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The Great V shows Spirit descending into matter until it becomes immeshed in bodies of each of the planes, then it turns its face toward the Father again, and by conquering the planes one by one mounts on its way back to the Father from whom it came.

The horizontal lines divide the planes but simply for the sake of clearness in study. The matter really interpenetrates and the matter of all planes is to be found in any given spot at any time. These planes simply refer to matter in different degrees of density.

On the highest plane we have the Three Great Outpourings of the Solar Logos (God) as they are directed toward the seven planes directly concerning us. There are still higher and higher Great Ones, but the Bible does not dwell upon that except to recognize the Hierarchies in a general way.

Yod, I, is a masculine potency and is the Will aspect of the Logos.

H, Hevah, translated Eve, is the Love Wisdom aspect of the creative form producing power of the Universe, spoken of by the Christian as the "Son."

V H, We He, is the great creative activity of the Logos spoken of by the Christian as the Holy Spirit. This outpouring brought into being the perfected atom of each plane making possible the form producing work.

The seven Sephiroth are the seven attributes of God, or the seven great creative Agents of the Logos manifesting those attributes. The seven Planetary Logoi. The Archetypal Man lies upon the Buddhic or Christ Plane and the evolving man rises to that plane when he conquers matter and becomes the Master of Compassion.

On this Buddhic Plane the descending Ego lay till provided with a body by Lord Jehovah, who gave him a mental body.

The symbolism makes the Mental Plane the Dust Land, and Adam was given a body of dust, so he is the Dust Adam of H. P. B.

On the Astral, or Emotional and Desire Plane, the Sand Land of the allegory, we find H. P. B.'s "Shadow Adam." Matter has become so dense that it hampers the Spirit and its vibration begin to control. "The Woman" (body) "Thou gavest me she did it."

The Physical Plane is the Black Land, the Land of Cush, Egypt, the Wilderness of Ignorance. Here is fought the great battle of Spirit and matter. At last the day comes when the Spirit turns its face toward the Father who sent it out, and then begins to mount by conquering each plane.

Moses is symbol of the perfected Physical as well as the great Manu of the fifth root race. His number is 345, the number of

God's back.

543 is the number of God's face.

543 plus 345 makes 888, the number of the Christ. Perfect Man and perfect God make the Christ Man.

The Soul or Causal Body is built by man's efforts to get back to God, and can be lost, but the Spirit must return to God who sent it out.

IHT, the symbol of Jesus, may be read God the Father and God the Son working on the Desire Plane. 318, his number, means purity.

MSS, symbol of Moses, may be read Matter with double amount of Wisdom.

Mäia means Matter or Mother.



What is the key note of the Bible? Is it possible to find a key note in these sixty-five books that we call our Bible? These books supposed to be written by all sorts and conditions of men, during many different periods in the world's history, written by men who, in many instances, could have no way of knowing anything about their predecessors, nor could they have foreseen the destiny of their work, unless they were unusually gifted seers; can it be possible that there is a unifying chord running through such a tangled mass of strings, as many have considered these stories to be? To the writer there is a chord that sounds clear and true from cover to cover of the "Dear Old Book." If summed up in one word, perhaps no word can be used, that will so aptly convey the idea, as the simple word "Christ," if by the word Christ we mean man made God.

In the first chapter of Genesis we see the perfect thought form of Elohim manifesting. They are the architypes, or patterns, of the seven great kingdoms of nature, as they will ultimately become in the long course of evolution.

In the second chapter, beginning with the fourth verse, we see the Lord Jehovah beginning his work of starting the great evolutionary march by which these kingdoms are to gain perfection, which is the destiny shown to be theirs upon the higher planes. The egos of humanity have already advanced up to the human stage upon another chain of planets, and are now lying upon the Buddhic Plane ready for their start upon this earth. Lord Jehovah forms for them bodies of mental matter, and breathes into them the breath of life and they become "Living Souls," not Physical bodies. By desire they bring themselves down upon the Astral Plane, and the Lord Jehovah gives them an astral body to help them manifest there. Then as they gratify

desire they drop into Physical bodies that are waiting for them, having evolved up from the lower kingdoms. Lord Jehovah then wraps about them the skins of animals, or their own physical skins. All is in the plural, and is the story of the descent of Spirit into matter in order to manifest.

In the experiences of the Hebrews, we see the typical stages by which man must mount on his way back to the God from whom he came. In their struggles against the bondage of Egypt (bondage of the lower nature) through the wilderness of ignorance, they slowly learn the law by experience, and from the teachings of the great Moses (Lord Jehovah) they learn that the gratification of the desires brings only disgust. At the same time they develop intellect, and at last they find themselves upon the bank of the Jordan or the descending flood of their own degenerative tendencies. Here it is that Moses lays his hands upon the shoulders of Joshua (Jesus) and that compassionate brother takes charge of the race to teach them that by purification alone can they attain the higher planes of consciousness that it is their destiny to reach. Jesus seems to be used as a type of the Masters, many of whom are shown as remaining with us and sharing in this great work for humanity. Here and there sporadic instances occur, where we see one of the people transcending the natural development of the race, and to these we see the great Initiations given, and the Initiate at once enters the work of helping the Great Ones in their effort to teach and assist humanity. In fact the whole of the book that we call Bible is the story of the typical stages in the life of humanity, not anywhere is personality accentuated. 'Tis all the story of you and of me, in the day that we attain the place that these experiences naturally develop. It is the story of the fall of spirit into matter, and its struggle to get back to God. The story of your life and my life, just as truly as it is the story of the lives of the Great Ones who preceded us upon the path.

All of the stories are in a sense historical, but when they happened is not at present revealed to us. They are used to convey a spiritual truth that is greater than any mere historic occurrence could possibly be. The Great Initiations of the Great Ones who have been the guides of humanity during the ages, are clearly shown, and the trials and victories by which

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