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to our Sister Miss Sung
it would have gone on hand
hand with our good Sister Helty
who is my fond of her -




on, - to you

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accompanied him up, you would have given your friends a satisfac- /
tion which nothing but Ocular Demonstration can give you a true
idea of. You well know, every thing in our power would have been
done to make the minutes pass Agreeably I am positive they would,
at the old place of your Nativity, in company with the Man of your
Heart, & your Affectionate Brethren. But why do I talk on a mat-
ter which is already passed-for no other reason but with great ex-
pectation, you may yet gratify us with your presence this Spring.
Can you have already forgotten the beauties of a fine morning in
the country-Can you have lost the sound of the little warblers-
which every morning surround our Mansion, and seemingly, with
various and most pleasing Notes, thank Almighty Providence for
the return of Spring-Can you in a word) forget every pleasing
idea, and many real enjoyments No, you cannot Come then (if
possible) my much loved Sister, to your Brothers & Sisters- Come
with your other self. Come with your Amiable Sister, friend &
Companion-Perhaps you never again, may see so many of your
friends together, in this now happy family. I do expect Mr. Simp-
son will be obliged to pay us another Visit between this and May ;-
for that reason it is that I say so much of your coming; but should
it be otherwig, and nothing more than I at present know of hap-
pens, I shall attend you, my good Sister, and once more see you at
your happy Seat. Tis late, & I am rather dull; if anything ap-
pears unconnected, look it over with that Sisterly Affection you are
wont to do. Hetty, as she generally does, has been reading what I
have wrote. She says: "Sammy, you have written very differently
from what your feelings are to night; which I think makes it ap-

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pear not so smart as some of your's that I have seen " I acknowl- of yours u/edge I am not in a humor for writing. My thoughts are turned


another way. I have something-of no little consequence on my
mind. I must bid you adieu; with a kind remembrance of our
friend & Sister, Miss Simpson & B'r Wm., Believe me, Dear Sally,
Affectionate Brother,

your very

No. 8.

To Mrs. Sarah Simpson i



MY DEAR SISTER-With impatience I have waited for an opportunity to write The wished for day has come.


Col. Pater

[blocks in formation]

at Halifax N.S. [or my ?]

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son, Adjutant-General to the Army under command of General
Howe, very politely offered to forward a letter to you, and as a Flagg
is to be sent in a day or two to Staten Island, I have taken the first'
leisure hour to assure you of my unalterable affection. My anxiety
on your and Peggy's account has been very great. I have much to
say, but the delicate situation we are in will prevent my giving you
a long, circumstantial letter. It shall be my endeavor to confine w/
myself to ideas, and sentiments that will not make it inconsistent
with Col. Paterson's duty to forward it. On the first intelligence
of General Howe's determination to leave Boston I wrote you, and
handed it in over the lines. Had it have reached you I am confident
Mr. Simpson never would have left Boston. On Sunday, the 17th
of March, we perceived the embarkation of the troops, and immedi-
ately entered the town in boats from the mouth of Cambridge River.
I soon obtained leave, and flew on the wings of impatience to the
well known mansion of my sisters and friends. Here would be a
place for me to describe the various emotions of my heart, &c. Let
your imagination paint, to you what I would, but cannot say.
brother Joe, who had come down on purpose to see and meet you,
entered the house with me.-The fair inhabitants had fled. The
house looked more like a covering for the dead than a habitation
for the living.



I waited on your friend Doctor Bulfinch, who gave me a particular account of Mr. Simpson's unsettled state of mind for several days before his departure. I can hardly forgive his conduct in doubting my affection, or imagining I should suffer him to be any ways ill treated or insulted by our army or the country people. He knew I was in the family of a gentleman* who held a principal command, and whose sentiments of generosity and humanity have never been disputed by his greatest enemies. By repeated indulgencies granted me,he must have imagined he would have protected any of my friends from ill treatment, Indeed there was not the most distant reason for any one who had acted in so neutral a line as Mr. Simpson to have quitted his mansion. That he differed in sentiment with us in the present most unhappy dispute, I was sensible, but had carefully avoided taking an active part in that situaation he might have continued. No one would have desired of him to have taken arms, he might have retired in the country, lived in

*Gen'l Putnam.


a circle of friends without ever having occasion to enter upon a
political subject, that he did not I am truly sorry. He, 'tis true, can
endure hardships, and ough it through this troubled scene; but for f
yourself and Peggy I feel excessively unhappy. Your sister mourns
your absence, and most ardently wishes for the day that may make
you happy in meeting. As soon as I found there was no probability
of your return from Nantasket Road, I carefully packed the spinnet,
desk, and book case, and other articles you left in the house and
sent them immediately to Wethersfield. In Peggy's desk I found
a number of papers, and little matter, which I carefully forwarded
to the care of her friend Miss H. at Wethersfield.

No. 9.

Your afft. brother,



HEADQUARTERS ON HARLEM HEIGHTS, 3d Oct., 1776. MY DEAR BR. :-I am not a little disappointed in not hearing from you by the post. I expected a circumstantial letter.

We have been up ever since two this morning, occasioned by our sentries firing on a reconnoitering party of the enemy. They then ran in and informed that the enemy were approaching. Our army were immediately turned out. A party of Rangers went out, fell in wh them and exchanged a few shot, without damage, when the enemy retired to their main body. I want my blue cloth immediately made into a coat. I have neither buttons, facings, lining or any other trimmings. These I beg you to forward me, or if you think Mr. Stanley can make it in the newest taste, agreeable to Gen'l Washington's new form, it will be more agreeable to me, and I will send you the cloth by next post. I am likewise in want of a a buff waistcoat and breeches. Mr. Stanley has my measure. I wish you to furnish the cloth and have them made. The waistcoat is to be made with skirts and full trimmed, as the General's dress has no belts to the waistcoat.

Should anything new turn up, you may expect the particulars from me. The gentlemen of the family desire their compliments. Remember me affectionately to my good sister, J. Webb, to Hetty, Jack and Abby and believe me, with unalterable affection yr friend and Br.


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A general court-martial has been sitting for three days past, trying one of the captains for not landing on Montressor's Island ye night young Henly fell. If our people are in a hanging mood I think he stands a chance to swing.

No. 10.

To Mrs. John Juntoon."


MY DEAR SISTER :-Your friendly and very affectionate letter,

dated New York, February 11th, I duly received. With sincerity I which, le.

can say, gave me more real satisfaction than any letter I ever read.
It gave us to know you were enjoying Heaven's greatest gift,
Health. That it may long continue,my ever dear sister, is the fer-
vent prayer of a fond brother. Inclosed you will find a letter wrote
for you last summer, while in New York. It would have been for-
warded but for particular reasons which you may hereafter know.

Joe and myself have this afternoon given up church to do the
last friendly office to our much loved brother and sister, that is to
give them our free, candid and impartial advice. is impartial
because I am not interested (only in general terms for your welfare).
"Tis candid, for it comes from a heart that despises dissimulation,
and feels too sensibly for its partakers. Without further prelude, my
dear Sally, let me tell you, for your present and future happiness in
this world (futurity in another belongs to God alone) to come if pos
sible to the tender embraces of your numerous friends and acquaint-
ance Persuade your good husband, Sister Peggy and brother Wm.
that here they may find domestic ease and happiness. I would most
cheerfully add your brethe in de Jonathan; but that I know his
conduct has been very exceptionable, and he might be liable to in-
sult. But for brother Jack and family I will be answerable, even
with life. He never has been censured but for one thing, which was,
his leaving Boston in preference to trusting himself and interest to
his friends here. But for this I have given sufficient reasons to those
who have been the enquirers. If he comes, he at once collects all
his debts, sets down in ease, and[has]a genteel sufficiency for a coun-
try life,'till this cruel and unnatural war is at an end. If other ways
and he still prefers the noise and bustle of an Army, and the gay
scenes of a town without order, he must abide the consequences. I
will even go so far as to suppose Britain will conquer in the end
(which by Heaven I think is supposing an impossibility),where then

+ New York

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is the money due him in this State? No better to him than if sunk in the sea. Suppose on the contrary, he comes out and they conquer, surely his conduct has been so unexceptionable towards the on the part of Crown, that his own property will be safe. If he comes out—no one can doubt but he may collect his interest and dispose of it agreeable to his mind. But should you conclude still to follow the British Army, let us make another much the most probable supposition, -that America will rise triumphant and rout the cruel invaders of its once happy shores from the continent, where then are you?— Gone to enjoy Britain's fall, and consequently her troubles. For God's sake, my dear brother and sister and friend, believe me truly sincere, if there is truth in a human being I declare I have no interest in view but yours. That it will add to my happiness to see you here I honestly and freely confess. Hetty, Joe, in a word all a/ your friends,-feel extremely unhappy the expectation and present prospect we have of soon seeing you all.


no t

[Torn and defaced so as to be illegible for many lines.]

I have much to say. The sum and substance I have given you. 'Tis impossible for me to give you my sentiments now, so fully as I hope to soon. Again, my dear sister, let me tell you to come. Send word to me when, What day you will be out, and I will meet you at the lines, prepared to convey Mr. S. Miss P. and Mr. Wm. S. to this happy mansion. Should you conclude on this, inform the bearer, Capt. W if it cannot be done while he is town and you Should afterwards conclude,-you must find some safe and certain conveyance to give us notice.

Hetty now sits leaning on my shoulder-and begs me to write as full as possible-however enough is said, remember me affectionately to your good Mr. S. Miss P... y & Wm.

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If Brymer is in existence, tell him God bless him.-his old friend S. B. W. has not forgotten him. I wish you lasting peace and happiness.

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Yours very Affectionately


what he says to you on the subject, you

may rely on hum as a

friend of the family's,

and one who would not advise contrary to

what he tho's their Interest.

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