster. 1815. 1 $. 2011

Thorlacii, B., Libri Sibyllistarum Vet. Ecclesiæ crisi, quatenus monumenta Christiana sunt, subjecti, 8vo. Hafuiæ. 18151

Thorlaci Prolusiones et opuscula Academica argumenti maxime philologici. tom. 111 us. Ibid.

Thucydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri VIII. 11 tomi. 12mo. Lipsiæ. 1815.

Vater, Dr. J. S., Literatur d. Grammatiken, Lexica u. Wortersammlungen aller Sprachen d. Erde. lat. u. deutsch. 8vo. Berlin. 1815.

Notice sur une médaille de Philippe Marie Visconti, Duc de Milan, par Tôchon d'Anneci, &c. Paris, 1816, in 4to. p. 24.

Dissertation sur l'inscription IACONOC ATKION, et sur les pierres antiques qui servoient de cachets aux médecins oculistes; par Tôchon d'Anneci. Paris. in 4to. 1816. avec planches, i

Leçons théoriques et pratiques de langue Grecque, contenant 10. les élemens simplifiés de la langue; 20. des exercices de traduction gradués depuis les déclinaisons jusqu'aux verbes irréguliers en ; So. un vocabulaire donnant l'explication de tous les mots et idiotismes contenus dans les Exercices: par C. A. F. Frémion. Sec. Edition. Paris. 1816. in 12mo,

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