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Venor, äri, àtus, dep., to hunt. Venter, tris, m., the belly, stomach, paunch; gluttony. Ventus, i, m., the wind. Venus, ús, or i, m. (found only in dat., ассив., and ablat.), sale. Venum ire or dari, sc. ad, to be sold, put up for sale. Verber, ĕris, n., a scourge, whip, lash; a blow, stroke, stripe. Verbĕro, are, avi, åtum, tr. (verber), to beat,.lash, scourge, whip, strike.

Verbum, i, n., a word, expression, saying, remark.

Vere, adv. (verus), truly, really, in fact; rightly, correctly. Vereor, éri, itus, dep., to fear, reverence, revere; to dread, be afraid; to apprehend, suspect. Veritas, atis, f. (verus), truth. Vero, adv. (verus), in truth, truly,

certainly, surely, assuredly. Vero, conj. (verus), but, however. Verso, are, avi, atum, tr. freq. (verto), to turn, wind, twist, whirl; to disturb, agitate; to meditate, reflect upon. Versor, āri, ātus, dep. (verso), to dwell, live, remain, be; to occupy, busy one's self with, be engaged in.

Versus, us, m. (verto), a verse. Versus or Versum, adv. and prep. (verto), turned in the direction of, towards. Especially used with verbs of motion after ad or in; in Galliam versus, towards Gaul. Prep. with accus., towards. (So very rarely.) Verto, ĕre, ti, sum, tr. and intr., to turn, turn around or about; to overturn, overthrow, subvert; to change, alter, transform; to turn, depend on; to impute, ascribe, appropriate; to turn out,


Verum, conj. (verus), but, yet, still, however.

Verum, i, n. (verus), the truth;

rectitude, right, uprightness. Verus, a, um, adj., true, real, ac

tual; right, proper, just; veracious.

Vescor, i, -, dep., to live upon,

eat, feed upon; to enjoy, use. Vesper, ĕris, and ĕri, m., the evening, even, eve, eventide. Vesta, ae, f., Vesta, the goddess of the domestic hearth. Vester, tra, trum, poss. adj. pron. (vos), your, yours. Vestimentum, i, n. (vestis), clothing, a garment, vestment. Vestio, ire, ivi, itum, tr. (vestis), to clothe, dress, deck, adorn. Veterānus, a, um, adj. (vetus),


Veto, are, ui, ĭtum, tr., to forbid. Vetus, ĕris, adj., old, aged. Vetustas, ātis, f. (vetus), old age;

antiquity; long duration. Vexillum, i, n. (veho), an ensign,

standard, banner, flag, streamer. Vexo, āre, avi, ātum, tr., to molest, annoy, vex, harass, disturb, trouble, agitate; to injure, damage.

Via, ae, f., a way, road, path, journey; a method, manner, mode.

Vicesimus or Vigesimus, a, um, num. adj. (viginti), the twenti


Vici. See Vinco.
Vicinitas, ātis, f. (vicīnus), neigh-

borhood, nearness, proximity, vicinity; the neighbors. Victor, oris, m. (vinco), a victor, conqueror. Adj., victorious. Victoria, ae, f. (vinco), victory. Victus, us, m. (vivo), sustenance,

food, victuals, provisions; a way or mode of living. Victus, a, um, part. from Vinco. Vicus, i, m., a row of houses; a

street; a village, hamlet. Videlicet, adv. (videre+licet), it is easy to see, it is clear or evident; clearly, plainly, evidently, manifestly; of course, forsooth, in an ironical or sarcastic sense; to wit, namely.

Viděo, ère, vidi, visum, tr., to

see, perceive, observe, look at; to understand, comprehend; to look to, see to, care for. Viděor, ĕri, visus, pass. and dep., to be seen, to be looked upon or regarded; to seem, appear. Vidétur, impers., it seems proper, seems good, pleases. Vigĕo, ere, ui, —, intr. to be lively or vigorous, to be strong; to thrive, flourish, bloom; to prevail, be in repute. Vigesimus a, um. See Vicesi



Vigil, ilis, adj. (vigeo), awake, on the alert, watch, watchful, wakeful, vigilant. As a noun, watchman, sentinel. Vigilia, ae, f. (vigil), a watching, waking; wakefulness, sleeplessness, vigil; a watch, guard; the watch, i. e. watchmen, sentinels.

Vigilo, are, avi, ātum, intr. (vigil), to watch, to keep awake, be wakeful; to be watchful, vigilant.

Viginti, num. adj. indecl., twenty. Vilis, e, adj., of small value, cheap; paltry, common, mean, worthless, base, vile. Vile habere, to hold cheap, despise.

Villa, ae, f., a country-house, villa, country-seat, farm. Villicus, i, m. (villa), the overseer

of a farm or estate, a steward. Vincio, ire, vinxi, vinctum, tr., to bind, tie, encircle, wind about, fetter; to confine, restrain; to fortify, secure, fasten. Vinco, ĕre, vici, victum, tr., to conquer, overcome, defeat, subdue, vanquish; to overmatch, exceed, excel, surpass; to prevail, gain one's point, carry the day.

Vinctus, a, um, part. from Vincio. Vinculum, i, n. (vincio), a band, bond, rope, cord, fetter, chain. In vincula ducere to put in prison.

Vindex, icis, m. and f. (vindĭco),


an avenger, punisher, revenger; a claimant, defender, protector, vindicator.

Vindico, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (vim

dico), to lay legal claim to, make a claim upon; to demand, claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate; to set free, deliver, liberate, save; to avenge, revenge, punish, take vengeance on. Vindicatum est punishment was inflicted. Aliquem in libertatem vindicare, to assert or maintain the freedom of any one. Vinča, ae, f., a vineyard; a kind of pent-house or shed, built like an arbor, for sheltering besiegers. See note on line 7, p. 29. Vinum, i, n., wine. Violenter, adv. (viõlens), impetuously, vehemently, violently, furiously, forcibly.

Violentia, ae, f. (violens), violence, vehemence, impetuosity, ferocity.

Vir, viri, m., a man; a husband.
Vires, ium. See Vis.
Virgo, inis, f. (vireo), a maiden,

Virgultum, i, n. (virgŭla), a bush, thicket, copse, brushwood, shrubbery.

Virilis, e, adj. (vir), of or belonging to a man, manly, virile; male, masculine; manful, firm, vigorous, bold, spirited. Viritim, adv. (vir), man by man, from man to man, to each one separately, singly, individually.

Virtus, ütis, f. (vir), manliness, manhood; strength, power, vigor, energy; bravery, courage, valor; merit, excellence, worth, goodness, virtue, virtuousness. Emori per virtutem, to die bravely. Virtus animi, energy of mind, intellectual vigor.

Vis, vis, f., strength, power, might, vigor, energy, ardor, fury, force, violence; effort, exertion; quantity, number, abun

dance; notion, meaning, sense, | Volo, velle, volui, -, irreg. tr.

Vi or

import, nature, essence. per vim, by force, forcibly. Vires, pl., the bodily powers. Vis pulveris, a quantity (cloud) of dust. Summa vi, with all one's might or power.

Viso, ĕre, si, sum, tr. intens. (video), to look at attentively, to view, behold, survey; to see to, look after; to go to see, to visit, call upon.

Visus, a, um, part. from Viděo. Visus, ús, m. (video), a seeing, looking; a look, glance; the faculty of seeing, sight, vision; a sight, appearance, an apparition, a vision. Qua visus erat as far as the sight could reach. Vita, ae, f. (vivo), life; a way or mode of life, course of life, ca


Vitabundus, a, um, adj. (vito),

shunning, avoiding, evading, trying to escape.

Vitium, i, n., a fault, defect, blemish, imperfection; failing, error, offence, crime, vice.

Vito, are, avi, atum, tr., to shun, avoid, evade, escape. Vivo, ĕre, vixi, victum, intr., to live, be alive, have life. Vivus, a, um, adj. (vivo), alive, living.

Vix, adv., with difficulty, hardly, scarcely, barely. Vocabulum, i, n. (voco,) a word, term, expression, name, designation, appellation.

Voco, are, avi, ätum, tr. (vox), to call, call upon, summon, invoke; to call, name, denominate. Volens, tis, part. and adj. (volo), willing, voluntary, eager, ready; favorable, well inclined; pleasant, agreeable. Volenti animo, with willing mind, gladly. Volgus, i, m. and n. See Vulgus. Volněro, ǎre. See Vulnĕro. Volnus, ĕris, n. See Vulnus. Volo, are, avi, atum, intr., to fly.

and intr., to wish, to will, be willing; to desire, intend, purpose; to determine, ordain (in proposing bills to the people); to think, maintain. Quid sibi vult, what does he mean? what does he want? Volturcius, i, m. See Vulturcius. Voltus, üs, m. See Vultus. Voluntarius, a, um, adj. (voluntas), of one's own free will, willing, voluntary; spontaneous. Voluntarii, ōrum, m. pl. (sc. milites), volunteers.

Voluntas, atis, f. (volo), will, wish, desire, choice, inclination; good-will, favor, affection. Voluntate, of one's own will, of one's own accord, willingly, voluntarily. Voluntate or ex voluntate, according to one's wish or desire, at one's desire.

ptarius, a, um, adj. (voluptas), pleasant, agreeable, delightful; pleasurable, devoted to pleasure, sensual, voluptuous. Voluptas, atis, f., satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure, delight. Velux, ucis, m., a son of Bocchus,

king of Mauritania.

Volvo, ĕre, volvi, volütum, tr., to roll, turn about, turn round, tumble down; to turn over or revolve in the mind, to consider, ponder, meditate or reflect upon, to think over.

Vorsor, äri. See Versor. Vorsum. See Versum. Vorsus. See Versus. Vos, pl. of Tu, you, ye. Voster, tra, trum. See Vester. Votum, i, n. (vověo), a solemn promise made to some deity, a vow; a wish, desire, prayer. Vox, vocis, f., a voice; a sound, tone, cry, call; a word, saying, speech, sentence, proverb, maxim. Vulgus, i, m. and n., the great mass, the multitude, the people, the public; a mass, crowd, throng, multitude; the vulgar,

mob, rabble, populace, common people. Vulnero, āre, āvi, ātum, tr. (vulnus), to wound, hurt, injure. Vulnus, ĕris, n., a wound. Vulturcius, i, m., Titus Vulturcius, confederate with Catiline. Vultus, üs, m., the countenance, look, aspect, expression of the

face; features, expression, air, mien, the face.


Zama, ae, f., Zama, a town in Numidia, distant five days' journey from Carthage.


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