[timēsco, inceptive from timeō], fear greatly, be much afraid of, be alarmed, dread. pertineō, -ēre, -ui, -, [per + teneō], pertain, concern; tend; quō illa ōrātiō pertinet? what is the purpose of their speeches? perturbātus, -a, -um, [part. of perturbō], adj., disturbed, in disorder. per-turbo, -are, avi, -ātus, throw into disorder or confusion, disturb. per-veniō, -īre, -vēni, -ventus, arrive at, reach, come, fall. pēs, pedis, [PED, tread], m., foot; pedibus in sententiam ire, vote for. pessumus, see malus. pestilentia, -ae, [pestilēns, pestilential], f., plague. petītiō, -ōnis, [PET, fly], f., candidacy, canvass. petō, -ere, -īvī or -ii, -ītus, [PET, fly], seek; attack, aim at, thrust at; ask for, make request for, petition; be a candidate for, canvass for ; pursue after, strive to obtain, look for. Petrēius, -ī, m., a Roman name; M. Petrēius, lieutenant of the consul C. Antonius, was in command of the forces arrayed against Catiline in the battle of Pistoria. petulantia, -ae, [petulāns, forward], f., wantonness. pexus, -a, -um, [part. of pectō, comb], adj., well-combed. Picēnus, -a, -um, adj., Picene, of Picenum, a district on the east coast of Central Italy. pietās, -ātis, [pius, dutiful], f., piety. pīlum, -1, n., javelin, a Roman weapon, consisting of a wooden shaft 4 ft. long, fitted with an iron point 2 ft. long; it weighed about 10 lbs. pingō, -ere, pīnxī, pictus, paint; tabula picta, painting. Pīsō, -ōnis, m., name of a Roman family in the Calpurnian gens: (1) C. Calpurnius Pisō, proconsul of Gallia Narbonensis, в.с. 66-65, was brought to trial by the Allobroges on a charge of extortion, B.c. 63. (2) Cn. Calpurnius Pīsō plotted with Catiline in в.с. 66 to kill the consuls Cotta and Torquatus; but, failing in this, went as quaestor to Hither Spain, where he was soon afterward murdered by his Spanish cavalry. Pistoriensis, -e, [Pistoria], Pistorian, of Pistoria, a town in the north of Etruria, near which the battle with Catiline was fought; now Pistoia. placeō, -ēre, -ui, -itus, with dat., please, be acceptable, satisfy, content; impers. with inf., it pleases, one proposes, one thinks best. placidē, [placidus, gentle], adv., mildly, gently. plānities, -ēī, [plānus, level], f., level ground, plain. Plautius, -a, name of a Roman gens; Plautius, -a, -um, adj., Plautian; lēx Plautia dē vī, a law proposed by M. Plautius Silvānus, tribune of the plebs in в.с. 89, directed against disturbers of the public peace. plēbs, plēbis, and plēbēs, -ēī, [PLE, fill], f., common people, commons, plebeians, plebs, populace. plērumque, [acc. n. of plērusque], adv., generally, for the most part. plērusque, -aque, -umque, [plērus, very many], adj., usually pl., most, for the most part; as noun, the most of, the greater part of. plūrumum, see multum. plūrumus, see multus. (2) Q. Pompēius Rūfus, praetor in B.с. 63, was sent to Capua to aid in suppressing the conspiracy. Pomptīnus, -i, m., C. Pompti- pōnō, -ere, posui, positus, place, populāris, -e, [populus], adj., of the people; devoted to the people, democratic; as noun, populāris, -is, m., associate, accomplice. populus, -ī, [Plo, fill], m., peo plūs, see multum and multus. pollēns, -entis, [part. of polleō, polliceor, -ērī, -itus sum, [por for pro + liceor, bid], offer, promise, make promises. pollicitor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [freq. from polliceor], promise. polluō, -ere, -ui, -ūtus, [por for prō + luō, loose], defile, pollute, stain, desecrate. Porcius, -a, name of a plebeian gens; see Catō and Laeca. Porcius, -a, -um, adj., Porcian, of a Porcius; lex Porcia dē provocatione, (в.с. 197), a law of the tribune P. Porcius Laeca, forbidding a magistrate to scourge or put to death any Roman citizen who appealed to the people. porrō, [PRO, before], adv., further; porro autem, while on the other hand. Pompeius, -a, name of a plebeian portātiō, -ōnis, [portō], f., carrygens: (1) Cn. Pompēius Māgnus, Pompey, the triumvir, was occupied in settling affairs in the far East at the time of the Catilinarian conspiracy. ing, conveyance, transportation. portendō, -ere, -tendi, -tentus, [por for pro+tendō], foretell, predict, prophesy. portentum, -1, [part. of portendō], n., omen, portent. portō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, bear, carry, convey, transport. possessiō, -ōnis, [por for pro + SED, sit], f., possessions, estates, property. possideō, -ēre, -sēdī, -sessus, [por for pro + sedeō], have possession, possess, hold. possum, posse, potui, -, [potis, able + sum], be able, can, be possible, have power; be strong, be powerful, be effective, accomplish. post, [pos, behind], adv., behind; post esse, be put behind one, be forgotten; afterwards, after, later. post, [adv., post], prep. with acc., of place, behind; of time, after, since. post-eā, adv., after this, hereafter, subsequently; postea quam, after. post-quam, conj., with indic., after. postrēmō, [abl. of postremus], adv., at last, in conclusion, finally, in fine, in short, in a word. postrēmus, -a, -um, [superl. of posterus, next], adj., last, lowest; n. pl. as noun, the last or latest events. postulō, -are, -āvi, -ātus, ask, demand, require, request. potēns, -entis, [part. of possum], adj., powerful, influential. potentia, -ae, [potēns], f., power; political power, authority, influence. potestās, -ātis, [potis, able], f., power, authority; opportunity. potior, irī, -ītus sum, [potis, able], become master of, obtain control of. potius, [potis, able], adv., comp., rather, by preference. pōtō, -are, -āvi, -ātus, [pōtus from po, drink], drink, tipple, be intemperate. prae, prep. with abl., before, in comparison with. prae-in composition, before, very, in advance of, at the head of. prae-acutus, -a, -um, [acutus, part. of acuō, sharpen], adj., with sharp end, pointed. praebeō, -ēre, -ui, -itus, [prae+ habeō], furnish, provide, se cure. praeceps,-cipitis, [prae+caput], adj., headlong; rash, reckless, desperate. praeceptum, -1, [part. of praecipiō], n., directions, instructions, order. praecipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus, [prae+capiō], instruct, enjoin, direct, bid. prae-clārus, -a, -um, adj., most brilliant, splendid, magnificent, remarkable, illustrious, most glorious, most noble. praeda, -ae, [prae+HED, seize], f., booty, spoils, plunder. prae-dicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [dicō, proclaim], assert, declare. prae-dīcō, -ere, -dixi, -dictus, foretell, predict. praeditus, -a, -um, [prae + datus], adj., gifted, endowed, possessed. praedium, -1, [prae+HED, seize], n., estate. praefectūra, -ae, [praefectus], f., prefecture, a city governed by a prefect, see praefectus. praefectus, -1, [part. of praeficiō, place in authority over], m., prefect, either (1) a Roman governor of an allied city, or (2) a captain in command of the auxiliary troops of a Roman army. prae-ferō, -ferre, -tuli, -lātus, with acc. and dat., prefer. prae-mittō, -ere, -misi, -missus, send forward, dispatch in ad vance. praemium, -1, [prae+EM, take], n., reward, recompense, prize. prae-scrībō, -ere, -scripsī, -scriptus, order, prescribe, direct. praesēns, -entis, [part. of praesum], adj., present; in praesēns, for the time being. praesentia, -ae, [praesens], f., presence. praesertim, [prae + SER, bind], adv., especially, particularly. praesideō, -ēre, -sēdī, -, [prae +sedeō], be in command. praesidium, -1, [praeses, guard], n., protection, safeguard, precaution, security; aid, assistance; guard, garrison; force, reinforcement. praestō, adv., at hand, ready. prae-stō, -are, -stiti, -stātus and -stitus, be superior; be notorious; praestat, impers., it is preferable, it is better. prae-sum, -esse, fui, -, with (1) As adv., except, save. praeter- in composition, past, by, beyond, besides. praeter-eā, adv., in addition to this, besides, moreover. praeter-eō, -īre, -ii, -itus, pass by. praeter-mittō, -ere, -misi, -missus, omit, pass over, overlook. praetor, -ōris, [for unused praeitor from prae + 1, go], m., praetor, title of a number of Roman magistrates who administered justice; in в.с. 63 there were eight praetors; after their year of office they were sent as propraetors to govern a foreign province; prō praetōre, vested with the powers of a praetor or governor. praetorius, -a, -um, [praetor], adj., of a praetor; cohors praetoria, bodyguard of the general (originally praetor). praetūra, -ae, [prae+1, go], f., office of praetor, praetorship. prāvus, -a, -um, adj., depraved, perverse, vicious. premō, -ere, pressī, pressus, press down, weigh down, overwhelm. pretium, -1, [PRA, sell], n., price; bribe; operae pretium est, it is worth while. pridem, [PRI, before], adv., long; iam pridem, long ago, long since. prīdiē, [PRI, before+diēs], adv., the day before. prīmō, [abl. n. of primus], adv., at first. primum, see prius. prīmus, see prior. princeps, -cipis, [primus + CAP, take], adj., foremost; as noun, princeps, -cipis, m., chief, leader. principium, -1, [princeps), n., beginning, commencement. prior, -us, gen., -ōris, [PRI, before], adj., comp., former; priōre nocte, night before last; superl., primus, -a, -um, the first, first, foremost, front; of the first importance; in prīmīs, especially, (among the foremost, 56, 13). pristinus, -a, -um, [for unused prius-tinus], adj., former, oldtime. prius, [n. sing. of prior], adv., comp., before, sooner, first; prius quam, before, until; superl., primum, [acc. n. of prīmus], adv., first, in the first place, for the first time; quam primum, as soon as possible; ubi primum, as soon as. privātim, [privātus], adj., individually, privately, in a private capacity; from individuals. privātus, -a, -um, [part. of prīvō], adj., personal, individual, private, unofficial; as noun, privātus, -ī, m., private citizen. prīvīgnus, -1, [prīvus, one each +GEN, beget], m., step-son. privō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, [prīvus, one each], with abl., deprive of. prō, prep. with abl., of place, in front of, before; of substitution, in place of, instead of, for; pro praetōre, vested with the powers of a praetor; of equivalence, as, equivalent to; prō certo habēre, be assured; prō certō credere, positively believe; of defence, in behalf of, for; of proportion, in proportion to, considering, in view of, in comparison with, in accordance with, on account of. prō-and old prōd-in composition, forth, forwards, before, for. prō, interj., with acc., O!Oh! probitas, -ātis, [probus], f., hon esty, integrity. probō, -are, -āvī, -ātus, [probus], approve of. probrum, -ī, n., shame, disgrace; disgraceful behavior; shaтеful life. probus, -a, -um, adj., good, serviceable; virtuous. procāx, -ācis, [Prec, pray], adj., bold, pert. prō-cēdō, -ere, -cessi, -cessus, go forth; advance, proceed, progress, succeed. procul, [prō + CEL, drive], adv., far, afar; apart, aloof. prōcūrātiō, -ōnis, [prō-cūrō, care for], f., charge, management. prodigium, -ī, [prod + AG, say], n., omen, prodigy. prō-dō, -ere, -didī, -ditus, disclose; betray, break. proelium, -ī, n., battle, engage ment. profānus, -a, -um, [pro + fanum], adj., not sacred, profane. profecto, [prō + factum], adv., surely, assuredly, certainly, by all means. proficiscor, -i, profectus sum, [prō + faciō], set out, start, depart, proceed. profiteor, -ērī, -fessus sum, [prō + fateor], announce one's self as a candidate. |