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Caměra, ae, f., a vault, arched roof, an arch. Camers, ertis, adj., Camertian, of Camerīnum. Subst., a Camertian, citizen of Camerīnum in Umbria.

Campus, i, m., a plain; open field. Campus or Campus Martius, the field of Mars, where the comitia were held.

Canis, is, m. and f., a dog. Cano, ĕre, cecini, cantum, tr. and intr., to sing; to play, sound, blow. Signa canunt, the signals sound, or are given. Capesso, ĕre, ivi, itum, tr. (capio), to take, lay hold of, seize ; to undertake. Capessere rem publicam, to engage in public affairs, to undertake affairs of state.

Capio, ĕre, cepi, captum, tr., to take, receive; to seize; to overtake, reach; to hold, contain; to acquire, obtain; to charm, captivate; to deceive, take in, entrap. Rem publicam capere, to seize (the government of) the state. Capitālis, e, adj. (caput), capital.

Res capitalis, a capital crime. Capito, onis, m. See Gabinius. Capitolium, i, n. (caput), the Capitol, the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline hill in Rome. Also, the hill itself, mons Capitoli

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Captivus, a, um, adj. (capio), captive, captured. As a noun, a prisoner, a captive.

Capto, are, avi, ātum, tr. freq. (capio), to catch at, to catch; to strive for, seek to obtain. Capua, ae, f., a city of Campania. Caput, itis, n., a head, person; life. Capite censi (rated by the head), the poorest class of Roman citizens, who in the assessments were rated at nothing, but merely numbered as citizens.

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Carcer, ĕris, m., a prison. Carĕo, ĕre, ui, itum, intr., to want, to be without, be in want of, be free from, destitute of; to abstain from.

Carina, ae, f., the keel of a ship. Caro, carnis, f., flesh. Carptim, adv. (carpo), in detached parts, separately, in separate parts. Carthaginiensis, e, adj., Carthaginian. Carthaginienses, ium, m. pl., the Carthaginians. Carthago, inis, f., Carthage, a city of Africa.

Carus, a, um, adj., dear, precious,

costly; beloved, valued. Carum aestimare, to value highly. Cassius, i, m., Lucius Cassius, a Roman praetor, distinguished for the soundness and wisdom of his decisions. Cassius, i, m., Lucius Cassius Longinus, a Roman senator confederate with Catiline. Castellanus, a, um, adj. (castellum), of or pertaining to a castle or fortress. Castellani, ōrum, the occupants of a castle or fortress; a garrison. Castellum, i, n., dim. (castrum, a castle), a castle, fortress, fort. Castra, ōrum, n. pl., a camp, encampment.

Casurus, a, um, part. from cado. Casus, ús, m. (cado), a fall; misfortune, disaster, calamity; an event, case, circumstance, accident, chance; occasion, opportunity. Pro meo casu, considering my situation, circumstances. Catabathmos, i, m., a declivity, gradual descent; a sloping valley (according to Sallust) between Egypt and Africa; the Catabathmos.

Catēna, ae, f., a chain.
Caterva, ae, f., a troop, crowd,
band, multitude, concourse.
Catervâtim, adv. (caterva), in

troops, in crowds, in companies. Catilina, ae, m., Lucius Sergius







Catiline, the originator of the Catilinarian conspiracy. Cato, onis, m., Marcus Porcius Cato, often called Cato the younger, to distinguish him from his grandfather, Cato the censor. Catulus, i, m., Quintus Lutatius Catulus, a Roman senator of great dignity and influence. Causa, ae, f., a cause, reason, ground; a pretext, pretence, excuse; occasion, motive; a cause, case, suit or process at law. Causa, with gen., on account of, for the sake or purpose of. Cavěo, ére, cavi, cautum, tr. and intr., to beware, take heed; to be on one's guard; to take care; to avoid, shun. With a, or ab, to guard against. Cecidi. Cecidi. See Caedo. Cedo, ĕre, cessi, cessum, tr. and intr., to give place, give way, yield, withdraw, retire, depart; to cede, give up, concede, grant; to submit; to retreat, fly; to turn out, succeed, result, issue. Celebratus, a, um, part. and adj. (celebro), celebrated, extolled, distinguished; solemnized, frequented.

See Cado.

Celebro, are, avi, åtum, tr. (celěber), to frequent, resort to; to celebrate, solemnize; to praise, extol, honor, render illustrious or distinguished.

Celer, ĕris, m., Quintus Metellus

Celer, a Roman praetor. Celeritas, atis, f. (celer, swift), swiftness, speed, quickness, celerity.

Cenātus, a, um (part. from ceno), having dined. Ceno, are, avi, ātum, tr. and intr. (cena), to take a meal, to dine, eat; to eat, dine upon. Censeo, êre, ui, sum, tr., to rate, assess, tax; to appraise, estimate, value; to judge, think, consider; to be of opinion; to decree, ordain, vote,

Censor, ōris, m. (censeo), a censor, a Roman magistrate whose duty it was to take the census, and to watch over the morals of the people.

Centum, num. adj. indec., a hundred.

Centuria, ae, f., a century, hundred of any thing; a division of troops, a company, century; a division of the Roman people, a century.

Centurio, onis, m. (centuria), a centurion, a captain of a century or hundred. Cepi. See Capio. Cera, ae, f., wax. Cerno, ĕre, crevi, cretum, tr., to perceive, discern, distinguish, see; to decide, determine, judge, decree; to contend. Certamen, inis, n. (certo), a contest, strife, contention; dispute, dissension; a battle, engagement; competition. Certatim, adv. (certo), earnestly, eagerly, emulously.

Certe, adv. (certus), at least; certainly, for certain, assuredly. Certo, adv. (certus), certainly, for certain, assuredly.

Certo, are, avi, ātum, intr., to contend, strive, vie, struggle, fight. Certatur, the contest is carried on, they contend. Certus, a, um, adj., determined, settled; certain, sure; safe, trustworthy. Certiorem facere, to inform. Certior fieri, to be informed.

Cetěrus, a, um, adj., the other, the rest, the rest of.

Cetěra, acc. pl., in other respects, as for the rest. Ceterum, adv. and conj. (ceterus), as for the rest, in other respects, otherwise; but, moreover. Cethegus, i, m., Caius Cornelius Cethegus, a Roman senator confederate with Catiline. Cibus, i, m., food, nourishment, aliment, victuals, meat,

Cicatrix, icis, f., a scar, cicatrice.
Cicero, onis, m., Marcus Tullius
Cicero, the greatest of Roman


Cimbricus, a, um, adj., Cimbrian,
pertaining to the Cimbri.
Cinna, ae, m., Lucius Cornelius
Cinna, an associate of Marius in
the civil wars, noted for his

fero), to

Citerior, íus, super. citimus

(cis), nearer, hither, on this side. Cito, adv. (citus), soon, quickly, speedily, shortly.

Citus, a, um, part. and adj. (from cieo, to excite), excited; swift, quick, rapid, at full speed. Civilis, e, adj. (civis), of or belonging to a citizen, civil. Civilia studia, civil contentions.

Circiter, prep. with the acc. and Civis, is, m. and f., a citizen.
adv., about, near.
Circueo. See Circumeo.
Circum, adv. and prep. with the
acc., around, about, near.
Circuitus, a, um, part. from cir-
cueo, or circumeo.
Circumdo, ăre, dědi, dătum, tr.
(circum do), to put, place or
set around, to surround, encom-
pass, invest, environ.
Circumeo, ire, ii and ivi, circui-
tum, irreg. tr. and intr. (circum
eo), to go around; to sur-
round, encompass.
Circumfěro, ferre, tuli, latum,
irreg. tr. (circum
carry round.
Circumfundo, ĕre, füdi, fúsum,
tr. (circumfundo), to pour
around, crowd around; to sur-
round; encompass,
Circumsideo or circumsedeo,
ére, ědi, essum, tr. and intr.
(circumsedeo), to sit around;
to besiege, invest.
Circumspecto, āre, āvi, ātum, tr.
and intr. freq. (circumspecto),
to look round or about; to look
upon or regard with suspicion,
to observe cautiously.
Circumspicio, ĕre, exi, ectum,
tr. and intr. (circumspecio),
to look round, take heed; to ex-
amine closely, weigh carefully.
Circumvenio, ire, ēni, entum, tr.
(circumvenio), to surround,
encompass, invest; to beset, op-
press, ensnare; to circumvent,
deceive, defraud, betray.
Cirta, ae, f., Cirta, a city of Nu-

Civitas, atis, f. (civis), a state, a
city; the citizens of a state or
city; citizenship, the freedom
of the city.

Clades, is, f., injury, misfortune, disaster; overthrow, defeat, discomfiture; slaughter, massacre, destruction.

Clam, adv., privately, privily,
secretly, stealthily. Also, prep.
with the accus. or abl., without
the knowledge of.

Clamor, ōris, m. (clamo), a loud
cry, shout, shouting, outery;
noise, clamor, din.
Claritudo, inis, f. (clarus), clear-
ness, distinctness; splendor;
fame, renown, glory.
Clarus, a, um, adj., clear, bright,
splendid; loud, distinct; mani-
fest, evident; renowned, famous,

Classis, is, f., a fleet; a class or

division of the Roman people. Ex classibus,according to classes. Claudo, ĕre, si, sum, tr., to shut,

close, confine, inclose; to surround, encompass; to finish. Clavis, is, f. (claudo), a key. Clemens, entis, adj., mild, gentle,

merciful; quiet, placid, calm. Clementia, ae, f. (clemens), mildness, gentleness, clemency, mercy, kindness. Cliens, entis, m., a client, one under the protection of a patron; a retainer, dependent. Clientela, ae, f. (cliens), clientship, the relation of client to patron; a client, dependent. Cn., an abbreviation of Cnaeus.

Cnaeus, i, m. (pronounced Ne-us),

a Roman pracnomen. Coactus, a, um, part. from Cogo. Coaequo, àre, āvi, ātum, tr. (con +aequo), to make even or level; to level.

Coalesco, ĕre, lui, litum, intr. (conalesco), to grow together, coalesce, blend, unite; to agree. Coarguo, ĕre, ui, tr. (con + arguo), to show, prove, demonstrate; to convince, convict; to disprove, confute.

Cochlea or Coclěa, ae, f., a snail.
Coctus, a, um, part. from Coquo.
Cocus, i, m.
See Coquus.
Coëgi. See Cogo.
Coelum, i, n.

See Caelum.

Coeno, are, avi, atum. See Ceno. Coepi, defec. verb, I began, I commenced. Instead of coepi, coeptus est is preferred before a passive infinitive.

Coeptus, a, um, part. from Coepi. Coërceo, ere, ui, itum, tr. (con + arceo), to keep in, confine, restrain, check, curb, repress; to shut up, surround, embrace. Cogito, are, avi, ātum, tr. and intr. (con agito), to revolve in the mind, think, ponder, reflect, consider, meditate.

Cognatio, onis, f. (cognatus), relationship by blood; relationship, kindred. Cognatus, a, um, adj. (con +natus, from nascor), related by blood, kindred, cognate, akin. As a noun, a relation, relative, kinsman.

Cognitus, a, um, part. and adj. (cognosco). Adj., known, proved, tried. Causa cognita, the case having been judicially investigated after trial. Cognomen, inis, n. (con+nomen),

a surname, family name, e. g. Scipio, in the name Publius Cornelius Scipio. Sometimes used for the agnomen, as (by Sallust) in P. C. Scipio Africanus. Cognosco, ĕre, novi, nitum,

tr. (connosco), to ascertain, learn, discover, perceive; to know, recognize, understand; to investigate, examine; to knowledge.


Cogo, ĕre, coëgi, coactum, tr. (con+ago), to collect, assemble, gather, bring together; to force, compel, drive, impel; to restrain, constrain, urge; to induce, prevail on.

Cohors, tis, f., a cohort, the tenth part of a legion, and containing at different periods from 300 to 600 men. Cohortor, āri, atus, dep. (con + hortor), to exhort, encourage, animate.

Collectus, a, um, part. from Colligo.

Collega, ae, m. (con+lego), a colleague.

Collibet, buit or bitum est, imp. verb (con+libet), it pleases, is agreeable. It is used personally by Sallust. Colligo, ĕre, égi, ectum, tr. (con lego), to collect, assemble, bring together. Collis, is, m., a hill. Colloco, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (con

loco), to place, dispose, arrange; to station, post, set. Colloquium, i, n. (colloquor), a

conference, interview; conversation, discourse, converse. Colloquor, i, cütus, dep. (con + loquor), to speak together, converse, confer.

Collubet. See Collibet.
Colo, ĕre, colui, cultum, tr., to

labor upon, cultivate, till; to
inhabit; to cherish, honor, re-
spect, regard, esteem; to treat

Colonia, ae, f. (colōnus), a colony,


Colonus, i, m. (colo), a husband

man, farmer, colonist, settler. Color or colos, oris, m., color, complexion, tint, hue. Comes,itis, m. and f., a companion,

comrade, partner, associate, assistant.

Cominus, adv. See Comminus. Comitātus, ūs, m. (comitor), a train, retinue, company, number of followers. Comitia, ōrum, n. pl. (con+eo), the public assembly of the Roman people for the transaction of business or the election of magistrates; an election. Comitia habere, to hold an election. Commaculo, are, avi, ătum, tr. (con+maculo), to stain, pollute, spot, disgrace, defile. Commeatus, ūs, m. (commeo), a passage; a furlough; a convoy ; provisions, supplies. Commemoro, åre, āvi, ātum, tr. (con+memoro), to remind, mention, make mention, relate, recount.

Commendatio, ōnis, f. (commendo), commendation, praise, rec


Commendo, are, avi, atum, tr. (con+mando), to commend, intrust to, commit to the charge of; to recommend. Commercium, i, n. (con + merx), commerce, trade, traffic; commercial intercourse. Commercor, āri, ātus, dep. (con

mercor), to buy up, pur

chase. Comminuo, ĕre, ui, ūtum, tr. (con+minuo), to lessen, diminish, weaken, impair; to break into small pieces, crush, shat

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Commodum, i, n. (commodus), advantage, profit, convenience, interest. Commonefacio, ĕre, feci, factum, tr. (commoneo+facio), to call to one's mind, remind, admonish, advise. Commŏror, āri, ātus, dep. (con + moror), to stay, delay, remain, stop, tarry; to retard, detain. Commoveo, ere, ōvi, ōtum, tr. (con+moveo), to move, shake, stir; to disquiet, trouble, alarm, agitate, excite; to touch, affect, strike.

Communico, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (communis), to communicate, impart, share; to commune, confer; to join, unite, connect. Causam communicare to make com

mon cause.

Communio, ire, ivi, îtum, tr. (con

+munio), to fortify, to secure. Communis, e, adj. (con +munus), common, the same, general, uni

versal. Res communis=a mutual interest.

Commutatio, onis, f. (commuto), a change, alteration, changing. Commuto, are, avi, atum, tr. (con+muto), to change, alter; to exchange. Compăro, are, avi, atum, tr. (con +paro), to procure, furnish, provide, prepare, get ready; to collect; to acquire; to ordain; to compare, connect. Comperio, ire, pĕri, pertum, tr., and Comperior, iri, pertus sum, dep. (con + pario), to discover, ascertain, find out, learn, be informed. Complěo, ère, ēvi, ētum, tr. (con pleo), to fill, fill up, complete, finish, perfect. Complexus, us, m. (complector), an embrace, embracing, encircling.

Complures, ūra, adj. pl. (con + plus), many, a great many. Compōno, ĕre, osui, ositum, tr. (con+pono), to put or pla

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