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many eyes. We hope the emotions thus produced may be lasting. Our friend is quite a youth, only in his nineteenth year, and promises to be useful, if not spoiled.

Mr. Nash was the last speaker: his motto was "Go forward." He spoke of the rapid progress in general knowledge, in the arts, sciences, civilization, and the tendency of all the surprising efforts of human skill and industry to some grand climax. He next contrasted the state of the Christian church with the energy of the men of this world, and urged the adoption of all scriptural means for the bringing about the purposes of God. He dwelt upon the necessity of affectionate co-operation in all the branches of Christian activity, and the application of all means by the effectual agency of the Spirit of God, to the accomplishment of the promises of God.

I am happy to say that the meeting was well attended. Something like 160 persons sat down to tea, and many others attended the public service. A very happy spirit seemed to pervade the whole. JOSEPH MOORE, Pastor.

June 16, 1857.


THE chapel was well filled in the afternoon, when our respected brother Foreman preached with great sweetness and ability. We were sorry to find him far from well; want of health will sadly depress and unfit him for his preaching tours, except the Lord shall, in mercy, answer prayer, and strengthen and restore him. His affliction was evidently attended with great savour on the word. At tea, a goodly company assembled, and full satisfaction seemed to prevail.

In the evening the chapel was very crowded. Mr. James Wells preached. His brother Foreman, he informed us, had forestalled him, and appropriated to his use Mr. W.'s intended text. But with our highly-gifted brother this was only of momentary consideration: the cruise soon flowed again. The sermon was a very talented and powerful one, in which the distinguishing truths of the gospel were boldly displayed and maintained. May the Lord abundantly bless the message of his servant, in this day of semi-declension from God's truth, to the confirmation of the minds of those who heard him.

There was one striking fact narrated by brother Foreman, at the tea table, which deserves to be recorded in THE EARTHEN VESSEL. The subject under notice was that of histrionic preaching. How can such trifling consist with the fear of God? Mr. F. said, it was a fact that the notorious Robert Taylor, the self-styled devil's chaplain, at one time announced his intention to preach upon the sufferings of Christ. This he presumed to do with all the pathos and dramatic effect of which he was capable. By this means the infidel succeeded in working upon the fleshly passions of his audience, especially upon the female part; his description of those awful sufferings were so graphic and powerful that he drew tears from most in that infidel assembly. This was the point he was aiming at: he then changed his tone, and with blasphemous and derisive banter, told the people he did not believe in what he had been setting forth, but by it he intended to show how soon converts might be made after the meeting-house fashion. And he laughed them to scorn.

Surely, the solemn impiety of this fact might well produce reflection. God's work of conviction and conversion is not produced by rhetorical display affecting the fleshly passions, but is a sober, quiet, omnipotent work, wrought in the heart and conscience by the blessed Spirit. Let not Zion be deceived. J. PALMER.


BRIGHTON AND LEWES. THE REV. John Vinall, the highly-honoured and respected minister of Jireh Chapel, Lewes, and at

Providence Chapel, Church Street, Brighton, preached his farewell sermons on Lord's-day, June 28th last, preparatory to his retirement, his labours having continued unweariedly for 46 years, he having succeeded Mr. Jenkins, who died in 1810. Mr. Vinall is the last surviving Huntingtonian preacher, as they were familiarly styled. During this long period, Mr. Vinall has ministered to large congregations at Lewes and Brighton, and formerly at Chichester, and surrounding places where his presence always excited much attention, and attracted large assemblies. Of late, severe bodily affliction has prevented these distant journeys. But Mr. V. still retains the sincere regard of numerous friends in London, Brighton, Lewes, Chichester, &c., &c., where he has formerly ministered with much success.

In our boyish days, we can well recollect the monthly lecture of Mr. Vinall, in the great metropolis. Several of the hearers of the late Mr. Huntington were his supporters. And although through prejudice he was excluded from old Providence pulpit, many wished him to have occupied it. In London, however, he did not draw large congregations, but he was greatly beloved and valued. His kind, fatherly, benignant countenance dwells upon the mind, while we write. He lives, and ever will live, in man's memory as a man of God. And we believe this is not an isolated feeling. He was not a talented preacher, he was not an attractive preacher, naturally speaking; he possessed neither eloquence nor animadversion; but he was gifted with that which is infinitely of more worth, solemnity, fulness of matter, affection, savour, power. He had the precious endowments of a useful servant of God. His mission was not to pander to the flesh, but to convince and profit the souls of his hearers. He was as a father amongst them, and hundreds still survive, we believe, who retain filial feelings of love towards him.

Mr. Vinall has two sons, who, in that locality at least, succeed him in the work of the ministry. Time alone will discover whether it is the will of God that they shall possess their father's station and their father's ministerial success. We wish them every blessing and prosperity. They each have their friends, and both, we believe, are men of God. But it must be recollected that few of the servants of God attain such a successful and continued circle of usefulness (amounting, in resemblance, to a diocese) as the beloved pastor, John Vinall, who retires from stated ministrations, encircled with the deep heartfelt sympathies and prayers of those who have profited by him as an eminently blessed servant of God. Hounslow, July 15, 1857. J. PALMER.


DEAR MR. EDITOR,-In perusing Mr. Bowles account of his anniversary in the VESSEL for the current month, I was exceedingly surprised at his statement regarding what was said, on that occasion, by our brother Cozens, than which, nothing can be more opposite to truth. I was close to Mr. C. when he addressed the audience; and most distinctly heard him say, that a man cOULD NOT possibly by all, or any, exertions he might make, attain to the PALACE: but by his sins and transgressions against God and his law he would very soon get INTO THE DUNGEON. He also said that men were damned by their own faults; and if they are not, I would be glad if Mr. Bowles will enlighten us whose faults they are condemned for. I believe God will never condemn any for anything but sin, and this comprehends our state and standing in Adam, our corrupt head, as well as all the sins and transgressions we ever commit. Hence, we find our brother Wells, in his comments on Mr. Spurgeon's Sermons, says, "As far as sin is concerned, condemnation, or damnation, is by our own fault." And I would add, as far as sinning is concerned, the fault is increased. But, Sir, those who cannot make all this lie straight with effectual calling, and

all the great saving truths of the gospel, must have
given very little attention to matters of truth;
otherwise they would know that the spiritual stand-
ing of God's church can never be in the least
affected by any condition of the lost. This is alto-
gether another and very different subject. As to
what our respected friend Cozens said, I had
thought that matter was amicably settled by the
remarks and explanations which took place between
him and Mr. Wells at the time. And I am utterly
astonished how any man could sit close to a speaker
and so misunderstand his words, especially as our
friend Cozens never speaks in a whisper. And I
must say I was much surprised to see such a note

by brother Samuel Cozens reading and prayer after which, C. W. Banks came up in his usual way, in dependance on the Lord; and read for his text Jonah ii. 4-"Then I said I am cast out of thy sight," &c. He gave us a powerfully experimental sermon, which was owned and blessed to the souls present. In the afternoon, through storms and tempest, (for the thunder rolled around us,) our chapel was well filled with people, listening first to brother Chislett, who read and prayed; then to brother Cozens, who preached from Deut. xxxiii, 29: "Happy art thou O Israel." A really good sermon: he shewed many causes for Israel's happiness. After this, a large party took tea in the chapel; all seemed to enjoy themselves, for they had all things common: and in the evening the "Earthen Vessel" came up, I think, in his right mind, taking for his text Romans xv. 7. How Christ received his church, his pride, as a gift from the Father; in what state-in her sin, in her blood, in her wretchedness and misery, was scripturally declared: how all the curses of offended justice hung over her head, and were her merited due; yet he received her, when given to him, notwithstanding the great disparity between himself and her: Christ loved her; gave himself for her; washed her; cleansed her; cloathed her; and now gives her everlasting consolation and good hope; and as he received her willingly and freely, sO should his disciples receive one another.

31. Marchmont-street, July 5, 1857. [We wish, in future, these good brethren would settle their disputes without bringing them into THE EARTHEN VESSEL. We felt assured, from brother Bowles's note, that there was a mistake somewhere. In accordance with his wish, and ever desiring to see our brethren stand clear in the truth before the churches, we gave brother Cozens the opportunity of explaining himself. This he has done in another part of this month's VESSEL; and Mr. Walford here steps forward to confirm the truth of Mr. Cozens's statement. We must now express our determination never again to admit these quibbles into our pages, unless some very special occasion may demand it. We are deeply afflicted to find so much bickering and splitting of The collections were good; quite encouraging to hairs among these men, whose only aim should the managers; it was "a good day." "The Lord be "the lifting of Jesus on high." We know not hath done great things for us, whereof we are who would be Editors of Magazines in these days! glad." We have peace in the church, and unity in The least thing that displeases these gentlemen of the congregation. We have also to record the the cloth, their tongues are set on fire; their goodness of the Lord to us at Dane Hill. We had pens are dipt in gall; their zealous old ladies are a happy day there on Good-Friday. Quite a revigoing to burn us, and THE EARTHEN VESSEL too-ving to the cause. One lady, as a token of her love only, forsooth, they have not the power. We are to the dear Lord for what he had done for her soul, so thoroughly satisfied that too many of "our presented a beautiful crimson drapery for the pastors and preachers" are walking in the flesh, pulpit, with a cushion for the Bible, also a few of and not in the Spirit, that our most sober deter- the friends at Newick have followed the example, mination is, by God's help, to avoid them as much and cloathed the pulpit very beautifully. Our conas possible, and try, with all our might, to keep gregations are good, and the dear Lord is evidently nearer to the feet of the Great Prince of Peace. doing a great work here. ED.]


DEAR BROTHER BANKS,-I have visited the old town of Thaxted, and preached in the first Baptist Chapel there on several occasions. The congregations varied from 40 to 100 persons. The Baptist interest in this place has, through a variety of circumstances, been brought very low. The members who are left are few and feeble, but very wishful to see, if possible, the good work revived.

There is evidently a spirit of hearing amongst those who attend, and it is more than probable that if there was a man of truth and energy (who could, for a time, support himself), to step forward and settle amongst them, the cause would, under the Divine blessing, soon present a different appear

[blocks in formation]

NEWICK AND DANE HILL. DEAR MR. EDITOR,-There are many, in different parts of the country, and on the Continent, who love to hear from Newick; although we cannot boast of great things, yet we have great cause for gratitude to our God, who doeth all things well: "Blessed be his Name."

On the 10th of June we held our anniversary; the weather set in very wet; the rain came down in torrents: many people were disappointed; but our ministers arrived in safety, well watered by the rains of heaven, and a good number of friends met them in the chapel. The service began

"Oh to grace how great a debtor !" JOSEPH WARREN, Pastor.


THE Jubilee services of the Sunday schools, in connection with Sion Chapel, Nottingham, were holden on Sunday and Monday, July 5th and 6th. Mr. A. J. Baxter, of London, (a member of Mr. Luckin's church, and a young man recently thrust out into the vineyard,) preached the sermons. We have not seen such cheerful days in Nottingham for many years. Crowds of anxious hearers flocked to hear this bold and gifted expounder of Christ's gospel; that good is being done, I feel quite sure; but I hope, Mr. Editor, that a full report of these services will be sent you; and that your EARTHEN VESSEL will circulate much more in Nottingham than it has hitherto done, Seeing we have such difficulty in getting it here, why do you not establish for it an energetic agent? I am your old friend, A BAPTIST ITINERANT AND PREACHER.

[Is there any one in Nottingham would act for us as agent and correspondent?-ED.]


AFTER several years of anxiety, changes, earnest prayers, and labours, THE LORD, (we hope,) has given the church at London-street A PASTOR, in the person of our esteemed brother Wale. He commenced his pastorate there the first Lord's-day in July; his ministry for some months has been the means of reviving the cause, and uniting the people. He is a young man, highly favoured in gifts and in grace; and there is a pleasing prospect before him and his people of many years of usefulness should it please the Great Head of the church to be a wall of fire round about them, and the glory in their midst. We can most sincerely pray it may be so.



MR. EDITOR.-On Wednesday, July 15th, our half yearly tea meeting was held; when about 150 friends sat down to an excellent tea; well managed and distributed; good feeling and abundance being seen on all sides. At half past six, the public meeting commenced. Our friend Charles Waters Banks in the chair, supported by a number of ministering brethren; among whom

we were pleased to see our minister, Mr. Vaughan, who is at present supplying the pulpit, having received a unanimous invitation for three months, The subject spoken to was " the Church's Union to Christ." The Divine blessing having been implored by Mr. Porter,

own soul. Mr. James Nunn spoke of the ultimate glory its certainity; its bliss, its exalted nature, its Christ like conformity. His solemn address was like the gushings forth of a soul ripen. ing fast for the inheritance of the saints in light. He appeared as though having taken his stand on Pisgah's summit, the Jordan of death had dwindled into utter insignificance, while he surveyed the glorious prospect that lay beyond.

With a few closing congratulatory remarks from d'ction being pronounced, one of the happiest the Chairman, a hymn was sung; and the Benemeetings we can anticipate on this side our heavenly inheritance, closed.

Hephzibah has passed through dark and por. tentous clouds since the death of the late la

The Chairman, in his usual happy mode, intro-mented W. H. Wells, but it would appear as duced the subject, throwing out several excellent though the set time to favour her had come: may and practical ideas. "The Origin" of the it prove that Jehovah's delight is in her : so prays, ONE WHO LOVES HER. union was spoken to by Mr. Bowles; shewing it originated in the councils of the great Three One Jehovah that each and every person in the ever blessed Trinity was interested in that great transaction.

"The nature of the union was assigned to Mr. Vaughan, who spoke of a union of nature, seeing Christ possessed humanity in common with every member of his church, as well as essential Deity, and in a clear way shewed it was a vital, or lifegiving union: it was a spiritual, or life-sustaining union and it was an eternal, and indissoluble union. Mr. Hawes spoke cheerfully of "The Benefits resulting from the union-pardon, peace, love, and joy, in the Holy Ghost: giving some excellent exhortations.

Mr. Porter, on the Evidences, gave us some powferful and heat-moving testimonies-the result of the law and the gospel-Moses and Christ in his


MR. EDITOR,-We have been favoured with the services of Mr. Edgecombe on the 5th and 12th of this month. The Lord, the Spirit, evidently was with him, and enabled him to speak from the heart, and sure enough it reached the hearts of many of my brethren, and sisters. We had no "yea and nay." No; bless the Lord, his dear servant preached discriminating discourses, faithfully, and with great affection. Our prayer is that we may sit and hear, in our future church meetings, that his labours were not in vain. The Lord bless him in his own soul, and always stand by him, and make him yet, for many years, a tiding bearer both to saint and sinner. So prays, MINIMUS.




[The spirit of the letters received during the last month, are most encouraging. The thoughts of many hearts toward us have been discovered; and some prospect of an entire redemption is still entertained. It is arranged for the Committee to meet early in August, after which they will issue their Report of our position, and announce the efforts they purpose to make. To those brethren who have kindly offered to open their places for public meetings, the Editor tenders his grateful acknowledgements, but as his services at anniversaries, &c., have almost entirely occupied his time, he has thought it better to wait until harvest has passed away. If spared he will then gladly attend any meeting which may be convened for advancing the objects of the Committee.] Sum announced last month, £29 17s. 94d. Deduct mistake" Evans, £1," should be Evans, 18. This makes last month's £28 18s. 94d.

The following is not all that has been received; but we could not spare more room this month. We hope the September number will announce every fraction received up to the 20th of August.

Per Mr. James Wells:-W. Cattermore, Norwich, 18; Bury St. Edmonds, 1s; A Reader, Exe ter, 6d; Lady in Manchester, per W. Horton, 1; James Bridgman, 28 6d; Collected by Mr. Bird, Minister of Cranmer-court Chapel, 128; F. H. N., Newmarket, 6d.

From Liverpool, per Mr. Wells: J. J., 58; G, J., 18; G. G., 6d; R. K., 18.

From Halifax, per Mr. Wells:-Mr. J. Sheard, 5s; Mrs. S. B. Tillotson, 2s 6d; Mrs. D. Smith, 28 6d; Mr. S. Cockrift, 1s; Samuel Magson, Is.

Mr. James Cox, Surrey Tabernacle, 58; Mrs. Bourne, per Mr. Cox, £1; A Friend, per ditto, 6d; Capt. Adams, 6d; Widow's mite, per R. Banks, 28; A Widow, by J. W., 18; Mrs. Miller, 18.

Per Mr. Williamson: Collection at Garner Chapel, Clapham, per Mr. Phillips, £2 6s 6d; H. Webb, Merton, 6d; Mrs. Bowyer, Notting-hill, 6d; Miss Sole, ditto, 6d; W. May, Uxbridge, 6d; Mrs. Brittain, Frome, 6d; Mr. Martin, Reading, 28 6d.

Friends, per Mr. Channen -W. Healty, Hounslow, ls; D. Channon, 6d; Mrs. Redman, 28 6d;

Two Friends, Clapham, 18; Mrs. Gruft, 6d; Mrs. Bailey, 1s; Mrs. Cook, 6d.

Per Mr. C. W. Banks:-Matthew Blakely and Friends, Waldgrave, 5s; Keddington, Deaf Christian Woman, who wants plenty of good sermons, 6d; Sister Kindness, 28; Sister Wallace, 1s; Brother Price, 1s; Two other Friends, 1s; A Lover of the Truth, 1s; Collection after Meeting at Hephzibah Chapel, Mile End, £1; One of the Poorest of its Readers, Plymouth, 6d; Few Friends, Sturry, Canterbury, 4s; Mr. Chivers, ls; Mrs. Hunnible, per Miss Farrow, 18; No One is to know Who, 1s; A West End Shoemaker, and Friend to Zion, 10s; Henry Young, Clifton NeedleWorks, Redditch, 18; J. Pooton, 1, Glenfallterrace, Cheltenham, 2s 6d; Grace Taught, is 6d; D. Dully, Wellingborough, 1s; J. Baldwin, Cransford, 6d; James Row, ditto, 6d; Ezekiel Hatwell, Farnborough, Warwickshire, 1s; Mrs. Marlow and Mr. Billing, 1s; Mr. W. Collyer, Bexley-heath, 10s; A Lady at Hephzibah Chapel, Mile End, £1; T. Barnes and Friend, Northampton, 1s; J. and T. G., Hastings, 1s; "Josiah," 10s; J. Dainty, 6d; Mr. Sindall, Rotherhithe, 1s; John Vinden, Reading, 58; James Hickmott, Frittenden, given to C. W. Banks at Egerton, £1; Ditto, per Mr. Wells, 18; Mr. and Mrs. Shuff, 2s; Mr. Mason, 1s; Miss Tillett, 6d; J. S., Sevenoaks, le; F. Fylcoat, Brighton, 6d.

"A Strange Sight,"



DEAR BROTHER. By the request of my much esteemed friend and brother, George Ince, I write this letter to you, for THE EARTHEN VESSEL. Brother Ince, with myself, think that it may, in the hands of the Eternal Spirit, prove a blessing to some poor tempest-tossed, tried and afflicted brother or sister, who may be privileged to gain sight of it. The work from whence this is taken was written by J. Allen, called "A Dissertation on the Glory and Excellency of the Scriptures." It is a most blessed work; and if you approve of this letter, we will send you more.

Your unworthy brother and companion in the path of tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. Amen. Clare, Suffolk. Aug. 14.




DEAR BRETHREN.-May the good will of Him that dwelt in the bush dwell with you, and then you will find, though you are as a bush on fire, you will not be consumed; for the bush was as safe when on fire, as it was when it was in full blossom; and this is the case of the poor believer, when he is as a bush in full blossom of profession and possession of the love of God, of union with Christ, and testimonies of his grace by the Holy Ghost; then he is looked upon with a pleasant eye; but, lo, when this poor believer is all on fire with fiery temptations, fiery tribulations, burning, all on fire in his name, in his circumstances, all on fire in his mind, his hope on fire, his expectations on fire, all burning, all consuming; but, oh! this change makes an amazing change in the views of all; they turn aside, let them be doing what they will, to see this strange sight indeed! A poor believer, a lover of Jesus, a preacher of Christ, that was like a bush, pleasant, green, and in full blossom, now all on fire; a strange change! a strange sight! "See (say they), what he has done now!" One wags his head, and passes by; another says, "Ah! we would have it so !" A strange sight! but the most amazing of all is, that he is NOT CONSUMED, What! distressed, oppressed, and afflicted on every side! What! and not destroyed! What! does he continue still? What! on fire and not consumed! What can be the reason of this? Aye, that is the thing. This puzzles men and angels, and many of our wise VOL. XIII.-No. 150.


Christians, too; they thought this fire was
to consume him, being all on fire, and espe-
cially as his own corruption took fire.
What, not consumed! This is a strange
sight indeed, to see a bush bedaubed all
over within and without with pitch, and tar,
and oil, and spirits, and set on fire, burning,
still burning, and NOT CONSUMED;
must be something, surely, very amazing.
The poor Christian, all bedaubed with the
combustibles of evil accusations, this meeting
with the oil and spirits of his own corrup-
tions, being all on fire, no wonder, like a
man whose house is on fire, that in the con-
fusion he acts like one confused, wild and
distracted, and does that which daily grieves
his soul like wormwood and gall at the re-
membrance thereof. But the amazing thing
is, he is not consumed; here lies the mystery
and the strangeness of the sight: "Did we
not cast three men into the midst of the
fiery furnace? Lo! I see four men ; and
the form of the fourth is like the SON OF
GOD." Aye, there is the mystery; the
form of the fourth spoils all the designs of
men, and the rage of Satan. Ah! me, a
poor exile, a bush on fire, but not consumed.
What can be the matter? Surely, it must
be owing to the good will of him that dwelt
in the bush; aye, there it is, my brethren:
this is my preservation and yours, there all
your safety lies; in the midst of all your
fiery trials and tribulations here you are
preserved as heirs, as children of the king-
dom; in the grace and glory relation you
cannot die, because LIFE always lives;
though a bush on fire, yet as safe as though
there was not a spark, because of Him,
whose grace is a well of water in you,
springing up to eternal life.

However, this is my hope, my strength,
my life, my all-viz., "The good will of
him that dwelt in the bush," or verily I had
been consumed long ago; but his will was
in the way. O, sweet barrier! oh, precious
security! His will, that is enough; there
is my safety; for "he is in one mind, and
none can turn him; his will is a bulwark,
higher than the heavens; who can reach it?
stronger than death; who can overthrow it?
His will is like his throne, unshaken, and
like his name which endures for ever.
What is his grace in all its riches and glory,
but a display of his omnipotent will?
lo! to my great joy, it is not only his will,
but his good will; there is the sweet source
and life of all; for it is his will that all



mankind should be his creatures, and be supplied by his providence; but it is his good will that his elect should be his children, his heirs, his peculiar treasure, and be supplied with the provisions of grace and glory, being predestinated according to the good pleasure of his will. But, oh, this is not all; it was the good will of HIM: aye, there it is; had it been any other, it would never have done for me; for no other could have borne with me. Mine is not a common case; my aggravations are too great, my crimes are too deep for any to know what to do with, besides HIM: had all the angels in heaven united in one, I had surely been more than a match for them. Alas! then the bush on fire would have been consumed. But oh! it was the good will of HIM, of HIM whom my soul loveth, of HIM of whom the prophets sang; of HIM whom the church adores: "To HIM be glory now and for ever;" of HIM, whom the spouse enquires after, "Saw ye HIM?" HIM, and not another; another would not do, it must be HIM. Aye, there the matter lies. But this is not all, for He dwells with me. Where, do you say? Why, in the bush. That kept it from being consumed, Aye, this is life indeed. It was his living in me, as my life, that kept me alive. He dwelt with me. Oh, amazing! though it was in a bush on fire. What shall I render to the Lord He still dwells with me, and I with him. His own arm hath brought salvation; he is good at healing diseases, and binding up the broken in heart; for he hath, in love to my soul, cast all my sins behind his back, "who healeth all my diseases, who crowneth me with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Bless the Lord, oh my soul," &c.

But when matters will be made up between me and the members of Christ, know not, though I long for it; many will never forgive me, and perhaps but few love me; still I know my Saviour loves me, still I find an inward peace; the good will of him that dwells with me in the bush, is all my hope, all my life. I little thought to have written an epistle on these words to you, having fixed on another subject, but so it came to pass; what I have written, I have written. I thank you for all your love to me in my tribulation. Great grace be with you all, as though named. Pray for



[We hope to give some most blessed testimonies of the life, labours, and writings of that greatly afflicted servant of God, JOHN ALLEN.]


"All shall come and last and end,

As shall please my heavenly Friend." DEAR SIR AND EDITOR,-Permit a poor

worm of the earth to address a few lines to
you, and if you think the image of truth is
stamped upon them, and the feelings described
are produced by that light which maketh
manifest the hidden things of darkness; and
further, if you think they will be of any use
to God's tried and persecuted family, you
would give them a place kindly in your

"Though words can never paint our case,
Nor all our sorrows paint;
This we can say before his face,

That Christ is all we want."
The living family of God, like dear old Jacob,
amidst all their trials, exercises, sorrows and
temptations, cannot let go their hold. Their
cry is, "I will not let thee go, except thou
bless me." I believe in my soul we never get
spiritually, feelingly, blessedly into any branch
of God's blessed Word, but through tribula-
tion, and when God is about to reveal any
special blessing or special mercy to his people,
there is always some trial or other connected
with it; I have seen it in a number of instances:
and have proved it in my own experience. In
the very depth of our trouble, God sends us
consolation; consolation greater than our
miseries; and we are brought to feel the
blessedness of the salvation of God as suited
to our condition. In taking a retrospective
view of the way the Lord my God hath led me
in this waste howling wilderness, I can say he
has kept and preserved me all the days of my
life. 1 look back to the time when I first be-
about thirteen years since. I first heard the
came acquainted with eternal things, now
truth preached by a living minister of God;
previous to which I had heard hundreds of
sermons preached, and considered at least some
of them were gospel sermons, but when I
heard those men of God, Gadsby, Tiptaft,
Warburton, Wells, Martell, C. W. Banks, and
others, I found a most wonderful difference:
the Lord was then pleased to open my poor
blind eyes, I began to discern between the
living and the dead: many weeks, months, and
years, have passed away since then, but thanks
be to God, my soul is led unceasingly to feel
the work was his, and my earnest desire is to
cleave closer to him at all times. At this time
I was a member of Mr. O., near Red Lion
Square, and when he visited me to know the
reason of my absence, I stated to him the
barrenness of soul I was brought to mourn
over; how temptations set in, and corruptions
arose, and I feared all my past mercies and
enjoyments were all delusion; sparks of its
own kindling; how I was brought to cry to

the Lord to remember me with his favor, and to visit me with his salvation; he understood not my case; spoke angry of those men of God whom my soul had been blessed on hearing; and the longer I travel Zionward the more and more my soul feels the work was his, and I feel satisfied the greatest enemies to God's dear people and his truth, are to be found covered with the mask of religion; they are in abundance who say, "the Lord hath sent them." Yea and nay sounds forth, go where you will, in abundance, and how my soul is grieved to hear such men get up in the

« IndietroContinua »