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prehension, anxiety, alarm, | miserābilis, -e, [miseror], adj.,


meus, -a, -um, [MA, me], poss. pron. adj., my, mine, my own, of mine.

mīles, -itis, [MIL, associate], m., soldier, common soldier, private; soldiery, army. mīlitāris, -e, [mīles], adj., of a soldier, of war, military, warlike, soldierly; rēs mīlitāris, art of war; homō militāris, experienced soldier. militia, -ae, [mīles], f., military

service; locat., militiae, in the army, in the field, abroad. mille, indecl. adj. in sing., in pl.,. noun, mīlia, -ium, [MIL, associate], n., a thousand.

pitiable, deplorable.

misereor, -ērī, -itus sum, [miser], with gen., pity, take compassion on.

miseria, -ae, [miser], f., wretchedness, misery, woe, trouble, distress. misericordia, -ae, [misericors], f., pity, compassion, mercy. misericors, -cordis, [miser+cor, heart], adj., merciful, compassionate.

miseror, -ārī, -ātus sum, [miser],

lament, mourn over, bewail, deplore.

Mithridāticus, -a, -um, [Mithridātēs], adj., of Mithridates, Mithridatic.

minae, -ārum, [MIN, project], f. mittō, -ere, mīsī, missus, [MIT,

pl., threats, menaces.

minitor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [freq.

from minor], with dat.,threaten. minor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [minae], threaten.

minor, see parvus.

minumē or minimē, see parum. minumus or minimus, see par


minuō, -ere, -ui, -ūtus, [MIN, less],

lessen, diminish, abate. minus, see parum.

mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum, [mīrus], admire; wonder, marvel, be surprised.

mīrus, -a, um, [MIR, wonder], adj., wonderful, surprising; neque mirum, and no wonder. misceō, -ēre, -uī, mixtus, [mic, mix], throw into confusion, confuse, disturb, upturn. miser,-era, -erum, [MIS,wretched],

adj., wretched, unfortunate, miserable, pitiable, distressed.

send], send, despatch.

mixtus, -a, -um, [part. of mis

ceō], adj., mixed, heteroge


mobilitās, -ātis, [mōbilis, movable], f., fickleness, sudden impulse.

moderātus, -a, -um, [part. of

moderor], adj., self-controlled; nihil moderātī habēre, exercise no self-control whatever. moderor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [mo

dus], with dat., set bounds, control, restrain. modestia, -ae, [modestus], f., moderation, self-restraint, selfcontrol; honor, dignity, character.

modestus, -a, -um, [modus], adj.,
modest, unassuming.
modo, [abl. of modus], adv. and

(1) As adv., only, merely, but,
just; nōn
modo, sed,

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manner, mode, way; pl., character, characteristics, principles, morals, civilization. mōtus, -ūs, [moveō], m., movement, disturbance, commotion, uprising.

moveō, -ēre, mōvī, mōtus, [MOV, move], move, set in motion; remove, expel; disturb, concern, trouble; castra movere, break camp; iocum movēre, crack a joke. muliebris, -e, [mulier], adj., womanish.

mulier, -eris, f., woman. multitūdō, -inis, [multus], f., great number, multitude, host; crowd, body of men; mob, rabble.

multō, [abl. of multus], adv., much, by far, very.

multō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [multa, a fine], punish.

mollis, -e, adj., pliant, plastic; multum, [multus], adv., much,

tender; agreeable. molliter, [mollis], adv., luxuri


mollitia, -ae, [mollis], f., weak

ness, irresolution.

moneō, -ēre, -ui, -itus, [MEN,

mind], advise, warn; suggest, counsel.

mōns, montis, [MAN, tower], m., mountain.

mora, -ae, [SMAR, think], f., delay.

greatly, frequently; comp., plūs, more; plus posse, be more powerful, accomplish more; superl., plūrumum or plurimum, most; plūrumum posse, be most powerful, be most effective.

multus, -a, -um, adj., much,

many; comp., plūs, more; plūris facere, esteem more highly; superl., plūrumus or plūrimus, most, very many.

morbus, -1, [MAR, die], m., dis- Mulvius, -a, -um, adj., Mulvian;


mors, mortis, [MAR, die], f.,


mortālis, -e, [mors], adj., mortal; as noun, mortālis, -is, m., mortal, human being, man. mōs, mōris, m., custom, practice;

pōns Mulvius, the Mulvian bridge, built by M. Aemilius Scaurus, the censor, in B.C. 109, which crossed the Tiber two miles north of Rome, on the Via Flaminia; now Ponte Molle.

municeps, -cipis, [mūnia, public duties CAP, take], m. and f., citizen of a municipality or free town. mūnicipium, -ī, [mūniceps], n., free town or city, municipality, which, being annexed to Rome, lost its sovereignty, but retained local self-government. munificentia, -ae, [mūnificus, bountiful], f., munificence, generosity.

mūniō, -īre, -ivi or -i, -ītus, [moenia], fortify, protect, secure, guard.

mūnītus, -a, -um, [part. of mūnio], adj., fortified, protected,


mūnus, -eris, [MV, shut], n.,

service; pl., public exhibition, public games, show of gladia


Murēna, -ae, m., name of a Roman family in the Licinian gens; C. Licinius Murena was acting governor of Cisalpine Gaul in B.C. 63, in place of his brother Lucius, who went to Rome as candidate for the consulship of the following year. mūrus, -ī, [мv, shut], m., wall,


mūtō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [freq. from moveō], change, alter; exchange.

mūtuus, -a, -um, [mūtō], adj., borrowed; sumptus mutuus, procured as a loan.


nam, conj., introducing an explanation or a reason, for. nam-que, conj., a strengthened

nam, for indeed, and in fact, for you see, for. nanciscor, -ī, nactus or nanctus sum, [NAC, get], get, obtain. nārrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [for gnārigō from gnārus, knowing], tell, relate, narrate, recount. nāscor, -ī, nātus sum, [GNA, beget], with abl., be born. nātiō, -ōnis, [GNA, beget], f., tribe, people, race, nation. nātūra, -ae, [GNA, beget], f., nature; natural inclination or disposition; temper, charac


naufragus, -a, -um, [nāvis, ship

FRAG, break], adj., shipwrecked; as noun, naufragī, -ōrum, m. pl., castaways; ruined men, bankrupts. nāvigō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [nāvis, ship+ AG, drive], sail, navigate.

nē, [= val, vý, verily ], adv.,

verily, truly, assuredly. nē, [NA, no], adv. and conj.:

(1) As adv., not; nē. . . qui

dem, not even.

(2) As conj., that . . . not, not to, not, lest, for fear that, to prevent; with expressions of fear, that, lest. -ne, [weaker form of nē, not], enclitic adv. and conj. :

(1) As adv., in a direct ques

tion, not translated.

(2) As conj., in an indirect question, whether.

nec, see neque. necessarius, -a, -um, [necesse], adj., necessary; as noun, necessaria, -ōrum, n. pl., necessaries of life, barest necessities. necesse, [NEC, bind], indecl. n.

adj., necessary, needful; necesse est, one should.

nor yet, but not; neque

neque, neither . . . nor.

necessitās, -ātis, [necesse], f., nequeō, -īre, -īvi, —, [nē+queō,


necessitūdō, -inis, [necesse], f.,
necessity, need, financial straits.
necō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [NEC,
kill], kill, slay, murder, put
to death, execute.
nefandus, -a, -um, [nē+fandus,

to be uttered], adj., unspeakable, infamous, abominable. nefārius, -a, -um, [nefās, im

be able], not to be able, be unable, cannot.

nēquiquam, [nē + old abl. of

quisquam], adv., in vain, to no purpose.

Nerō, -ōnis, m., name of a family in the Claudian gens; Ti. Claudius Nerō, a senator in B.C. 63, was the grandfather of the Emperor Tiberius.

piety], adj., infamous, exe-nē-sciō, -ire, -īvī or -ii, -ītus, not

crable, nefarious, outrageous, dastardly.

neglegentia, -ae, [neglegēns,

know, be ignorant; nēsciō an,

I know not but, I am inclined to think, probably.

heedless], f., negligence, care-nē-ve or neu, conj., and not,


neglegō, -ere, -lēxī (lēgī), -lēc

tus, [nec + legō], neglect, disregard, despise.

negōtior, -ārī, -ātus sum, [negotium], engage in business, trade.

negōtiōsus, -a, -um, [negōtium], adj., occupied with business, busy.

negōtium, -1, [nec + ōtium], n., business, occupation, undertaking, enterprise, commission, task; affair, matter; emergency, difficulty; pl., business transactions, business inter


nēmō, —, nēmīnī, gen. and abl. sing., and all the pl. supplied by forms from nūllus, [nē + homō], m. and f., no one, no

body; as adj., no. nepōs, -ōtis, m., (grandson); spendthrift, prodigal. neque and nec, [nē, not + -que],

adv. and conj., and not, nor,

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nī, [Na, no], conj., if not, unless.

nihil, indecl., and nihilum, -ī,

[nē + hilum, trifle], n., nothing; nihil, acc. as adv., not at all, not; nihil reliqui facere, leave nothing; nihilō minus, nevertheless. nihil-dum, indecl. n., nothing as yet.

nimis, adv., too much, too. nimium, [nimius, excessive], adv., too much, too.

nisi, [nē + sī], conj., if . . . not, unless, except.

nitidus, -a, -um, adj., shining, glistening, sleek.

nitor, -i, nisus or nixus sum, struggle, strive; press forward.

Nōbilior, -ōris, [nōbilis], m., name of a Roman family in the Fulvian gens; M. Fulvius Nobilior, of the equestrian

order, was one of Catiline's | noster, -tra, -trum, [nōs], poss.

conspirators. nōbilis, -e, [GNO, know], adj., well-known; high-born, of noble birth, of high rank; as noun, nōbilis, -is, m., aristocrat, nobleman, noble. nōbilitās, -ātis, [nōbilis], f., distinction; the nobility, nobles.

nocturnus, -a, -um, [nox], adj.,

by night, at night, nocturnal,

nōlō, nōlle, nolui, —, [nē +
volō], not to wish, be unwill-
ing, dislike; nōlīte existu-
māre, do not think.
nōmen, -inis, [GNO, know], n.,
name, title, signature; pre-
text, motive, reason, grounds;
authority, responsibility, re-
quest, order; account.
nōminō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [nō-
men], name, call by name,
address, mention, talk of, re-
mind; accuse.

pron. adj., our, of ours. nõtus, -a, -um, [part. of nōscō], adj., known.

November, -bris, -bre, [novem], adj., of November, November. novissumē, [novissumus], adv., very recently.

novitās, -ātis, [novos], f., rareness, strangeness; unusual character.

novō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [novos],

attempt to overthrow the government, effect a revolution. novos (-us), -a, -um, adj., new, unheard of, unprecedented; strange, unexpected; novae tabulae, cancellation of debts; novae rēs, revolution; novom bellum, war in a new field; homō novos, the first of a family to obtain a curule office, upstart.

nox, noctis, [NOC, kill], f., night. nūbō, -ere, nūpsī, nūptus, [NVB, veil], with dat., marry (a man).

non [for old noenum = nē + Nūcerīnus, -i, [Nūceria], m., ɑ ūnum], adv., not.

Nōnae, -ārum, [nōnus, ninth],

f. pl., the Nones, the ninth day before the Ides, and therefore the fifth day of the month, | except in March, May, July, and October, when they fell upon the seventh. nōn-dum, adv., not yet.

citizen of Nuceria, a city in Campania.

nūdus, -a, -um, adj., bare; va


nūllus, -a, -um, gen. nūllīus, dat. nūllī, [nē + ūllus], adj., not any, no.

numerus, -ī, [NVм, allot], m., number; list.

nōn-ne, inter. adv., expects af- numquam, [nē+umquam], adv.,

firmative answer, not?

nōn-nullus, -a, -um, adj., some.
nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtus, [GNO,
know], (become acquainted
with); in perf. tenses, be ac-
quainted with, know.
nōs-met, see -met.


nunc, [num + -ce], adv., now, at this time; under these circumstances, in view of this. nūntiō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [nūntius], report, make known, inform.

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