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"Aetas parentum, pejor avis, tulit Nos nequiores, mox daturos Progeniem vitiosiorem."

HORACE. Odes, III., 6, 46.

"Viler than grandsires, sires beget Ourselves, yet baser, soon to curse

The world with baser offspring yet."-(Conington.)

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"Let us bring to bear our plain mother wit."

"Agedum virtus antecedat, tutum erit omne vestigium." SENECA. De Vita Beata, XIII., 5.

"If virtue precede us every step will be safe."

"Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae.”

VIRGIL. Eneid, IV., 23.

"E'en in these ashen embers cold
I feel the spark I felt of old."-(Conington.)

"Ah! crudele genus, nec fidum femina nomen !
Ah! pereat, didicit fallere si qua virum !"

TIBULLUS. Elegies, III., 4, 61.

Ah cruel race! ah faithless name of woman!
Ah, death to her who learns man to deceive."

"Ah miser! etsi quis primo perjuria celat,
Sera tamen tacitis Poena venit pedibus."

TIBULLUS. Elegies, I., 9. 3.

'Unhappy man! though you at first conceal
Your perjuries, yet punishment at last
Creeps on with silent feet."

"Ah! nimium faciles, qui tristia crimina caedis
Fluminea tolli posse putatis aqua."

OVID. Fasti, II., 45.

"Too easy those who think that murder's stain
May be by river water washed away.'

"Aleator, quanto in arte melior, tanto nequior."

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"A gamester, the greater master he is in his art, the worse man he is."


"Alia initia e fine." PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History, IX., 65. "From the end spring new beginnings."

"Aliae nationes servitutem pati possunt; populi Romani res est propria libertas." CICERO. Philippica, VI., 7, 19.

"Other nations may be able to endure slavery; but liberty is the very birthright of the Roman people."

"Aliena nobis, nostra plus aliis placent."


"We desire what belongs to others, while others covet rather our possessions."


Aliquis de gente hircosa Centurionum Dicat; quod satis est sapio mihi, non ego curo Esse quod Arcesilas, aerumnosique Solones."

PERSIUS. Satires, III., 77.

"Some bearded captain

May say: 'What is enough for me I know;

And I have no desire to imitate

Arcesilaus or some careworn Solon"."

"Aliter catuli longe olent, aliter sues."

PLAUTUS. Epidicus, Act IV., Sc. II., 9.—(Philippa.)

"Puppies and pigs have a very different smell."

"Alitur vitium, vivitque tegendo,

Dum medicas adhibere manus ad vulnera pastor
Abnegat, aut meliora deos sedet omina poscens."


Georgics, III.,


"Give ills their vent, worse by concealment made,

The while the shepherd, sitting in the shade,
Doth supplicate the heavens above for aid."-(J. B. Rose.)

"Aliud est male dicere, aliud accusare. Accusatio crimen desiderat, rem ut definiat, hominem ut notet, argumento probet, teste confirmet. Maledictio autem nihil habet propositi praeter contumeliam." CICERO. Pro Caelio, III., 6.

"To slander is one thing, to accuse another. Accusation implies definition of the charge, identification of the person, proof by argument, confirmation by witnesses. Slander has no other object than the injury of a reputation."

"Alium silere quod voles, primus sile."

SENECA. Phaedra, 884.-(Phaedra.)

"If you know aught another should not tell, then tell it not yourself." "Alius est fructus artis, alius artificii: artis est fecisse quod voluit, artificii fecisse cum fructu. Perfecit opus suum Phidias, etiamsi non vendidit." SENECA. De Beneficiis, II., 33, 2. "There is this difference between the products of the artist and of the craftsman the artist produces what he himself finds good, the craftsman what is profitable. Phidias, for instance, finished his work with the greatest care, even though he did not sell it."

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Deep-seated are the wounds dealt out in civil brawls."

"Alter remus aquas, alter tibi radat arenas; Tutus eris. Medio maxima turba mari est."

PROPERTIUS. Elegies, IV., 2, 23 (III., 3, 23).

"Sweep with one oar the waves, with one the sands;
Thus shall you safety find. The roughest seas
Are far from land."

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"Altera manu fert lapidem, panem ostentat altera."

PLAUTUS. Aulularia, Act II., Sc. II., 18.-(Euclio.) "He shows us bread in one hand, but has a stone in the other."

"Alterius non sit, qui suus esse potest."

ANONYMOUS. Fabulae Aesopiae, XXI., de Ranis, 22. (Printed with the Fables of Phaedrus and Avianus, Biponti, 1784.)

"He who can be his own master, should not serve another."

"Amabit sapiens, cupient caeteri."

AFRANIUS. Omen, Fragment I. (VII.).

"The wise man will love; all others will desire."

"Amantium irae amoris integratio est."

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'Quarrels of lovers but renew their love."-(George Colman.)

TERENCE. Andria, Act III., Sc. III., 23.-(Chremes.)

TITUS. (Suetonius, VIII., 8.)

"Amici, diem perdidi."

"Friends, I have lost a day."

"Amicitia semper prodest, amor et nocet."


"Friendship is ever helpful, but love is harmful."

"(Vulgatum illud, quia verum erat, in proverbium venit:) Amicitias immortales, mortales inimicitias debere esse.'

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LIVY. Histories, XL., 46.

"There is an old saying which, from its truth, has become proverbial, that friendships should be immortal, enmities mortal."

"Amicos esse fures temporis (monere solebant)."

BACON. De Augmentis Scientiarum, VIII., 1. "Friends, they used to say, are the thieves of time." "Amicum perdere est damnorum maximum."


"The loss of a friend is the greatest of all losses." "Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur."

ENNIUS. Fragment incert., XLIV. (XVIII.). "The true friend shows himself when fortune plays us false." "Amittit merito proprium, qui alienum appetit."

PHAEDRUS. Fables, I., 4, 1.

"He rightly loses his own who covets another's."

"Amor et melle et felle est fecundissumus."

PLAUTUS. Cistellaria, Act I., Sc. I., 71.-(Gymnasium.)

"Love has both gall and honey in abundance."

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A graver tone, and lay our joking by."-(Conington.)

"Amphitryo, miserrima istaec miseria est servo bono, Apud herum qui vera loquitur, si id vi verum vincitur."

PLAUTUS. Amphitryo, Act II., Sc. I., 43.—(Sosia.) "Of all grievances

This is most grievous to a trusty servant:

That though he tell his master truth, the truth

He is beat out of by authority."-(Bonnell Thornton.)

"Amphora coepit

Institui, currente rota cur urceus exit?"

HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 21.

"That crockery was a jar when you began;
It ends a pitcher."-(Conington.)

"Ampliat aetatis spatium sibi vir bonus. Hoc est

Vivere bis vita posse priore frui." MARTIAL. Epigrams, X., 23, 7.
"A good man has a double span of life,
For to enjoy past life is twice to live."

"An male sarta

Gratia nequicquam coit et rescinditur?"

HORACE. Epistolae, I., 3, 31.

"Is that ugly breach in your good will

We hoped had closed, unhealed and gaping still?"-(Conington.)

"An nescis longas regibus esse manus?"

OVID. Heroides, XVII., 166.

66 'Know you not how long are the arms of kings?"

"An quisquam est alius liber, nisi ducere vitam
Cui licet ut voluit? Licet ut volo vivere; non sum
Liberior Bruto?"

PERSIUS. Satires, V., 83.

"Is any other free than he who lives

His life as he has wished? Let me but live
According to my will; am I not then
More free than Brutus?"

"An tu tibi

Verba blanda esse aurum rere? dicta docta pro datis?

PLAUTUS. Asinaria, Act III., Sc. I., 21.-(Cleaereta.)
"Do you think

A smooth persuasive tongue will pass with us
For current coin? or that fine subtle speeches
Will pass for presents?"-(Bonnell Thornton.)

"Anima est amica amanti; si abest, nullus est;

Si adest, res nulla 'st, ipsus est nequam et miser."

PLAUTUS. Bacchides, Act II., Sc. II., 16.-(Chrysalus.)

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Animae, quibus altera fato

Corpora debentur, Lethaei ad fluminis undam
Securos latices, et longa oblivia potant."

VIRGIL. Eneid, VI., 713.

"Those souls who for rebirth
By Fate are destined, drink from Lethe's stream
Draughts of forgetfulness and long oblivion."

"(Apros,) animal propter convivia natum."

JUVENAL. Satires, I., 141.

"The boar, an animal for banquets born." "Animasque in volnere ponunt.”

VIRGIL. Georgics, IV., 238.-(Of the bee.)

"They pierce and leave their lives within the wound."

"Animi cultus ille erat ei quasi quidem humanitatis cibus."

CICERO. De Finibus, V., 19, 54.

"This mental culture was as it were food to his higher nature." "Animi est enim omnis actio, et imago animi vultus, indices oculi." CICERO. De Oratore, III., 59, 221.

"All action is of the mind, and the mirror of the mind is the face, its index the eyes."

"Animo vidit, ingenio complexus est, eloquentia illuminavit.” VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. Historia Romana, II., 66. -(Of Cicero.)

"His intelligence seized on a subject, his genius embraced it, his eloquence

illuminated it."

"Animula vagula, blandula,

Hospes comesque corporis,
Quae nunc abibis in loca;

Pallidula, rigidula, nudula,
Nec, ut soles, dabis jocos."

HADRIAN. (Aelius Spartianus, Hadriani Vita.)

"Little, gentle, wandering soul,

Guest and comrade of the body,

Who departest into space,

Naked, stiff and colourless,

All thy wonted jests are done."

"(Ut facile intelligi possit) Animum et videre et audire, non eas parte, quae quasi fenestrae sint animi."

CICERO. Tusculanae Disputationes, I., 20, 46.

"It is the soul which sees and hears; not those parts of the body which

are, in a sense, the windows of the soul."

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