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Berlin, 1825

ATLANTIC ISLANDS-continued. 28285 BUCH, Physikalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln, hf. calf, 10s; or, calf neat, 12s 28286 BULLAR (J. and H.) Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Fumas, 2 vols. 8vo. cuts, cloth, 38 6d


28287 ESPINOSA (Alonso de) Del Origen y Milagros de N. Señora de Candelaria, que aparecio en Tenerife, con la descripcion de esta Isla (la gente y sus costumbres), 12mo. vellum, 25s

Sevilla, 1594



1. General History of Voyages and Discovery, collective biographical Works.

28289 BARROS ARANA (D.) Compendio de Historia de America, 2 vols. in 1, stout 8vo. 947 pp. hf. bd. 288



Santiago, 1865 28290 [BOSCH (L. van den)] Leeven en Daden der doorluchtighste Zee-Helden en Ontdeckers van Landen, deser eeuwen, door V. D. B. 4to. frontispiece, fine portraits and folding plates, calf, Amst., J. Claesz en J. Bouman, 1676 Leben und tapffere Thaten der aller-berühmtesten SeeHelden, etc. unserer Zeiten, übersetzt von Matthia, mit Anhange durch Er. Francisci, sm. 4to. frontispiece, portraits and plates, vellum, 308 Nürnberg, 1681 Containing the lives of Columbus, Vespucci, Magellan, etc. 28292 [BROSSES (Le President de)] Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes, 2 vols. 4to. maps, £2. 16s


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Paris, 1756 This work, although intended to illustrate specially the early discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, also includes voyages to N. and S. America, and ronnd the world.

Terra Australis Cognita, or Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere during the 16th-18th Centuries (by J. CALLANDER), 3 vols. 8vo. maps, calf, 36s Edinburgh, 1766-68

28294 CALVO (Carlos) Coleccion Completa de los Tratados, otros actos diplomaticos de todas los estados de la América Latina, comprendidos entre el golfo de Méjico y el cabo de Hornos, desde 1493, complete in 2 series-First Series, 9 vols. 1862-6; Second Series, 4 vols. 1864-6-together 13 vols. 8vo. hf. red morocco gilt, £12.

Paris, 1862

28295 CASAS (Bartolomé de las) Coleccion de las Obras de, dada a luz por Juan Ant. Llorente, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf, 12s


Paris, 1822 Although not written for the purpose of illustrating the subject to which this section belongs, the works of Las Casas are important for the history of Spanish conquest in America and the lives of the Conquistadores.

TRATADOS VARIOS, 9 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Original Editions in Gothic letter, Spanish morocco binding, £32. Sevilla, 1552 EXCESSIVELY RARE. It is some years since a complete set of these treatises was last in my possession.

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1. Brevissima Relacion de la destruycion de las Indias, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552; at the end; 2. Pedaço de una carta y relacion que escrivio cierto hombre refiriendo las obras que hazia el capitan por la tierra que andava. 3. Entre los remedios que Bartolome de las Casas refirio para reformacion de las Indias, el octavo. donde se asignan veynte razones por las quales prueva no deverse dar los Indios a los Españoles en encomienda, Sevilla, J. Cromberger, 1552. 4. Tratado sobre la materia de los Yndios que se han hecho esclavos, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 5. Tratado comprobatorio del imperio que los Reyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias, Seb. Trugillo, 1553. 6. Treynta proposiciones muy juridicas en las quales se tocan muchas cosas pertenecientes al derecho sobre los infieles, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 7. Disputa o controversia entre el Obispo Don Bartholome de las Casas y el doctor Gines de Sepulveda sobre las conquistas de las Indias, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 8. Unos Avisos y reglas para los confesores, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 9. Principia quædam ex quibus procedendum est in disputatione ad manifestandam justiciam Yndorum, Hispali, Seb. Trugillo, s. a.

28297 CASAS (Barth. de las) Tratados varios; 1 Brevissima Relacion, 2 Pedaço, 3 Disputa, 5 Treynta Proposiciones, 6 Materia de los Yndios, last leaf wanting, 7 Entre los Remedios, 9 Tratado comprobatorio, portion of title torn away-together 7 parts in 5, sm. 4to. £10.





Sold separately:

1 Brevissima Relacion, imperfect, 208
3 Entre los Remedios, 20s

7 Disputa o Controversia, 30s





Destruccion de las Indias o sea su conquista publicada en Sevilla 1552, ahora lo da a luz un ciudadano (F.M.F.), 16 nos. forming one vol. sm. 4to. sd. 25s


Puebla, 1821

This contains the Brevisima Relacion without the Pedazo, and is very

Istoria o brevissima Relatione della Distruttione dell'
Indie Occidentali in Italiano e Spagnuolo, trad. da Giacomo
Castellani, 1643-Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali Spag. et
Ital. trad. per Ginammi, 1645-Il Supplice Schiavo Indiano,
Spag. et Ital. per Ginammi, 1657–3 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. old gilt
calf, 36s
Venetia, 1643-57

Translations of the original pieces numbered above 1, 2, 4, 7.
il Supplice Schiavo Indiano, 1636; Liberta pretesa dal
supplice Schiavo, 1640; Spagnuolo e Italiano per Ginammi,
2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 30s
Venetia, 1636-40

These pieces are Nos, 7 and 3 of the original series.

28302 CASAS (Barth. de las) NARRATIO REGIONUM INDICARUM PER HISPANOS QUOSDAM DEVASTATARUM VERISSIMA, sm. 4to. first impressions of the 17 fine engravings by DE BRY, old French red morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloup, scarce, £10. 10s






Francofurti, Th. de Bry, & Joan. Saur. 1598 alia editio, sm. 4to. second impressions of the engravings,

hf. morocco, gilt top, £3. 10s

1614 Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima descriptio, sm. 4to. with impressions of the same plates as in the 1598 edition, sd. 21s; or, calf, 28s

Heidelberga, 1664 This text is equivalent to a translation of Nos. 1, 2, 3 of the original Tratados.

den vermeerderden Spieghel der Spaensche tierannije geschict in Westindien, sm. 4to. 18 plates, sd. 30s

Amsterdam, G. I. Saeghman, 1664 To this Dutch translation of the Latin Narratio a life of Columbus is added. Of the 18 plates, sixteen are copies of the De Bry engravings in the 1598 volume, and two which illustrate Columbus are additional.

MIROIR de la cruelle et horrible Tyrannie Espagnole perpetree au Pays Bas, par le Tyran Duc de Albe, et aultres. Comandeurs de par le Roy Philippe le deuxiesme. On a adjoinct la deuxiesme Partie de les Tyrannies commises aux INDES OCCIDENTALES par les Espagnols (par B. DE LAS CASAS), 2 vols. in 1, small 4to. numerous engravings of massacres committed by the Spaniards, in the old binding, £5.

Amsterdam, I. E. Cloppenburg, 1620

Brunet's collation is erroneous in giving 87 leaves as the contents of the first part, instead of 88 (the last two leaves being each numbered 87). The second part is Jacques de Migrode's translation of the Destruccion de las Indias, filled up with extracts from some others of the Tratados, and contains the same seventeen engravings as appeared in the Frankfort Narratio of 1598. The engravings in the first part are of European cruelties.

la Decouverte des Indes Occidentales, 12mo. frontispiece, in the original bds. WHOLLY UNCUT, 27s Paris, 1697

This is apparently a milder and tamer re-writing of the "Tyrannies et Cruautez,” with the complete Controversy with Sepulveda added at the end. 28308 CLADERA (Christ.) Investigaciones Historicas sobre los principales Descubrimientos de los Españoles en el Mar Oceano en el siglo XV y principios del XVI, sm. 4to. portraits, and a facsimile of Behaim's "Pars Globi Terrestris” (1492), hf. morocco, £2. 2s Madrid, 1794 28309 ENS (Gaspar) India Occidentalis Historia; in qua prima regionum istarum, detectio, situs, incolarum mores, aliaque eò pertinentia, breviter explicantur, 12mo. brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy, £2. 2s Coloniæ, Gul. Lutzenkirchen, 1612 28310 ESTANCELIN (L.) Recherches sur les Voyages et Découvertes des Navigateurs Normands en Afrique, dans les Indes Orientales, et en Amerique, 8vo. sd. 6s


Paris, 1832

the same, 1832; Etudes sur l'Etat actuel de la Marine et des Colonies Françaises, 1849-together 2 vols. 8vo. green morocco extra, gilt edges, 208


28312 GALVAO (Ant.) Tratado dos Descobrimentos antigos, e modernos, feitos até a era de 1550, sm. folio, old calf, RARE, £2. 10s Lisboa, 1731 Discoveries of the World, written in the Portugall tongue by Antonie Galvano, corrected, and now published in English by R. Hakluyt, black letter, sm. 4to. wants sign. Oi, rare, £5. G. Bishop, 1601 28314 GOMEZ SOLIS (Duarte) sobre los Comercios de las dos Yndias, small 4to. MS. title, the author's own copy, with his autograph additions for a new edition, £6.

Lisboa, 1622

A very rare book dedicated to Philip IV by a learned Portuguese whose work is little known, and never found in catalogues of Americana. 28315 HELP'S Spanish Conquest in America, its relation to the History of Slavery and the Government of Colonies, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, with the author's presentation inscription to Mr. Donne, £2. 16s

1855-61 28316 HERRERA (Antonio de) Historia General de los HECHOS DE LOS CASTELLANOS en las Islas i Tierra firme del Mar Oceano, en Decadas-Descripcion de las Indias-together 9 parts in 4 vols. sm. folio, original edition, frontispieces with portraits, and 14 maps, vellum, £3. Madrid, 1601 the same, 9 parts in 4 vols. sm. folio, a fine copy, old calf 1601






gilt, £4.

la misma Historia, 8 parts in 2 vols. sm. folio, engraved titles, wants the Table to the first part, citron morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, by Boyet, with the arms of Count Hoym in gold on sides, £31. 108


From the Beckford Library, where it fetched £42. la misma Historia y Descripcion, publicadas con notas por Barcia, 4 vols. sm. folio, frontispieces and maps, very tall copy in vellum, £5. 1725-30

This is the GENUINE BEST EDITION of the work, edited by the learned BARCIA, which, although in preparation since 1725, did not appear till 1729. Another similar edition, in 4 vols. folio, with portraits, was brought out at Antwerp, in 1728, one year previously, in haste to forestall the work which Barcia had in hand, but of course it is an inferior production, disfigured with faults, and omitting the fourteen maps which are unavoidably necessary for the understanding of the descripcion. It contains also so-called portraits of the Incas of Peru, which are merely copies of De Bry's fictitious engravings, while Barcia's edition gives the genuine designs which Herrera himself had used after the native pictures,

Novus Orbis, metaphraste C. Barlæo, accesserunt et aliorum India Occidentalis Descriptiones et Navigationis nuperæ Australis Jacobi Le Maire Historia, 17 maps, and several woodcuts in the text, vellum, £3. 3s Amst. Colin. 1622 the same, sm. folio, with a fine PORTRAIT OF LE MAIRE, fine tall clean copy, in vellum covered with leather, from the Sunderland library, £6. 6s 1622

It is erroneously stated in the "American Nuggets" that Barcia, in the preface to his edition of Herrera, repudiates the edition by Coljin as full of errors. The fact is, that Barcia makes nowhere any remark prejudicial to the above publication of 1622, which certainly contains a faithful translation of the descripcion of Herrera, and an equally faithful reproduction of the fourteen authentic maps. Barcia's remark had reference only to the Amsterdam edition of 1721. The volume is highly valuable as containing the first edition of the genuine Voyage of Le Maire (also issued in Latin and Dutch in the

same year) as distinguished from that which had been, through the Dutch India Company's jealousy of Le Maire, published by Blaeu under the name of Cornelius Schouten, who had commanded one of Le Maire's vessels. It concludes with the Spanish and English voyages to Magellan's Straits and the descriptions of America given by Ordoñez de Cevallos and Bertius.

The portrait of Le Maire is not mentioned by Brunet, Graesse, Leclerc, or in the "Nuggets," and I find no record of any copy containing it. The last four pages of the first Part contain a Vocabulary of the language of the Solomon Isles.

28323 HERRERA. Histoire Generale des Voyages et Conquestes des
Castillans, dans les Isles et Terre-ferme des Indes Orientales,
traduite de l'Espagnol, par N. de la Coste, 3 vols. 4to. old calf,
with the Arms of LECLERC DE LESSEVILLE, Comte de Brioude, on
sides, £3. 3s
Paris, N. et J. de la Coste, 1660-71

This translation includes only the first three decades.
KUNSTMANN, die Entdeckung Americas-see ante p. 2755.

28324 LOEW (Conrad) MEER oder SEEHANEN BUCH, darinn verzeichnet seind die Wunderbare Gedenckwürdige Reyse und Schiffahrten so.. inwendig den letst vergangnen hundert Jahren gethan,. durch welche Schiffarten ein Newe Welt gegen Nidergang, und grosse Königreichen . gegen Auffgang gelegen, erfunden und entdeckt seind, small folio, 3 folding maps, one of the Dutch discoveries near Nova Zembla in 1595-96, the second a world-map on a flat-plan, and the third a map of the Northern World with the Arctic pole for centre, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £9.

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Colln, 1598 28325 LOPEZ DE GOMARA (Francisco) Primera y segunda parte de la historia general de las Indias con todo el descubrimiento y cosas notables. que han acaecido dende que se ganaron asta el año de 1551. Con la conquista de Mexico y de la nueva España, 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, Editio Princeps, with two full-page woodcut Maps, one of which contains America, large copy in old gilt tree-marbled calf, with the book-plate" Soi de Francisco Carter," EXTREMELY RARE, £75. Caragoça, Agustin Millan, 1552-53




Historia General de las Indias, with the Two MAPS, Caragoça CIEÇA DE LEON (Pedro de) Parte Primera de la chronica del Peru, que tracta la demarcacion de sus provincias la descripcion dellas. Las fundaciones de las nuevas ciudades. Los ritos y costumbres de los indios. Y otras cosas estrañas dignas de ser sabidas, numerous woodcuts, Sevilla, Martin de Montesdoca, 1553; together 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, fine clean copies, old calf gilt, EXTREMELY RARE, £110. 1552-53

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