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[blocks in formation]

Cavie, coop: chicken-cavie, 83.
Change house, inn, tavern, 53,
Chanter, a part of the bag-
pipes, 40, 227.
Chap, fellow, 51, 156.
Chap, a blow, 99-
Chap, to strike, 47.
Chapman, pedlar, 241, 296.
Cheek-for-chow, check by jowl,
114, 189.

Cheep, a squeak, 121.
Cheep, o chirp, 203.
Chiel', chield, fellow, 16, 32,
40, 78, etc.

Chimla, chimlie, chimney, 16,
64, 213.

Chittering, shivering, 191.
Chuckie, hen (applied to a
woman), 201, 235.
Chuffie, fat-faced, 114.
Clachan, hamlet, village, 28,
73; clachan-yill, 25.
Claes, claise, clothes, 50, 88,
118, 267.

Claithing, clothing, 6.
Clamb, climbed, 376.
Clankie, a smart knock, 387.
Clap, clapper of a mill, 167.
Clappin, patting, 425.
Clarty, dirty, 586.
Clash, idle talk, 124.
Clash, to tattle, gossip, 8.
Clatter, talk, gossip, 8, 61,
243, 268, chatter, prattle,
100, 186; noise, 502.
Claught, clutched, seized, 248.
Claughtin, scraping, 528.
Claut, a catch, 261; a large
quantity, 407, 433.
Clautit, scraped, 159

[blocks in formation]


Clour, the mark of a blow, 44-
Clout, to patch, 82; clouted,

Clud, a cloud, 385.
Clunk, to sound (of liquor),

Coble, a fishing boat, 103.
Cock, good fellow, 5, 117;
cockie, 235-

Cod, a pillow, 500, 515.
Coft, bought, 247.

Cog, a wooden cup or dish,
54: 99, 104; coggie, 159.
Collieshangie, quarrel, 587.
Coof, fool, ninny, 16, 25, 130.
(See Cuif.)

Cook, to hide, 70.

Cooser, a stallion, 587.
Coost, did cast, 1; threw off,
246, 267.

Cootie, a small pail, 93.
Cootie, with feathered legs,


Corbie, raven, 179.
Corn't, fed with corn, 103.
Coup, to upset, overturn, 172.
(See Cowp.)

Couthic, kind, loving, 64.
Cowe, a fright, scare, 45.

Cowe, to lop, crop, 123.
Cowp, to overturn, 57; to fall,
28. (See Coup.)
Cowt, a colt, 139, 158.
Crack, talk, chat, story, 32,
33, 32, 55, etc.; cracks, 5,
65, 70.

Crack, to talk,89; crack in, 109.
Craft, a croft, 157.
Craft-rig, croft-ridge, 516.
Craig, throat, 231; craigie, 82.
Craigie, neck, 470.
Craigy, craggie, 249.
Craik, corn-crake, 239.
Cran, the support for a pot,

[blocks in formation]

Curchie, curtesy, 49.


Curpin, crupper, 167; curple


Cushat, wood pigeon, 42, 238.
Custock, heart of a cabbage
stalk, 64.

Cutty, short; cutty sark, 247-
Cutty-stool, stool of repent-
ance, 182.

DADDIE, father, 8, 44.
Daffin, merry-making, fun,
49, 78, 167.

Daft, foolish mad, 78, 84.
Dails, deals, planks, 50.
Daimen, odd, occasional, 71.
Dang (pret. of ding), 426, 4640


Darklins, in the dark, 66.
Daud, a large piece, 54.
Daud, to pelt, 120; daudin,

Daunder, to saunter, 283.
Daunton, to subdue, depress,
8, 283.

Daurk, day's labour, 105.
Daut, dawt, to pet, fondle, 9 ¡
dautit, 95, 159.

Dautie, darling, pet, 434
Daw, to dawn, 354, 381;
dawin, 342.
Dawd, see Daud.

Dawin, the dawning, 389, 491.
Dead, death, 40, 247.
Dead-sweer, very lazy, 162.
Deave, to deafen, annoy, 123.
Deil, devil, 93, etc.; deila ane,

Deil-haet, nothing at all, 62,


Deil-ma-care, no matter, 28.
Deleerit, delirious, 66.
Delvin, digging, 162.
Dern, to hide, 73.

Devel, a heavy blow, 185.
Dibble, planting-stick, 623.
Diddle, to move quickly, 61,

188. 寡

Dight, to wipe, 21, 80, 196,

220; to clean (corn), 167.
Din, dark-skinned, 420, 526.

Curmurring, rumbling noise, Ding, to beat, surpass, 156.

Dink, neat, 338.


[blocks in formation]

Dozen'd, benumbed, 225.
Drants, long discourses, 528.
Drap, a drop; drappie, 47.
Draunting, tiresome, 262.
Dree, to endure, suffer, 305,

Dreepin, dripping, 128.
Dreigh, tedious, wearisome,

Dribble, drizzle, 72.
Driddle, to toddle, 80, 188.
Droddum, breech, 142.
Drone, a part of the bagpipe,
Droop-rumpl't, with drooping
rump, 104.

Drouk, to soak; droukit, 418,
Drouth, thirst, 85, 114, 233.

[blocks in formation]

EARN, eagle, 238.
Eastlin, eastern, 225.
E'e-brie, eyebrow, 336.
E'enin', evening, 331, 400.
Eerie, awed, frightened, 26,
58, 68, 131; ghostly, 94.
Eild, old age, 126, 177.
Elbuck, elbow, 61, 121.
Eldritch, unearthly, ghostly,

30, 51, 94, 95, 230, 239, 248.
Erse, Gaelic, 97.

Ether-stone, adder-stone, 269
Ettle, aim, intent, 248.
Ev'n-down, downright, 112.
Eydent, diligent, 88.

FA', lot, portion, 200.
Fa', to deserve, 288.
Fa', to obtain, 489.
Fae, foe, 15.
Faem, foam, 98.
Faikit, dispensed with, 61.
Fairin, a present (brought
from a fair), reward, 31,

Fa'n, faun, fallen, 231.
Fan', fand, found, 42.
Farls, cakes. 50.

Fash, trouble, annoyance, B,


Fash, to trouble, bother, 6, 17,
47, 62, 114; to care about,
124; fashed, 22, 108.
Fashious, troublesome, 226.
Fasten-e'en, Fastern Even,


Fatt'rels, trimmings, 142.
Faught, a fight, 428, 485.
Faught, fought,
Fauld, fold, 14.


Fauld, to fold sheep; a-fauld-
ing, 474.
Faulding-slap, the opening in
a sheep fold, 326.
Faun, fallen, 370.
Fause, false, 370.
Fause-house, space inside a
stack of grain.
Faut, fault, 308, 320, etc.;
lack, 392.
Fauter, defaulter, 324.
Fawsont, seemly, 110; hand-

some, 154.

Feat, trim, spruce, 63.
Fecht, fight, 516.

Feck, greater part, 49; value,


Fecket, vest, 260.

Fient, fien', fiend, devil; fient
a, not a, 26; fient-haet, not
a bit, 106, 111.
Fier, sound, active, 17.
Fissle, to tingle, fidget, 36.
Fit, foot, 70.

a plough-horse

(the near one of the hind-
most pair), 104.
Flaffin, flapping, 154.
Flainen, flannel, 142, 246.
Fleech, to beg, 435.
Fleechin, wheedling, 159
Fleesh, fleece, 4.

Fleg, a kick, jerk, 37, 282.
Fletherin, flattering, 159.
Flewit, a sharp stroke, 173
Fley, to scare; fley'd, 27, 68
Flichterin, fluttering, 87.
Flinders, fragments, 165.
Flinging, kicking out, 246.
Flinging-tree, flail, 130.
Flisk, to fret, caper, 104
Flit, to shift, 105.
Flyte, to scold, 494.
Fodgel, dumpy, 230.
Foor (pa. t. of fare), went,
356, 388.

Feckless, weak, worthless, 8, Forbears, ancestors, 2, 4.

[blocks in formation]

Forbye, besides, 139.

Forfairn, worn out, exhausted

121, 177.

Forfoughten, exhausted, 198.
Forgather, to meet, 26, 35
106, 173; forgather up wi,
take up with, 3.
Forjeskit, tired out, 36.
Fou, full, drunk, 5, 23, 25, 78.
Foughten, troubled, 111.
Foumart, pole-cat, 389.
Fouth, abundance, 231.
Fow, bushel, 105.
Freath, to froth, 99.
Freathing, foaming, 551.
Fremit, strange, 281.
Fud, tail (of a hare, etc.), 85.
Fuff, to puff; fuff't, 66.
Fu'-han't, full-handed, 428.
Furder, progress, 56.
Furr, a furrow, 48, 387.
Furr-ahin, the hindmost right-
hand horse in plough.
Fushionless, pithless 426.

[blocks in formation]

Gab, to talk, 115.
Gae, gang, to go; pa. t. gaed;

pa. part. gaen, gane.
Gairs, gores (of a dress), 337.
Gangrel, vagrant, 74.
Gar, to make, cause, compel,
35, 63, etc.
Garten, garter, 63.
Gash, wise, 106; self-impor-
tant, 50, 54.
Gashin, talking, 65,
Gate, way, 27, 111, 178; a' fo
the gate, all away, 177;
gates, ways, habits, 2.
Gaud, goad, 373.
Gaudsman, goadsman (of a
plough-team), 140.
Gaun, going, turn, spell, 104.
Gaunt, to yawn, 586.
Gausy, gawsie, buxom, jolly,
large and handsome, 54, 80,


Gawkie, an awkward person,


Gaylies, pretty well, 154.
Gear, goods, money, wealth, 1,
3, 17, etc.

Geck, to toss the head, 157.
Ged, a pike, 185.

Genty, elegant, 338, 371, 373.
Geordie (yellow) a guinea,
107; yellow George, 7.
Get, offspring, 4, 157.
Ghaist, ghost, 326.

Gie, to give; pa. t. gied, ga'e;
pa. part. gien, gi'en.
Giglets, girls, 182.

Gillie, dim. of gill, a measure,

Gilpey, a young girl, 67.
Gimmer, a young ewe, 30.
Gin, by the time of, 55
Gin, if, 351, 539, etc.
Girdle, a baking plate, 74.
Girn, to distort the face, to
snarl, 4, 46, 285; girnin, 45,

190, 203.

Girrs, hoops, 499.
Gizz, a wig, 96.

Glaikit, foolish, giddy, 61, 167,


Glaum, to grasp, 385.
Gled, a kite, 387.

Gleg, sharp, keen, 47, 188;
quick, smart, 140, 164, 291.
Gleg, smartly, quickly, a31.
Glieb, a field, 407.

Glint, to glance, sparkle, 48,


Gloamin, twilight, 112, 186;
gloamin' shot, 503.

Glow'r, a stare, 50, 183, 191,

Glow'r, to stare, 26, 48, 246;

glowrin, 1, 20, 46, 83, 244-
Glow'r, to stare, 364, 448, 511.
Glunch, a frown, 101.
Glunch, to frown, 114.
Goavin, gazing stupidly, 183,

Gooms, the gums, 22, 181.
Gowan, a daisy, 30.
Gowd, gold, 375.
Gowden, golden, 337, 391.
Gowff, to strike, 267.
Gowk, a fool, dolt, 177, 202,


Gowling, howling, 162.
Graff, grave, 498, 537.
Grain, to groan, 30.
Graip, a dung-fork, 67.
Graith, implements, gear, 33,
99, 139; garb, attire, 50,
186, 267.

Graithing, outfit, 552.
Grane, a groan, 68, 111, 185.
Grape, to grope, 63, 66.
Grat, wept, 206.

Gravat, cravat, 492.
Gree, prize, victory, 41, 182.
Gree, to agree, 380, 550.
Greet, to weep, 2, 45, 114 ; pa
t. grat; pa. part. grutten.
Grien, to long for, 292.
Groanin-maut, malt for a
lying-in, 324.
Grozet, gooseberry, 142.
Grumphie, the pig, 68.
Gruntle, a grunt, 68.
Gruntle, the face, 101.

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