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5. What is the method by which, from the logarithm of any number, the logarithm of the next consecutive number is computed?

6. a. Find the base and base angles of a triangle whose sides are 513.694, 496.315, and contained angle 84° 17′ 20′′.

b. Or else of the spherical triangle whose sides are 51° 37′ 344" 50° 3′ 15′′, and contained angle the same as before.

7. Find the area of a triangle whose sides are 148.296, 724.615, 635.792; and prove the formula you employ.

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5. Trace the curve y2 X- I

6. Integrate with respect to x,

3+2x 3+2x

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I + x

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[ocr errors]



I x2 ✓ (1 − x2)' √(x2 + 4x + 1)

7. Apply the method of successive reduction to integrate,

tan1x, (1 − x2), sin x cos1x.

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Italian Language.


Translate the following passage into Italian Prose:

Among the voluminous remains of Troubadour literature, little else has yet been discovered than poems of a lyric character. The lyre of the Troubadour seems to have responded to the impulse of momentary feelings only, to the touch of local and transitory circumstances. His song was a sudden burst of excited feeling; it ceased when the passion was subdued, or rather when its first feverish excitement passed away; and as the liveliest feelings are the most transitory, the songs which embo

died them are short, but full of spirit and energy. On the other hand, the great mass of the poetry of the Trouvères is of a narrative or epic character. The genius of the North seems always to have delighted in romantic fiction; and whether we attribute the origin of modern romance to the Arabians or to the Scandinavians, this at least is certain, that there existed marvellous tales in the Northern languages, and from these, in part at least, the Trouvères imbibed the spirit of narrative poetry. There are no traces of lyric compositions among their writings till about the commencement of the thirteenth century; and it seems probable that the spirit of song-writing was imbibed from the Troubadours of the South.-LONGFELLOW.

Translate the following passages into English Prose:—

Corrado III., venuto a morte nel 1152, quartodecimo del suo regno, consigliò i principi di Germania, che per successore gli dovessero eleggere Federico chiamato poi dal colore della sua barba Barbarossa, figliuolo di Federico il Guercio duca di Svevia, suo fratello. La raccomandazione d' un re moribondo, che preferì il nipote giovane e vigoroso ad un figliuolo d' anni ancor tenero, ebbe appresso gli elettori gran peso, come dettata evidentemente dall' amore del comun bene. Oltre alle doti proprie di Federico, che erano grandi fuor di dubbio, benchè mescolate di vizi notabili, concorrevano ancora a promuoverne l'elezione altre ragioni di gran momento, per sopire o spegnere le intestine discordie che già travagliavano la Germania, e che poi passarono a lacerar crudelmente Ï' Italia ne' tempi seguenti.-DEnina.


Dov'è, Italia, il tuo braccio? e a che ti servi
Tu dell' altrui ? non è, s' io scorgo il vero,
Di chi t' offende, il difensor men fero:
Ambo nemici sono, ambo fur servi.

Così dunque l' onor, così conservi

Gli avanzi tu del glorioso impero ?
Così al valor, così al valor primiero
Che a te fede giurò, la fede osservi ?
Or va'; repudia il valor prisco, e sposa
L'ozio; e fra il sangue, i gemiti e le strida,
Nel periglio maggior dormi e riposa :

Dormi, adultera vil, fin che omicida

Spada ultrice ti svegli, e sonnacchiosa
E nuda in braccio al tuo fedel t' uccida.



1. When is “chi” used with the following verb in the plural ?

2. What is the meaning of "questi" and "quegli" in the nominative singular ?

3. Explain the qualifying power peculiar to each of these three augmentative terminations-"one," "otto," "accio," and state how augmentatives are formed.

4. When is the imperfect, and when the preterite, used in Italian, although the preterite tense be indiscriminately used in English?

5. Give the past participle of "interdire," the preterite of "stringere," the future of "torre," and the conditional of "condurre."


1. Compare Ariosto with Tasso, and say to whom you would give the preference, and why?

2. Would you consider Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso" an epic or a lyric poem?

3. Did Petrarch write any other work besides his lyric poetry?

4. State the epoch in which Petrarch lived, and say who was the other classic Italian writer, his contemporary and friend.

5. Who is the author of "Il Carme dei Sepolcri"?

Spanish Language.


Translate the following passages into English :


La declamacion puede dividirse en dos partes principales que son "Pronunciacion y accion."

El que habla en publico debe tener una pronunciacion clara y distinta; esto es debe hablar despacio, distinguir los sonidos, sostener los finales, separar las palabras, las silabas, y alcunas veces las letras que podrian confundirse ó producir, al encontrarse algun mal sonido; pararse en los puntos, las comas, y donde quiera que lo pidan el sentido y la claritad. Es la pronunciacion respecto del discurso lo que la impresion respecto de la lectura; así como una obra hermosamente impresa, en buen pabel, con todos los acentos y debidos espacios entre las palabras y entre los renglones, parece que adquire un nuevo mérito y encanta la vista; del mismo modo se oye con indecible gusto una pronunciacion clara, que llieva las palabras al oído sin confusion y sin embarazo.-OBRAS DE JOVELLANOS.


Una corona de encendido acero
Ciñe su negra y obstinada frente
Y el cetro, insignia de su mando fiero
Rige y sacude con despecho ardiente;
Orgulloso y feroz, bravo y severo,
La tropa aguarda de su horrible gente
En la cueva de sierpes ponzoñosas
Ornan suelo y paredes espantosas.

No así el Vesuvio monte, reventando,
De espesa humareda cubrió el cielo,
Para ceniza y fuego vomitando
De la Campania en el tendido suelo;
Ni así hediondas llamas regoldando
Está el hueco abrasado Mongibelo,
Como por boca y ojos el rey fuerte
Del crudo imperio de la eterna muerte.

DIEGO DE HOJEDO, La Cristiada, Canto IV.

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The first poetical monument in age, and the first in importance, is the poem commonly called, with primitive simplicity, "The Poem of the Cid." It consists of about three thousand lines, and can hardly have been composed later than the year 1200. Its subject, as its name implies, is taken from among the adventures of the Cid, the great popular hero of the chivalrous age of Spain, and the whole tone of its manners and feelings is in sympathy with the contest between the Moors and the Christians, in which the Cid bore so great a part, and which was still going on with undiminished violence at the period when the poem was written. It has, therefore, a national bearing and a national character throughout. -TICKNOR, Spanish Literature.


1. How far back can we trace the origin of the Spanish language?

2. Who are the most ancient writers of Spain?

3. Who is the best modern historiographer of Spain?

4. In what kind of poetry do the Spaniards particularly excel?


1. When does the cardinal number "cientos" drop the last syllable?

2. How do you form in Spanish the comparative of equality ?

3. When an adjective refers to two or more nouns in the plural, with which of those nouns does it agree?

4. What difference is there in the meaning of the two demonstrative 66 ," "aquel"? pronouns, ese,"

5. When is the possessive pronoun of the English translated sometimes in Spanish by the definite article?

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3. What office did he hold when he published them?

4. His principal dramatic works; their subjects; whence did he derive them?

5. What other works did he write? Supply approximative dates.

II. What is the signification, grammatical relation, and difference between the following verbs :

1. Sinken and senken; trinken and tränken; ertrinken and ertränken; ersaufen and ersäufen; fallen and fallen.

2. Erschrecken has two meanings; what are they? and what difference is there in the conjugation?

3. What is the force of the particles—er, ver, ent, be?

4. When are über, unter, durch, um, separable; and when inseparable? 5. The following substantives have each two meanings: Mensch, Thor, Bauer. What are they? Decline them.

III. Translate the following into English:
1. Sie gingen unverrichteter Dinge fort.
2. Man befahl den Truppen scharf zu laden.

3. Es ist so unter uns ausgemacht.

4. Das versteht sich.

5. Er lässt sich nicht sehen.

6. So gelehrt er auch seyn mag.

IV. Translate the following into German:-
1. He happened to go out one evening.
2. Last year there was a good harvest.
3. Unfortunately, I was absent.

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4. When the judge arrived, he caused all the prisoners to be brought before him; he pardoned some, but three he ordered to be executed.

V. Translate the following into English :

Schon tauchte sich auf Bergen und auf Hügeln

Die Dämmerung in ungewissen Duft;

Schon sahen sie den Mond in manchem See sich spiegeln,
Und immer stiller ward's im weiten Reich der Luft:

Die Schwanen liessen itzt mit sinkendem Gefieder

Allmählig sich bis auf die Erde nieder:

Als plötzlich, wie aus Abendroth gewebt,

Ein schimmernder Pallast vor ihren Augen schwebt.


VI.-Translate the following passage into German :

When the patriotic Germans began to wake up to a consciousness of the enormous encroachments which foreign languages, the Latin and French above all, had made on their native tongue, the lodgments which they had therein effected, and the danger which threatened it, namely, that it should cease to be German at all, but only a mingle-mangle, a

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