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want of foresight, imprudence, inconsiderateness, ignorance, inadvertence.

Impudens, tis, adj. (in + pu

dens), shameless, impudent. Impudentia, ae, f. (impudens), shamelessness, impudence. Impudicus, a, um, adj. (in + pudicus), shameless, impudent; unchaste, immodest, lewd. Impugno, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (in pugno), to attack, assail, oppose, impugn. Impulsus, a, um, part. from Impello.

Impulsus, ūs, m. (impello), an impulse; incitement, instigation, influence.

Impune, adv. (impūnis), without punishment, with impunity, safely; quietly, tamely, submissively.

Impunitas, atis, f. (impūnis), impunity, freedom or exemption from punishment.

Impunitus, a, um, adj. (in + punitus), unpunished, safe, se


Impūrus, a, um, adj. (in + purus), impure, unclean, filthy, foul; defiled, polluted, vile. Imus, a, um. See Infĕrus. In, prep. with the accus. or ablat., in, into, to, unto; for, until, till; against, towards; after, according to, after the manner of; on, in the midst of, among; in the case of; during; through; on account of; in regard to, respecting; within; at; notwithstanding. Inānis, e, adj., empty, void; vain, frivolous, unprofitable, worthless, useless.

Incedo, ĕre, cessi, cessum, intr. (incedo), to walk, go, step, advance, proceed, march; to come, approach, arrive; to come to, happen to, befall, attack, seize one; to appear,


Incendium, i, n. (incendo), a fire,


conflagration; burning, glow, flame. Incendo, ĕre, di, sum, tr. (in + candeo), to kindle, set fire to, burn; to inflame, rouse, fire, excite, incite, incense, irritate.

Inceptum, i, n. (incipio), a be

ginning, attempt; an enterprise, undertaking, purpose.

Incertum, i, n. (incertus), an uncertainty. Incertus, a, um, adj. (in certus), uncertain, unsettled, unreliable; doubtful, dubious, undetermined, undecided; hesitating. In incerto esse, to be uncertain. Incessi. See Incedo and Incesso. Incesso, ĕre, cessivi and cessi, tr. intens. (incēdo), to fall upon, assault, assail, attack; to reprove, reproach, accuse.

Incessus, ūs, m. (incēdo), a going, walking, gait, pace.

Incido, ĕre, cidi, casum, intr. (in +cado), to fall into or upon; to fall; to come upon, fall in with; to happen, befall, occur. Incipio, ĕre, cepi, ceptum, tr.

and intr. (in capio), to commence, begin; to undertake, attempt.

Incito, are, āvi, ātum, tr. (in + cito), to hasten, urge forward; to incite, encourage, stimulate, rouse, excite, spur on. Incognitus, a, um, adj. (in cog

nitus), not known, unknown; not examined, untried. Causa incognita without a trial, without a hearing.

Incola, ae, m. and f. (incolo), an inhabitant, a resident. Incolo, ĕre, colui, cultum, tr. and

intr. (in colo), to inhabit, dwell in, reside in. Incolumis, e, adj. (incolumis), unimpaired, uninjured, unharmed, safe, sound, entire, whole.

Incommodum, i, n. (incommodus), inconvenience, trouble, dis

advantage, detriment, injury, | misfortune.

Inconsulte, adv. (inconsultus), inconsiderately, imprudently, unadvisedly, rashly, indiscreetly. Incorruptus, a, um, adj. (in + corruptus), uninjured, uncorrupted; incorrupt, incorruptible; unbribed; upright, pure. Incredibilis, e, adj. (in + credibilis), incredible, wonderful. Incrěpo, are, āvi and ui, ātum and ĭtum, tr. (in + crepo), to rustle, sound, rattle; to chide, blame, rebuke, assail, inveigh against, upbraid, censure, reprove.

Incruentus, a, um, adj. (in+ cruentus), bloodless, without


Inculte, adv. (incultus), rudely, inelegantly, roughly. Incultus, us, m. (in + cultus), want of cultivation, care, or culture; neglect.

Incultus, a, um, adj. (in + cultus), uncultivated, untilled; rude, uncouth, unpolished, unrefined. Incurro, ĕre, curri and cucurri, cursum, intr. (incurro), to run into or toward; to rush at, assail, attack.

Incurvus, a, um, adj. (in + curvus), bent, bowed, crooked, curved.

Inde, adv., thence, from thence,

from that, therefrom, from that place or time; then, next, thereupon.

Indemnatus, a, um, adj. (in+ damnatus), uncondemned, unsentenced, untried.

Index, icis, m. and f. (indico), a discoverer, discloser, informer, betrayer.

Indicium, i, n. (index), a notice, information, discovery, disclosure; evidence; token, proof, indication.

Indico, are, avi, ātum, tr. (in + dico), to show, discover, disclose, inform, reveal, betray.

[blocks in formation]

Indignor, āri, ātus, dep. (indignus), to be indignant, displeased at; to be angry at; to regard as unworthy; to disdain, scorn. Indignus, a, um, adj. (in + dignus), unworthy, undeserving, unbecoming; undeserved, shameful, improper.

Indo, ĕre, didi, dĭtum, tr. (in + do), to put, set, or place into or upon; to impart, give, apply. Indoctus, a, um, adj. (in + doctus), untaught, unlearned, uninstructed, ignorant, unskilful. Induciae. See Indutiae. Induco, ĕre, uxi, ctum, tr. (in + duco), to lead, bring, conduct in or into; to induce, persuade; to exhibit, represent. In animum inducere, to resolve, determine. Industria, ae, f., diligence, industry, activity.

Industrius, a, um, adj. (industria), industrious, active, diligent, assiduous. Indutiae, arum, f. pl., a truce, cessation from hostilities, armistice.

Inedia, ae, f. (in +edo), fasting, hunger, want of food.

Iněo, ire, ivi and ii, ĭtum, intr. (ineo), to go into, enter; to commence, begin, enter upon. Inermis, e, and Inermus, a, um, adj. (in arma), unarmed, defenceless, without weapons. Iners, tis, adj. (in+ars), without art or skill, unskilful, unskilled; inactive, idle, indolent, sluggish, inert, lazy, spiritless.

Inertia, ae, f. (iners), unskilfulness; inactivity, idleness, indolence, laziness.

Infectus, a, um, adj. (in factus,) not done, undone, unmade, un

wrought, unfinished, unperform- | Infra, adv., below, beneath, under

ed; impracticable.
Infectus, a, um, part. from Infi-

Infecundus, a, um, adj. (in +
fecundus), unfruitful, unproduc-
Infelix, icis, adj. (in + felix), un-

happy, miserable, unfortunate;

Infensus, a, um, adj. (in + fendo),
hostile, inimical, enraged, furi-
ous, dangerous, oppressive.
Infĕro, ferre, intŭli, illatum, tr.
(infero), to bring or carry
into, introduce; to bring upon,
wage, carry on; to inflict. In-
ferre signa, to advance the
standards, i. e. to move upon
the enemy, attack him.
Infĕrus, a, um, adj., below, be-
neath, underneath, underground.
Infĕri, ōrum, m. pl., the inhab-
itants of the lower world, the
infernal regions, the infernal
gods; the dead, the shades.
Comp. inferior, lower, inferior,
later. Super., infimus, and
imus, lowest, last, meanest,
basest; deepest.
Infestus, a, um, adj., molested,
infested; unsafe, unquiet; hos-
tile, unfriendly, inimical, bitter,
implacable; troublesome, dan-


Inficio, ĕre, feci, fectum, tr. (in+ facio), to stain, dye, color, tinge. Infidus, a, um, adj. (in + fidus), unfaithful, faithless, treacherous, false, unsafe.

Infimus. See Infĕrus.

Infinitus, a, um, adj. (in + finitus), infinite, boundless, endless, countless, unlimited.

Infirmitas, ātis, f. (infirmus), weakness, infirmity, feebleness, frailty.

Infirmus, a, um, adj. (in + fir

mus), weak, feeble, infirm, frail, faint-hearted, inconstant. Infra, prep. with the accus., below, under, beneath.


Ingenium, i, n. (in + geno from gigno), innate or natural quality, nature; natural disposition, temper, character, bent, inclination; natural capacity, talents, parts, abilities, genius; mind, intellect. Ingens, tis, adj., great, large, huge, vast, enormous, prodigious, immense; great, strong, powerful.

Ingenǎus, a, um, adj. (ingeno = ingigno), native, indigenous, not foreign; free-born, born of free parents; noble, candid, ingenu


Ingěro, ĕre, gessi, gestum, tr.
(ingero), to carry or put into;
to throw, cast, hurl or heap
upon; to present, give.
Ingrātus, a, um, adj. (in + gra-
tus), unpleasant, disagreeable;
unthankful, ungrateful, thank-

Ingredior, i, gressus, dep. (in +
gradior), to go into, enter; to
walk, advance, proceed; to enter
upon, engage in, commence, be-

Inhonestus, a, um, adj. (in+
honestus), dishonorable, dis-
graceful, shameful, inglorious,

Inimicitia, ae, f. (inimicus), en-
mity, hostility.
Inimicus, a, um, adj. (in + ami-
cus), unfriendly, inimical, hos-
tile. Inimicus, i, m., an enemy,

Iniquitas, atis, f. (inīquus), un-
equalness, unevenness, inequali-
ty; unfavorableness, adverse-
ness, difficulty, unfairness, injus-

Iniquus, a, um, adj. (in + aequus), unequal, uneven, unfair, unjust; hostile, adverse, unfavorable, disadvantageous; hard, difficult.

Initium, i, n. (ineo), a beginning, commencement, origin. Ini

tio, ablat., in the beginning, at | first. Injuria, ae, f. (injurius), injury, wrong, injustice; damage, harm; insult, affront. Per injuriam, unjustly. Injuriâ, as adv., unjustly, undeservedly. Injussu, ablat. (in

jussu), without command, without orders, without leave. Injuste, adv. (injustus), unjustly, wrongfully, unfairly. Injustus, a, um, adj. (in + justus), unjust, wrongful, unreasonable; oppressive.

Innocens, tis, adj. (innocens), innocent, guiltless, blameless; harmless, inoffensive; disinterested, upright.

Innocentia, ae, f. (innocens), harmlessness; innocence, blamelessness; uprightness, disinterestedness.

Innoxius, a, um, adj. (in + noxius), harmless, inoffensive; innocent, blameless; unharmed, unhurt, uninjured; safe, secure. Inopia, ae, f. (inops), want, lack, scarcity; need, indigence. Inops, opis, adj. (in+ops), helpless, poor, destitute, needy, indigent. Inprimis. See Imprimis. Inquam or Inquio, inquis, etc., defect. verb, I say. Inquilinus, i, m. (incolīnus from incolo), an inhabitant of a place which is not his own, a sojourner, tenant, lodger. Inquilinus, a, um, adj. (incolo), foreign, of foreign birth. Insatiabilis, e, adj. (in+satis), insatiable.

Insequor, i, cutus, dep. (in +

sequor), to follow, pursue, press upon; to strive, endeavor. Insidiae, arum, f. pl. (insideo), an ambush, ambuscade; artifice, craft, snares.

Insidiator, ōris, m. (insidior), a lier in wait; a lurker, a waylayer.

Insidior, äri, ātus, dep. (insidiae), to lie in wait, lie in ambush, lay snares for, to plot against; to watch for. Insigne, is, n. (insignis), a distinctive mark, a badge of office or honor, a decoration. Insignia, badges or insignia of office. Insolens, tis, adj. (in+solens), unaccustomed to; unusual, haughty, arrogant, insolent. Insolentia, ae, f. (insolens), unusualness, strangeness, novelty; excess; haughtiness, arrogance, insolence.

Insolesco, ĕre, —, —, intr. incho. (insolesco), to grow haughty or insolent; to become elated. Insolitus, a, um, adj. (in soli

tus), unaccustomed, unusual, unwonted, strange, uncommon. Insomnia, ae, f. (insomnis), sleeplessness, want of sleep.

Insons, tis, adj. (insons), in

nocent, guiltless, unoffending. Instituo, ĕre, ui, ūtum, tr. (in + statuo), to put, set, or place into; to purpose, determine, resolve upon; to begin, commence; to regulate, arrange, institute; to train up, instruct, educate; to make, found, erect, fabricate, construct; to appoint, establish, ordain; to undertake; to introduce, devise, contrive. Institūtum, i, n. (instituo), a purpose, intention, design; an arrangement, plan; habit, practice, custom, manner; a regulation, institution, ordinance; instruction, agreement, stipulation.

Insto, are, stiti, —, intr. (in + sto), to stand in or upon; to be at hand or near; to approach, impend, threaten; to press upon, urge, harass, pursue; to insist upon, to urge forward, ply with zeal.

Instructus. See Instruo. Instrumentum, i, n. (instruo), an

implement, instrument, utensil,

tool; means, assistance, aid; furniture, apparatus; dress, apparel. Instrão, ĕre, uxi, uctum, tr. (in

struo), to construct, erect, build; to set in order, dispose, arrange, draw up in battle array, marshal; to provide, procure, furnish, equip; to teach, in


Insuesco, ĕre, ēvi, ētum, intr.

(in suesco), to accustom, habituate; to accustom one's self; to be accustomed.

Insum, esse, fui, —, irreg. intr. (in sum), to be in or upon; to belong to.

Insuper, adv. (in +super), above, upon; from above; moreover, besides.

Intactus, a, um, adj. (in+tac

tus), untouched, uninjured, intact; unattempted. Integer, gra, grum, adj., whole, entire, unbroken, undiminished; untouched, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, sound, fresh, vigorous; pure, upright, spotless, honest, virtuous; undecided, undetermined, open. De integro, afresh, anew.

Integritas, ātis, f. (integer), soundness; integrity, upright


Intelligo, ĕre, exi, ectum, tr. (interlego), to perceive, know, comprehend, understand; to see, observe.


Intempestus, a, um, adj. (in + tempestas), unseasonable. tempesta nox, the dead of night, night, midnight. Intendo, ĕre, di, tum and sum, tr. (intendo), to stretch or spread out, extend; to bend a bow, etc.; to aim at; to direct, turn, apply, urge on, incite; to turn one's attention to, exert one's self for; to purpose, endeavor, intend; to be on the alert, intent upon. Intendere animo, to purpose in one's mind 18 Sal.

to intend. Intendere iter, to direct one's course. Intentus, a, um, adj. (intendo), attentive to, fixed upon, intent upon, waiting for, watchful, on the alert, engrossed; eager, intent. Also a participle. Inter, prep. with the accus., between, betwixt, in the midst of, among, amid, in, at, during, within; in the course of. Procul or longe inter se, far from each other, far apart. Diversi inter se, opposite to one another. Interdum, adv. (interdum), sometimes, now and then, occasionally.

Interemptus, a, um. See Interĭmo.

Intěrěo, ire, ii, ĭtum, irreg. intr. (intereo), to perish, be destroyed, go to ruin, die, decay. Interficio, ĕre, feci, fectum, tr. (interfacio), to kill, slay, destroy, murder; to finish, end. Intĕrim, adv. (inter + im=eum), in the mean time, meanwhile, in the meanwhile. Interimo, ĕre, emi, emptum, tr.

(inter+emo), to take away, do away with; to abolish, destroy, kill, slay. Internuntius, i, m. (inter + nuntius), a mediator, messenger, gobetween, interposer.

Interpello, are, avi, ātum, tr. (interpello), to interrupt by speaking; to disturb, molest, hinder, prevent, obstruct; to accost, address.

Interpōno, ĕre, posui, positum, tr. (interpono), to put or place between; to interpose, intermix; to oppose; to apply, use; to utter, pronounce. Interponere fidem, to pledge one's word or honor. Interpres, ětis, m. and f., a broker, factor; an explainer, expounder, translator, interpreter. Interprětor, ari, ātus, dep. (interpres), to interpret, explain, ex

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