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he hath the animal soul." (Here is the animal man was commanded to sacrifice.)

So when Adam said to Lord Jehovah, "The woman Thou gavest me she did it," he simply meant, this new body that You gave me, she did it and passed the experience on to me her higher self.

By breaking the law humanity finds themselves so naked of experience that they know not what to do next, so they hide from Lord Jehovah in fear. Breaking the law has also blinded their clear sight upon the higher planes. When the Lord Jehovah comes they can see Him but faintly, and it seems as though the dusk of evening had settled down upon them, as indeed it had, because by breaking law they have densified matter and soon their sight of those higher planes will be cut entirely off.

In the curse of the serpent we see the distinct cleavage of the Mental Plane. There will ever be a lower and a higher Mental Plane. although in a sense they are really one. The serpent, or teacher, or the Wisdom, is represented as creeping when manifesting upon the lower Mental Plane. Of dust shall she eat, or of mental matter, and Humanity will now gain wisdom only as he stumbles over the serpent in hidden places and feels the pain of the experience.

Unto woman, or the desire body (remember woman is the manifestation of the Second Person of the Trinity upon any plane), "Thy desire shall be to thine husband" or thy higher self (Thy maker is thine husband") "and he shall rule over thee."

Unto Adam, "cursed" (or bound by the law of cause and effect), "is the ground for thy sake." That is, since you will have it so, you will have to learn to conquer this plane according to law. "In sorrow shalt thou eat of it, in the sweat" (or emanations) "of thy head shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the ground, for dust thou art, to dust shalt thou return.” That is, by intellectual comprehension must he learn to get his bread according to law, for of dust, or of mental matter is he made, and to the Mental Plane must he return. And Humanity called his wife's name Eve because she was "the mother of all living, in the sense that she was the H, Hevah, the symbol of the Second Great Outpouring, the form producing outpouring, as stated else

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where. ("In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Without Him was not anything made that was made." John 1, 1. This is the great woman of Scripture. The great creative Love Wisdom Out Flow no matter where manifested. In this case it manifested as vehicles in which man could manifest.

Humanity by gratifying desire, has sunken into animal bodies or, perhaps I should say, physical bodies. These bodies have been evolving up from the animal kingdom, so Lord Jehovah does not make any new ones now; He only wraps about them the skins of animals, their own skins, or circumscribes their development.

H. P. B. says that the first men were very fluidic, but the day came when their development was definitely checked by a thickening of the outer layers of the atoms of their bodies. I am not attempting to quote exactly, as I have not the book at hand.

Man was driven out of the Garden of Eden by his own rebellion against law, and will only be able to return when by ages of experience he learns how to be able to grasp the handle of the sword of spiritual truth that he might have had by abiding in the law all of the time.

And humanity knew Eve (became accustomed to his new vehicles), and they conceived and bare Cain Abel the dualnatured first really physical race, H. P. B. tells us.

When Eve, the vehicle of humanity, brought forth the child she said, "I have gotten a man with IHVH"; that is, I have gotten a man with the Spirit of God within.

Abel means Spirit, and Cain means Possessor. It is the dualnatured humanity. The first human race is born. Abel, the spiritual nature of man, naturally becomes a keeper of sheep or a teacher of the more evolved, and would gladly put his animal nature upon the altar in service to God; but Cain, the strongly physical Cain, will offer up the first fruits of the earth, or anything else, but his animal nature, never. When the Spirit within remonstrates he kills his Abel (Spirit) and buries it beneath the earth, or his dense physical. His animal propensities are in the ascendant.

The curse is, because he has done this thing the natural law of cause and effect will force him to be a wanderer in the land; that is, he will have to reincarnate many times in the physical body, and wander upon the Physical Plane, until he learns the lesson

that his animal nature is his reasonable offering to God. It will take him ages to learn this lesson, hence the necessity of reincarnation.

He dwelt in the land of Nod (wandering) on the east of Eden, on the side of intellectual understanding.

And Cain knew his wife (became used to his new bodies), and brought forth a new sub race called Enoch, and the race Cain built a city and called it Enoch after the new sub race.

Hindoo writings say that when the bodies were ready the most evolved of the egos who were coming down into incarnation refused to use them, and then the mindless ones rushed in. Probably these are the ones referred to in the Bible by the race Cain. It was no doubt the great Lemurian race.

That these are the people is shown by that quaint old allegory of Lamech and his two wives (physical and astral bodies), Adah (ornament, physical body), Zellah (shadow, or astral body). Adah bare such as dwell in tents (have bodies), and Zillah bare Tubal Cain, the forger of every cutting instrument of brass, and iron, or every instrument of destruction and judgment. Through desire cometh judgment and destruction. In this little poem we see violence ushered in.

In Seth we have the great fourth root race. For nine hundred and thirty years these egos kept dropping into incarnation, and now men began to call upon Jehovah.

In the genealogy of Seth that follows may be discerned the seven sub-races of the fourth root race, but space forbids our handling it at this time.



In the genealogy, by looking up the meaning of the personal nouns, we find a very different story told than the one seen at first sight. We have not the time to trace them at length, but note that Japheth settles the Coast Lands and becomes the traders of the race, the intellectual, material, strongly practical people.

The sons of Ham settle in the Land of Shinar (the Land of Two Rivers). Two rivers symbolize the consciousness of the people.

The reader will remember that of the four rivers of Wisdom that flowed from the Garden of Eden, the two lower watered the Physical and Desire planes, so the people designated Ham live upon only the Physical and Emotional Plane.

The allegory of the Tower of Babel (Gate of God) brings this out.

The whole earth, we are told, were of one language (they understood the symbolic language), so the people of the Land of Two Rivers (Shinar) at once tried to discover the Mysteries for themselves although they had only brick (hardened physical natures) for stone (Masters of Compassion) and slime (low physical desires) had they for mortar (which should be universal love and wisdom). So they were deprived of the knowledge of the symbolic language to prevent their injuring themselves by handling holy things with impure hands, and bringing upon themselves the destruction that Atlantis had suffered for the same fault.

We will trace the line of Shem, the second sub-race, as it gradually evolved during the ages.

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Remember Shem means "the name, and the race that descended from this line were the priestly class. The name of Shelah means petition or prayer, and from prayer is begotten

Eber, or Heber, those who crossed over, or developed the new race characteristics. In Peleg we see division, the two races became markedly different, or possibly a new sub-race appears. Serug, a branch, begets Nahor, a snorter, a name sometimes used in India today for Yoga, and the Yoga begets Terah, which means station, or stopping place.

We find Terah lives two hundred and fifty years in idolatry. Idolatry means the worship of an image. Man is made in the image of God, so idolatry meant primarily worship of self, or selfishness.

Terah, this stopping place of selfishness, begets Abram, exalted father; Nahor, another Yoga, and Haran, a mountaineer, or high Initiate, one high in spirituality.

Ur means God or light, Chaldea means intellectuality; so when Abram was called from Ur of Chaldea he was called from the God of the intellect and goes to the land of Canaan (land of humility, low-lying land). From this land of humility he gradually mounts to Haran, or the spiritual heights, at which time Lord IHVH appears to him; Terah follows Abram to Haran but he dies on the spiritual heights-he cannot stand that altitude. Lord Jehovah, on the Manu, the manifestation of IHVH, appears to him and enters into an agreement with him that his seed shall cover the earth, but he must leave his kindred, or the stopping place of material intellectuality.

Lot means wrapped in a veil or covering. He is the son of Haran the High Initiate, the grandson of Bethuel, the dweller in God, and nephew of the Yoga, Nahor. Lot evidently refers to the esoteric branch of a great religious system, as well as to the great hierophant who led it. Just who this Great One was I have not been able to quite determine from the information given us in the Bible, but if Abraham is Master Moro, then Lot must be Master Koot Hoomi, for Mr. Leadbeater shows those two leading great emigrations of the race southward in the "Lives."

Legend tells us that Abram was a great prince. Some of the Legends of ancient Damascus claim that he at one time ruled that city for a time, coming along with an army and stopping quite a number of years, then taking his people he departed as he had come. The Arab and Mohammedan generally, believe that Abraham was one of their great leaders. To this day they call him

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