Caii Sallustii Crispi Catilina et Jugurtha, an ed. for schools by C. Merivale |
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Pagina xv
... cases . Possibly the principle may be thought to be violated in the retention of the older form adtineo for attineo , & c .; and also in writing lubido , Sulla , and perhaps some other words according to the more an- cient orthography ...
... cases . Possibly the principle may be thought to be violated in the retention of the older form adtineo for attineo , & c .; and also in writing lubido , Sulla , and perhaps some other words according to the more an- cient orthography ...
Pagina xvii
... case either with one or the other of these eminent critics . In two or three places I have ven- tured to omit a gross expression ; a course which for my own part I could wish to see more extensively adopted in an age when the reading of ...
... case either with one or the other of these eminent critics . In two or three places I have ven- tured to omit a gross expression ; a course which for my own part I could wish to see more extensively adopted in an age when the reading of ...
Pagina 10
... case generally with human affairs . " Mortalium may be gen . of mortalia , or of mortales , i . e . homines . 7 Metu perculsi . The common no- tion that percussus refers to the body , perculsus , to the mind , is erroneous . Either word ...
... case generally with human affairs . " Mortalium may be gen . of mortalia , or of mortales , i . e . homines . 7 Metu perculsi . The common no- tion that percussus refers to the body , perculsus , to the mind , is erroneous . Either word ...
Pagina 11
... cases the subject of the sentence conduces to , or has for its object that which is put in the genit . with the future par- ticiple ; and the genitive attributes to it a certain quality , function or ten- dency . But where the genitive ...
... cases the subject of the sentence conduces to , or has for its object that which is put in the genit . with the future par- ticiple ; and the genitive attributes to it a certain quality , function or ten- dency . But where the genitive ...
Pagina 15
... case to be ablat . and not accus . Ovid . Met . vii . 22. quid in hospite regia virgo ureris ? Trist . v . 2. 26 . lenis in hoste fuit . Virg . Æn . ii . 541 . Talis in hoste fuit Priamo . The accus . would signify , " towards , " the ...
... case to be ablat . and not accus . Ovid . Met . vii . 22. quid in hospite regia virgo ureris ? Trist . v . 2. 26 . lenis in hoste fuit . Virg . Æn . ii . 541 . Talis in hoste fuit Priamo . The accus . would signify , " towards , " the ...
Parole e frasi comuni
ætatem Africa afterwards animus armis authority belli bello bellum Bocchus Cæs Cæsar called Cambridge case Catil Catilina Ceterum Cicero Cimbri Cirta citizens city cloth Comp construction consul consulship cujus cuncta death equites erant esset exercitum facere first form found generally good great hæc Hence Hist hostes hostibus hostium Italy jubet Jugur Jugurtha Livy Lucan made magis Marius means Metellus military milites name neque nobles Numidæ Numidarum Numidia office omnibus opposed order party passage Patres conscripti paullo people perhaps person phrase place Plutarch Pompeius postquam postremo power præ prælio prælium præter præterea properly province public quæ read reading reipublicæ rempublicam republic right Romæ Roman Rome sæpe Sallust same says scil seems senate senatus sense sese sestertius sicuti simul sine Sulla tamen their time tion used Vell Virg vitæ word words year years Zama καὶ
Brani popolari
Pagina 83 - Omnis homines, patres conscripti, qui de rebus dubiis consultant, ab odio, amicitia, ira atque misericordia vacuos esse decet.
Pagina 17 - Igitur primo pecuniae, deinde imperi cupido crevit; ea quasi materies omnium malorum fuere. Namque avaritia fidem, probitatem ceterasque artis bonas subvortit; pro his superbiam, crudelitatem, deos neglegere, omnia venalia habere edocuit. Ambitio multos mortalis falsos fieri subegit, aliud clausum in pectore, aliud in lingua promptum habere, amicitias inimicitiasque non ex re, sed ex commodo aestumare, magisque voltum quam ingenium bonum habere.
Pagina 8 - ... statui res gestas populi Romani carptim, ut quaeque memoria digna videbantur, perscribere, — eo magis, quod mihi a spe, metu, partibus rei publicae animus liber erat.
Pagina 15 - Romano numquam ea copia fuit, quia prudentissumus quisque maxume negotiosus erat; ingenium nemo sine corpore exercebat; optumus quisque facere quam dicere, sua ab aliis benefacta laudari quam ipse aliorum narrare malebat.
Pagina 119 - ... eorum famam atque gloriam adaequaverit. At contra, quis est omnium his moribus, quin divitiis et sumptibus, non probitate neque industria cum majoribus suis contendat 1 etiam homines novi, qui antea per virtutem soliti erant nobilitatem antevenire, furtim et per latrocinia potius [quam bonis artibus] ad imperia et honores nituntur...
Pagina 18 - Putares Sullam venisse in Italiam non belli vindicem, sed pacis auctorem: tanta cum quiete exercitum per Calabriam Apuliamque cum singular! cura frugum, agrorum, hominum, urbium perduxit in Campaniam...
Pagina 181 - ... ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria ; ferre, si quid ad usum velint ; ferre vallum. Nam scutum, gladium, galeam in onere nostri milites non plus numerant, quam humeros, lacertos, manus. Arma enim membra militis esse dicunt.