Catalogue of the Library of Henry W. Poor ...: Sold ... 1908, Volumi 3-5

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Douglas Taylor & Company, 1909

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Brani popolari

Pagina 38 - History of New York, from the beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty.
Pagina 29 - Ended the second day of Juyll the xxii yere of the regne of Kynge Edward the Fourth, and of the Incarnacion of oure Lord a thousand four honderd foure score and tweyne.
Pagina 84 - THE STORY OF THE GLITTERING PLAIN, which has been also called The Land of the Living Men, or The Acre of the Undying.
Pagina 32 - A Letter from Mr. Gibber to Mr. Pope, Inquiring into the Motives that might induce him in his Satyrical Works, to be frequently fond of Mr. Cibber's Name.
Pagina 42 - The Story of Burnt Njal ; Or, Life in Iceland at the end of the Tenth Century.
Pagina 97 - A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880.
Pagina 120 - Table Talk : being the Discourses of JOHN SELDEN, Esq.; or his Sence of various Matters of weight and high consequence, relating especially to Religion and State.
Pagina 145 - MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS of JOHN CONINGTON, MA late Corpus Professor of Latin in the University of Oxford. Edited by JA SYMONDS, MA With a Memoir by HJS SMITH, MA 2 vols.

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