SaleAnderson Galleries, 1903 |
FIRST EDN 2 vols post 8vo original boards uncut with | |
490 | |
Royal 8vo full morocco extra slightly rubbed | 26 |
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15 vols 8vo and 12mo 8vo and post 8vo and smaller Albany American Ancient Autograph Balt binding Biographical boards Book Bost Catalogue Charles Chas Chicago containing copies printed Crown 8vo Edinburgh Edited Edward England English Essays etchings facsimiles folio Francis French Front full morocco full-page George gilt edges gilt top half calf half cloth half morocco half roan Henry History india paper Indian James John Kipling Large Paper Latest edn Letters Literary Literature Lond Lord Magazine maps Memoirs mezzotint Music N. P. Willis Notes Numerous illusts Oblong old calf original cloth oval Paris Phil pieces Poems Poetry Poets Portrait and illusts post 8vo Presentation copy Privately printed Report Robert Roman Royal 8vo Samuel Scarce Second edn Shakespeare Sketches Smith Songs stipple Story Thick 8vo Thomas trait Transl Trial uncut vellum views vignette Wash Washington William woodcuts York