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STEEL BAR. A needle. A steel bar flinger; a taylor, staymaker, or any other person using a needle.

STEENKIRK. A muslin neckcloth carelessly put on, from the manner in which the French officers wore their cravats when they returned from the battle of Steenkirk. STEEPLE HOUSE. A name given to the church by Dissen


STEPHEN. Money. Stephen's at home; i. e. has money. STEPNEY. A decoction of raisins of the sun and lemons in conduit water, sweetened with sugar, and bottled up. T STEWED QUAKER. Burnt rum, with a piece of butter an American remedy for a cold.

STICKS. Household furniture.

STICKS. Pops or pistols. Stow your sticks; hide your pistols. Cant. See Pops,

STICK FLAMS. A pair of gloves..
STIFF-RUMPED. Proud, stately.

STINGBUM. A niggard.

STINGO. Strong beer, or other liquor.

STIRRUP CUP. A parting cup or glass, drank on horseback by the person taking leave.

STITCH. A nick name for a taylor: also a term for lying with a woman.

STITCHBACK. Strong ale.

STIVER-CRAMPED. Needy, wanting money. A stiver is a
Dutch coin, worth somewhat more than a penny sterling.
STOCK. A good stock; i. e. of impudence. Stock and
block; the whole: he has lost stock and block.

STOCK JOBBERS. Persons who gamble in Exchange Alley, by pretending to buy and sell the public funds, but in reality only betting that they will be at a certain price, at a particular time; possessing neither, the stock pretended to be sold, nor money sufficient to make good the payments for which they contract: these gentlemen are known under the different appellations of bulls, bears, and lame ducks.

STOMACH WORM. The stomach worm gnaws; I am hungry.
STONE. Two stone under weight, or wanting; an eunuch,
Stone doublet; a prison. Stone dead; dead as a stone.
STONE JUG. Newgate, or any other prison.

Persons set in the pillory. Cant.

STOOP. The pillory. The cull was served for macing and napp'd the stoop; he was convicted of swindling, and put in the pillory.


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The nick name of the chief rendzvous of the canting crew of beggars, gypsies, cheats, thieves, &c. &c.

STOTER. A great blow. Tip him a stoter in the haltering place; give him a blow under the left ear.

STOUP. A vessel to hold liquor: a vessel containing a size or halfa pint, is so called at Cambridge. Srow. Stow you; be silent, or hold your peace.


your whidds and plant'em, for the cove of the ken can cant'em; you have said enough, the man of the house understands you.

STRAIT-LACED. Precise, over nice, puritanical.

STRAIT WAISTCOAT. A tight waistcoat, with long sleeves coming-over the hand, having strings for binding them behind the back of the wearer: these waistcoats are used in madhouses for the management of lunatics when outrage




STRANGER. A guinea.

STRANGLE GOOSE. A poulterer.

TO STRAP. To work. The kiddy would not strap, so he went on the scamp; thelad would not work, and therefore robbed on the highway.

STRAPPER. A large man or woman.


STRAPPING. Lying with a woman. STRAW. A good woman in the straw; a lying-in woman. His eyes draw straw; his eyes are almost shut, or he is almost asleep one eye draws straw, and t'other serves the thatcher.

STRETCH. A yard. The cove was lagged for prigging a peter with several stretch of dobbin from a drag; the fellow was transported for stealing a trunk, containing several yards of ribband, from a waggon.

STRETCHING. Hanging. He'll stretch for it; he will be hanged for it. Also telling a great lie: he stretched stoutly. STRIKE. Twenty shillings. Cant.



STROKE. To take a stroke: to take a bout with a woman. STROLLERS. Itinerants of different kinds. Strolling morts; beggars or pedlars pretending to be widows.

STROMMEL. Straw. Cant.

STRONG MAN. To play the part of the strong man, i. e. to push the cart and horses too; to be whipt at the cart's tail.

STRUM. A perriwig. Rum strum: a fine large wig. (Cambridge) To do a piece. Fœminam subagitare. Cant.

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TO STRUM. To have carnal knowledge of a woman; also to play badly on the harpsichord, or any other stringed instrument. A strummer of wire; a player on any instrument strung with wire.

STRUMPET. A harlot.

STUB-FACED. Pitted with the small pox: the devil ran over his face with horse stubs (horse nails) in his shoes. STUBBLE IT. Hold your tongue. Cant.


STUм. The flower of fermenting wine, used by vintners to adulterate their wines.

STUMPS. Legs. To stir one's stumps; to walk fast. STURDY BEGGARS. The fifth and last of the most ancient order of canters, beggars that rather demand than ask. Cant. SUCCESSFULLY. Used by the vulgar for successively as three or four landlords of this house have been ruined successfully by the number of soldiers quartered on them. Irish.

SUCH A REASON PIST MY GOOSE, or MY GOOSE PIST. Said when any one offers an absurd reason.

SUCK. Strong liquor of any sort. To suck the monkey; see MONKEY. Sucky; drunk.

To SUCK. To pump. To draw from a man all he knows. The file sucked the noodle's brains: the deep one drew out of the fool all he knew.

SUCKING CHICKEN. A young chicken.

SUDS. In the suds; in trouble, in a disagreeable situation, or involved in some difficulty.

SUGAR STICK. The virile member.

SUGAR SOPS. Toasted bread soked in ale, sweetened with sugar, and grated nutmeg: it is eaten with cheese.

SUIT AND CLOAK. Good store of brandy, or other strong liquor, let down gutter lane.

SULKY. A one-horse chaise or carriage, capable of holding but one person called by the French a desobligeant. SUN. To have been in the sun; said of one that is drunk. SUNBURNT. Ciapped; also having many male children. SUNDAY MAN. One who goes abroad on that day only, for fear of arrests.

SUNNY BANK. A good fire in winter.

SUNSHINE. Prosperity.

SUPERNACULUM. Good liquor, of which there is not even a drop left sufficient to wet one's nail.

SUPOUCH. A landlady of an inn, or hostess.

SURVEYOR OF THE HIGHWAYS. One reeling drunk.


SURVEYOR OF THE PAVEMENT. One standing in the pillory. SUS. PER COLL, Hanged: persons who have been hanged are thus entered into the jailor's books.

SUSPENCE. One in a deadly suspence; a man just turned off at the gallows.

SUTLER. A camp publican: also one that pilfers gloves, tobacco boxes, and such small moveables.

SWABBERS. The ace of hearts, knave of clubs, ace and duce of trumps, at whist: also the lubberly seamen, put to swab and clean the ship.

SWAD, OF SWADKIN. A soldier.


To SWADDLE. To beat with a stick.

SWADDLERS. The tenth order of the canting tribe, who not only rob, but beat, and often murder passenges. Cant.Swaddlers is also the Irish name for methodist.

SWAG. A shop. Any quantity of goods. As, plant the swag; conceal the goods. Rum swag; a shop full of rich goods. Cant.

SWAGGER. To bully, brag, or boast, also to strut.

SWANNERY. He keeps a swannery; i. e. all his geese are


SWEATING. A mode of diminishing the gold coin, practised chiefly by the Jews, who corrode it with aqua regia. Sweating was also a diversion practised by the bloods of the last century, who styled themselves Mobocks: these gentlemen lay in wait to surprise some person late in the night, when surrouduing him, they with their swords pricked him in the posteriors, which obliged him to be constantly turning round; this they continued till they thought him sufliciently sweated.


Easy to be imposed on, or taken in; also expert, dexterous, clever. Sweet's your hand; said of one dexterous at stealing.

SWEET HEART. A term applicable to either the masculine or feminine gender, signifying a girl's lover, or a man's mistress: derived from a sweet cake in the shape of a heart.

SWEETNERS. Guinea droppers, cheats, sharpers. To sweeten; to decoy, or draw in. To be sweet upon; to coax, wheedle, court, or allure. He seemed sweet upon that wench; he seemed to court that girl.

SWELL. A gentleman. A well dressed man. The flashman bounced the swell of all his blunt; the girl's bully frightened the gentleman out of all his money.

SWELLED HEAD. A disorder to which horses are extremely liable, particularly those of the subalterns of the army.



This disorder is generally occasioned by remaining too long in one livery-stable or inn, and often arises to that height that it prevents their coming out at the stable door. 'The most certain cure is the unguentum aureum---not ape plied to the horse, but to the palm of the master of the inn or stable. N. B. Neither this disorder, nor its remedy, is mentioned by either Bracken, Bartlet, or any of the medern writers on farriery.

SWIG. A hearty draught of liquor.

SWIGMEN. Thieves who travel the country under colour of buying old shoes, old clothes, &c. or selling brooms, mops, &c. Cant.

To SWILL. To drink greedily.

SWILL TUB. A drunkard, a sot.

SWIMMER. A counterfeit old coin.

SWIMMER. A ship. I shall have a swimmer; a cant phrase used by thieves to signify that they will be sent on board the tender.

TO SWING. To be hanged. He will swing for it; he will be hanged for it.


To SWINGE. To beat stoutly.

SWINGING. A great swinging fellow; a great stout fellow. A swinging lie; a lusty lie.

SWINDLER. One who obtains goods on credit by false pretences, and sells them for ready money at any price, in order to make up a purse. This name is derived from the German word schwindlin, to totter, to be ready to fall; these arts being generally practised by persons on the totter, or just ready to break. The term swindler has since been used to signify cheats of every kind.

SWIPES. Purser's swipes; small beer: so termed on board the king's ships, where it is furnished by the purser. SWISH TAIL. A pheasant; so called by the persons who sell game for the poachers.

To SwIVE. To copulate.
SWIVEL-EYED. Squinting.

Swizzle. Drink, or any brisk or windy liquor. In North America, a mixture of spruce beer, rum, and sugar, was so called. The 17th regiment had a society called the Swizzle Club, at Ticonderoga, A. D. 1760.*

SWORD RACKET. To enlist in different regiments, and on receiving the bounty to desert immediately.

SWOP. Au exchange.

SYEBUCK. Sixpence.

SYNTAX. A schoolmaster.



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