Immagini della pagina

Tab. 3.

Airis confesi, rebosque Aeris confessi, rebusque joured joudikateis, XXX jure judicatis, triginta dies dies joustei suntod. Posti- justi sunto. Postea manus dea manuis endojactio estod: injectio esto: in jus ducito. endo jous ducitod. Nei jou-Ni judicatum fecerit, aut dikatom faxsit, aut quips endo quis interea eum jure vineo im joured vindicit, secom dicarit, secum ducito, vinducitod, vincitod aut nesvo cito, aut nervo aut compediaut compedebos: XV pondo, bus: quindecim pondo, ne nei majosed, at sei volet mino- majore, at, si volet, minore, sed vincitod. Sei volet, sovod vincito. Si volet, suo vivito: vivitod: nei souod vivit, quei ni suo vivit, qui eum vinctum im vinctom habebit, libras habebit, libras farris in dies faris endo dies datod; sei volet, plous datod.

dato; si volet, plus dato.

Tab. 4.

Sei pater fidiom ter venom

Si pater filium ter venumduit, fidios af patre leiber det, filius a patre liber esto.. estod.

Tab. 5.

Sei pater familias intestato moritor, quoi sovos heres nec escit, acnatos proxsumos familiam habetod: sei acnatus nec escit, centileis familiam herciscuntod.

Si pater familias intestato moritur, cui suus hæres non erit, agnatus proximus familiam habeto: si agnatus non erit, gentiles familiam herciscunto.

Tab. 6.

Quom nexsom faxsit man- Cum quis nexum fecerit cipiomque, utei lincua noncu-mancipiumve, uti lingua pasit, ita jous estod. nuncupaverit ita jus esto.

Tab. 7.

Sei quips ocentasit, casmenve condisit, quod infamiam faxit flacitiomque alterei, fuste feritor. Quei malom casmen incantasit, malomque venenom faxsit duitve, kapital estod.

Si quis occentaverit, carmenve condiderit, quod infamiam fecerit flagitiumque alteri, fuste feritor. Qui malum carmen incantaverit malumque venenum fecerit dederitve, capitale esto.

Tab. 8.

Ambitus parietis estertios pes estod.

Inter vicinorum ædificia spatium duorum cum dimidio pedum relinquitor.

Preivileciad nei endoro

Tab. 9.

Privilegia ne irroganto.

jus esto.

Tab. 10.

cantod. Forctei sanateique Bono sanatoque civi idem siremps jous estod.

Sumtus luctumque af De- Sumtus luctumque ab orom Maniom joured remove-Deorum Manium jure retod. Quei coronam parit moveto. Qui coronam paipsos pequniave ejus virtutis ercod arduitor, et ipsei mortuo parentalebos ejus, dum intus positos escit, forisve exfertur, endoposita se frauded estod. Neive ausom arduitod, ast quoi auso denteis vinctei escunt im com olo sepelire urereve se frauded estod.

raverit ipse pecuniave, ejus virtutis ergo addatur, et ipsi mortuo parentalibus ejus, dum intus positus erit, forasve effertur, imposita sine. fraude esto.

Neve aurum addat, et cui auro dentes vincti erunt, eum cum illo sepelire urereve sine fraude


Tab. 11.

[blocks in formation]

IV. Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus.* (2.) Marcius L. F. S. (p.) Postumius, L. F. Cos., Senatum consuluerunt N. Octob. apud aedem Duelonai, Scribendo arfuerunt M. Claudius, M. F. L. Valerius, P. F. Q. Minucius, C. F. De Bacanalibus, quei foideratei esent, ita exdeicendum censuere. Nei quis eorum Bacanal habuise velet. Sei ques esent, quei sibei deicerent, necesus esse Bacanal habere, eeis utei ad Pr. urbanum Romam veni

* Merely a part of this is given.

rent, deque eeis rebus, ubei eorum utra* audita esent, utei senatus noster decerneret, dum ne minus Senatoribus C. adesent, (quom e) a res consoleretur. Bacas vir nequis adiese velet ceivis Romanus, neve nominis Latini, neve socium quisquam, nisi Pr. urbanum adiesent, isque de Senatus sententiad dum ne minus Senatoribus C. adesent, quom ea res consoleretur, jousisent, censuere. Sacerdos ne quis vir eset, magister neque vir neque mulier quisquam eset, neve pecuniam quisquam eorum comoinem (h) abuisse velet, &c.

* We should read probably verba.


The numbers indicate the paragraphs in brackets.

A (ab, abs, absque), its meaning,
304, 305, 306, 396.

a pedibus, ab epistolis, a rationibus
esse, and similar phrases, 305,
in fin.

a principio, 304.

a puero, a pueris, 304, a., ab in-
tio, 304.

a Platone, and similar expres-
sions, 304, b.

abalienare, construction of, 468.
abest mihi, 420, note, 469. Non

multum abest quin, 540. Tan-
tum abest ut-ut, 779.
abhinc, 478, and note.
abhorrere, construction of, 468.
abbreviation, in case of several
persons having the same prae-
nomen and cognomen, 785.
ablative, with passive verbs, 451.
Ablativus instrumenti, 455. Ab-
lativus causalis, 452. Paraphra-
sed by the partic. perf. passive,
454, 719. Ablative denoting
price or value, 456. Ablat. de-
noting in regard to, 457. Ablat.
with verbs denoting abundance
or want, 460. Ablat. with the
adject. full and empty, 462.
Ablat. of quality, 471. Ablati-

vus modi, 472. Ablat. denoting
the time when? 475. Ablat.
denoting how long before or
after? 476, foll. Ablat. in an-
swer to the question, "how
long before the present time?"
478. To the question, "in
what time?" 479. Ablat. de-
noting duration of time, 396.
Ablat. of place, 481. Ablat. in
poetry and prose, instead of ex
or a with the ablat., 481, 482.
Ablat. with comparatives, 483.
Ablat. of measure, 488. Ablat.

absolute, 640, foll. ; formed
with the partic. fut., 643. Ab-
lat. absolute in passive con-
structions has no reference to
the subject, 640. Ablatives
absolute, of which the subject
occurs in the leading proposi-
tion, are rare, 641. Ablat. of
the partic. perf. pass. as ablat.
absolute, 647. Ablat. absolute
as an adverb, 648. Ablat. of
the gerund denoting instru-
mentality, 667. Ablat. of the
gerund with ab, de, ex, in, pro,

abscissum and abscisum, 189.
absolvere, with the genit., 446.
abstinere, 145; construction, 468.
abstract nouns used for concrete

ones, 675.
abundare, construction of, 460.
abunde, 267; with the genitive,

ac, use of, 332, foll.; instead of

quam, 340. Ac and atque after
aeque, juxta, &c., 340.
accedere, construction of, 415.
accedit ut, 621, 622; accedit quod,

accent of final syllables, 34. Ac-
cent in verse, 828.

accidit ut, 621.
accipere, with the participle fu-
ture, 653.

accusare, with the genit., 446.
accusative, 382; with intransit.
verbs, 383-386; with imper-
sonal verbs, 390. Accusativus
Graecus, 458; the same in
prose, 459. Accus. denoting
space and time, 395. Accus.
in answer to the question,
"how long before the present
time?" 478. Aceus. without

a preposition in poetry, 401.
Accus. in exclamations, 402.
Accus. with prepositions, 404;
with the verbs of remembering
and reminding, &c., 439, 440.
Accus. of the subject in the
construction of the accus. with
the infinit., 605. Accus. with
neuter verbs indicating a par-
ticular part, 458. Accus. to
denote dress, 458. Accus. in
relative clauses with the accus.
with the infinit., 774. Accus.
of the gerund, 666.
accusative with the infinit. as sub-
ject or object, 600; as nomi-
nat. of the predicate, 600, note;
with the verbs of saying, decla-
ring, &c., 602; after relative
pronouns and conjunctions, in-
stead of the subjunctive, 603;
used as an exclamation or a
question expressed with indig-
nation, 609; alternates with
ut, 620.
Difference between
the accus. with the infinit. and
the accus. of the gerund, 655.
acquiescere, construction of, 415,

ac non, 334, 781.

ac si, with the subjunctive, 572.
active verbs used as deponents,
207, note.

ad, meaning of, 296; with the
gerund, 666.

ad id locorum, 434.

ad tempus, meaning of, 296.
ad unum omnes, phrase, 296.
adde quod, 628.

adeo, meaning of, 281.
adesse, construction of, 415.
adhibere, construction of, 416.
adhuc, meaning of, 292; adhuc
locorum, 434.

adjectives, used as adverbs, 266,
383, in fin., 682; used substan-
tively, 363; their neuter gen-
der with substantives of other
genders, 368; used for adverbs
of place, 685; used for ordinal
adverbs, 686. Adject. deno-
ting origin, 683. Adject. with-
out a substantive in the con-


struction of the ablat. absolute,
645, 646, 648. Adjective, po-
sition of, 683, 793, 796. Ad-
jectives derived from proper
names, and used instead of the
genitive of the latter, 684. The
same is not frequent in the
case of adjectives derived from
appellative nouns, 684, note.
Construction of two adjectives
being compared with each oth-
er, 690. Adjectives from which
no adverbs are formed, 267.
Adjectives in arius, 684, note.
Adjectives formed from names
of towns, 255, 256. Relative
adjectives, their construction
with the infinit. is poetical,
598, 659, in fin.
adipisci, 466.

adire, construction of, 387.
adjutare, construction of, 388,


adjuvare, with the accusat., 388.
admonere, construction of, 439;
with ut or the accusat. with
the infinit., 615.
adolescentia, 675.

adscribo, orthography of, 325.
adspergere, construction of, 418.
adulari, construction of, 389, 413.
advenire and adventare, construc-
tion of, 489.

adverbs in e, 263; in o, 264; in
ter, 265; in im, 268; in itus,
269; with double terminations,
265, note. Adverbs in the form
of neuters, 266. Adverbs in
the form of a particular case,
and in composition, 270. Ad-
verbs of place with a genitive,
434. Adverbs joined to sub-
stantives, 262, note; used as
prepositions, 276; with parti-
ciples, 722. Ordinal adverbs
instead of numeral adverbs,

adversus, meaning of, 299.
ae, diphthong, 2.
aedes, ellipsis of, 762.
aemulari, construction of, 389,
note 3, 413.
aequalis, construction of, 411.

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