462. HARTE (F. BRET). The Heathen Chinee. Illustrated by Joseph Hull. 9 plates. 8vo, sheets, in the original printed envelope. Chicago: Published by The Western News Company, 1870 FIRST EDITION. 463. HARTE (BRET). "The Heathen Chinee." With Illustrations by S. Eytinge, Jr. 12mo. origi Boston, 1871 original wrappers. First issue with these illustrations. POEMS BY HARVARD GRADUATES, 1761 464. HARVARD. Pietas et Gratulatio. Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novanglos. Small quarto, half roan. Bostoni-Massachusettensium: Typis J. Green & J. Russel, 1761 Very rare. A collection of 31 Greek, Latin and English poems by Harvard Graduates, celebrating the death of George II, and accession of George III. Among the writers were Benjamin Church, Stephen Sewall, James Bowdoin, Governor Bernard and President Holyoke. The above is the first poetical offering from an American College to an English Sovereign. 165. HARVARD COLLEGE. The Laws of Harvard College. 8vo, original Laif sheep and boards (worn). Boston: Printed by John & Thomas Fleet, 1798 Scarce. Interleaved copy, with amendments inscribed. Laid in at the end is the leaf of amendments in force Dec. 1, 1800. 466. [HAWES (W. P.).] Sporting Scenes and Sundry Sketches; being the Miscellaneous Writings of J. Cypress, Jr. Edited by Frank Forester [H W. Herbert]. Illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half blue morocco, gik top, uncut. N. Y. 1842 467. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Complete Works, with Introductory Notes by George P. Lathrop. Illustrated with etchings by Blum, Church, Gifford, and others. 12 vols. small 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops (slightly rubbed). Boston, v. d. Riverside Edition. A supplementary volume was published later. 468. HAY (GEORGE). An Essay on the Liberty of the Press respectfully inscribed to the Republican Printers throughout the United States. By Hortensius. Small quarto, half morocco. Richmond, 1803 Written after his endurance of repeated libels from Callender. 469. HEARN (LAFCADIO). One of Cleopatra's Nights and other fantastic Romances by Theophile Gautier. Faithfully translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Portrait. 8vo, original red cloth. New York, 1882 Genuine First Edition and the author's first book. An unusually good copy of this rarest of Hearn items. 470. HEARN (LAFCADIO). Lafcadio Hearn. 8vo, cloth. Chita: A Memory of Last Island. By A very fine copy of this rare First Edition. It is Hearn's first work of fiction. 471. HEARN (LAFCADIO). One of Cleopatra's Nights and other fantastic Romances. By Theophile Gautier. Faithfully translated by Lafcadio Hearn. 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1891 Fine copy of the First Illustrated Edition. 472. HENDERSON (CAPT. GEORGE). An Account of the British Settlement of Honduras; being a Brief View of its Commercial and Agricultural Resources, Soil, Climate, Natural History, &c. To which are added, Sketches of the Manners and Customs of the Mosquito Indians. Folding map. 8vo, full polished calf, uncut. London, 1809 Fine copy. Field had only the second edition. Rare. 473. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico; with a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals. Also the Manners, Customs, and Languages of the several Native Indians With a Continuation, giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur de la Salle upon the Mines of the St. Barbe, etc. Engraved frontispiece, 6 plates, and two folding maps (maps in facsimile). 8vo, half morocco. London, 1698 FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. This is the so-called "Tonson" edition, with the first line of the imprint ending "Tonson." ... 474. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). Voyage ou nouvelle decouverte d'un tresgrand pays, dans l'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale avec un Voyage qui contient une Relation exacte de l'Origine, Mœurs, Coutumes, Religion, Guerres & Voyages des Caraibes, Sauvages des Isles Antilles de l'Amerique, Faite par le Sieur de la Borde. Engraved frontispiece and six plates (lacks two maps). 12mo, old calf. A Amsterdam: Chez Adriaan Braakman, 1704 A scarce edition, with the additional voyages which are usually wanting. The plates include the view of Niagara Falls. 475. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). Voyage Curieux du R. P. Louis Hennepin, qui contient une nouvelle decouverte d'un tres-grand pays situé dans l'Amerique, entre le nouveau Mexique & la Mer Glaciale Outre cela on a aussi ajouté ici un Voyage qui contient une Relation exacte de l'Origine, Mœurs, Coutumes, Religion, Guerres & Voyages des Caraibes, Sauvages des Ises Antilles de l'Amerique, faite par le Sieur de la Borde. Engraved frontispiece ond 6 plates (maps wanting). 12mo, old calf. A la Haye: Chez Jean Kitto, 1704 Scarce edition, with the additional voyages. Not in Hubbard. 476. HENRY (O.). Cabbages and Kings. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8ve, original decorated cloth, uncut. N. Y.: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1904 "Cabbages and Kings" was O. Henry's first published book. VERY RARE, as the edition was small and most of the copies have disappeared. 477. HENRY (O.). The Four Million. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. N. Y.: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1906 Only a small edition was printed; it was immediately sold, largely to the traveling public, who discarded their copies. FIRST EDITIONS ARE PRACTICALLY UNPROCURABLE. 478. HENRY (O.). The Trimmed Lamp, and Other Stories of the Four Million. FIRST EDITION. Frontispiece by Alice Barbar Stephens. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. N. Y.: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1907 Heart of the West. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original N. Y.: The McClure Co., 1907 479. HENRY (O.). decorated cloth, uncut. RARE. 480. HENRY (O.). The Voice of the City. Further Stories of the Four Million. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. SCARCE. N. Y.: The McClure Co., 1908 481. HENRY (O.). The Gentle Grafter. FIRST EDITION. With woodcut illustrations. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. N. Y.: The McClure Co., 1908 482. HENRY (O.). Options. FIRST EDITION. Illustrated. 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. New York & London: Harper & Bros., 1909 First issue of the FIRST EDITION, with the date in Roman numerals on the title-page. 483. HENRY (O.). Roads of Destiny. FIRST EDITION. Original red cloth, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1909 484. HENRY (O.). Lo, A Musical Comedy, Book and Lyrics by O. Henry and Franklin P. Adams. Music by A. Baldwin Sloane, Management of the Harry Askin Co., Inc. The words and music of fourteen lyrics are contained in the comedy. FIRST EDITION. The fourteen pieces of music, large quarto, original pictorial wrappers, as issued. N. Y.: Chas. K. Harris, 1909 SCARCE. uncut. FIRST EDITION of each lyric, contained in the ill-starred musical comedy, "Lo," which was born after great effort on the part of its authors, fluttered feebly for a few days, and then died. VERY RARE. 485. HENRY (O.). Strictly Business. More Stories of the Four Million. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1910 486. HENRY (O.). Whirligigs. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1910 487. HENRY (O.). Adventures in Neurasthenia; Let Me Feel Your Pulse. Illustrations by W. W. Fawcett. FIRST EDITION. Thin 12mo, original buckram pictorial front cover. N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1910 488. HENRY (O.). red cloth, uncut. Sixes and Sevens. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, original Garden City, N. Y: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1911 489. HENRY (O.). Rolling Stones. FIRST EDITION. Illustrated with original photographs, drawings by the author, reproductions of letters, etc. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. 490. HENRY (O.). Square 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. 491. HENRY (O.). EDITION. Royal 8vo, half vellum, board sides, gilt top, uncut. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1912 My Friend O. Henry. By Seth Moyle. Portrait. Ν. Υ. [1914] Privately Printed and not for sale. Very Scarce. Wind of Destiny. By Sara Lindsay Coleman. FIRST Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1916 But 125 copies of this book were issued, the smallest number printed of any work by O. Henry, and for this reason it has become one of the rarest of his FIPST EDITIONS. Letters by O. Henry to his future wife. 492. HENRY (O.). Waifs and Strays. Twelve stories by O. Henry, together with a representative selection of critical and biographical comment. Photogravure frontispiece portrait. FIRST EDITION. Large 8vo, original blue buckram, uncut and unopened. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1917 493. HENRY (O.). The O. Henry Index, Containing Some Little Pictures of O. Henry, together with an Alphabetical Guide to his Complete Works, Compiled by E. F. Saxton. Portraits and facsimiles. FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, original printed wrappers. Garden City, N. Y.; Doubleday, Page & Co., n. d. 494. HEWETT (D.). The American Traveller; or, National Directory, containing an Account of all the great Post Roads and most important Cross Roads in the United States with descriptions of the Country and various scenery which those roads pass through. 8vo, sheets, uncut and unopened. Washington, 1825 ... FIRST EDITION. Scarce. Contains the * leaves 373 to 396. 495. HODGKINSON (JOHN). A Narrative of the Connection with the Old American Company, from the Fifth September, 1792, to the Thirty-First of March, 1797. 29 pp. 12mo, sewn. N. Y. 1797 Rare. 496. HOFFMAN (C. F.). The Pioneers of New York. Anniversary Discourse before the St. Nicholas Society. 8vo, original wrappers. N. Y. 1848 497. HOLLAND LAND COMPANY, Amsterdam, N. Y. D. S., 2 pp. folio, with Map of land, dated May 2, 1817. Accompanying the original document, is a later map, and 9 A. L's. S. referring to the Company and land in this section. 498. [HUGHES (JEREMIAH).] A Brief Sketch of Maryland. Its Geography, Boundaries, History, Government, Legislation, Internal Improvements, etc. 18mo, original wrappers. Printed for the Publisher, 1845 Scarce. 499. HUMPHREYS (DAVID). The Miscellaneous Works of. Portrait and plate engraved by Maverick. 8vo, contemporary sheep. N. Y. 1804 Wegelin does not mention this edition. 500. HUNTER (COL. GEORGE). Reminiscences of an Old Timer. A Recital of the Actual Events, Incidents, Trials, Hardships, Vicissitudes, Adventures, Perils, and Escapes of a Pioneer, Hunter, Miner and Scout of the Pacific North-West. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1887 Scarce. Contains interesting accounts of Indian Fighting in California, Oregon, and Idaho. 501. HUNTER (JOSEPH). Collections concerning the Church or Congregations of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby. New-Plymouth. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. This copy has the view. .. The founders of 502. HUNTINGTON (HELEN). Folk Songs from the Spanish. 12mo, vellum, gilt top, other edges uncut. N. Y. and London, 1900 Presentation copy from the author. Printed on handmade paper. 503. HUNTT (HENRY). A Visit to the Red Sulphur Springs of Virginia during the Summer of 1837, with observations on its Waters. Woodcut frontispiece. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1839 Contains also, notices of routes, etc. 504. HURD (DENA D.). A History and Genealogy of the Family of Hurd in the United States. Portraits and other illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y.: Privately Printed, 1910 JOHN HUTCHINSON'S OWN COPY 505. HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). The History of the Colony of Massachuset's Bay, from the First Settlement Thereof in 1628 until its Incorporation with the Colony of Plymouth, Province of Main, etc. by the Charter of King William and Queen Mary in 1691. SECOND EDITION:-(also) Vol. II., From 1691 to 1750. SECOND EDITION; -(and) Vol. III, From 1749 to 1774. Edited by John Hutchinson. 3 vols. London, 1765, 1768 and 1828;-(also) Collection of Original Papers Relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusets-Bay (published by Lieut.-Gov. Hutchinson to support and elucidate the principal facts in the first part of his History). Original Edition. Boston, 1769;-(also), Index of Persons and Places Mentioned in Hutchinson's Massachusetts. By J. W. Thornton, and somewhat corrected by C. L. Woodward, N. Y. 1879. Together 5 vols. 8vo, contemporary calf. The volume of 1828 in original boards, uncut, rebacked. The whole enclosed in half brown morocco slip-cases. London: 1765-1828, and Boston: 1769 Three volumes have the autograph of John Hutchinson, the editor of the third volume, on fly-leaf. Vol. 1 also a manuscript table of the ancestral descent of Governor Hutchinson. FINE, PERFECT SET. These 5 volumes together form THE COMPLETE SERIES OF HUTCHINSON'S HISTORY, covering the period from 1628 to 1774. A VERY DESIRABLE COPY, including the BEST LONDON EDITION of the third volume with the 16 pp. of preface, which was omitted in the issue sent to America. The whole forming a work of permanent value, indispensable to any Americana collection. This collection of papers was published by Lieut.-Gov. Hutchinson, "to support and elucidate the principal facts related in the first part of the History of Massachusetts Bay, and may serve as an Appendix to it." "The author of that history was possessed of many other ancient and very curious original papers, which are irrecoverable lost by an unfortunate event sufficiently known." 506. HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). The Speeches of Governor Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay at the Session on the Sixth of January, 1773, with the Answers of His Majesty's Council and the House of Representatives respectively. 8vo, sewn. Scarce. Boston: Printed by Edes and Gill, 1773 507. ILLINOIS. Blanchard (Rufus). History of Illinois, to accompany an Historical Map of the State. Large folding map, and illustrations. 8vo, half leather. Chicago, 1883 Presentation copy from the author, with inscription. 508. INDIANS. Chauncey (Charles). All Nations of the Earth blessed in Christ. A Sermon preached at Boston at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Bowman, to the Work of the Gospel-Ministry, More especially among the Mohawk-Indians, on the Western Border of New England. August 31, 1762. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Boston: Printed and sold by John Draper, 1762 Evans 9088 (no copy located). Very rare. 509. INDIANS. A Treaty between the United States of America and the Delaware Tribe of Indians, concluded at Vincennes, the 18th day of August, 1804. 8 pp. 8vo, folded. Washington City, 1804 The Treaty was signed by William H. Harrison and Teta Buxica.. 510. INDIANS. A Treaty between the United States of America, and the Piankeshaw Tribe of Indians. Concluded at Vincennes, on the Twenty Seventh Day of August, 1804. 5 pp. sewn. Washington City, 1804 511. INDIANS. From Document No. 229 of the H. of R.......containing Allegations of Fraud "in relation to the Settlement of the Claims of the Half-Breed Relatives of the Winnebagoe Indians," in which case the Commission of General Simon Cameron was set aside. 8vo, sewn. Harrisburg, 1839 Scarce. A scathing exposé of the methods of Simon Cameron and others in their dealings with the Winnebago Indians and settlement of their claims. 512. INDIANS. A Spelling-Book in the Seneca Language: With English definitions. 8vo, sheets, uncut. Buffalo-Creek Reservation, Mission Press, 1842 Very Scarce. Not in Hearst. 513. INDIANS. A Collection of Hymns for the use of the Delaware Christian Indians of the Missions of the United Brethren in North America. Revised and abridged by A. Luckenbach. 16mo, sheep. Bethlehem, 1847 514. INDIANS. Belden, The White Chief; or, Twelve Years among the Wild Indians of the Plains. From the Diaries and Manuscripts of George P. Belden. Edited by Gen. James S. Brisbin, U. S. A. Portraits and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Cinn. 1872 Printed on tinted paper. 515. INDIANS. Original Manuscript Catalogue of the Indian Tribes of America. By John B. Dunbar. 4to, old sheep (covers loose). n. p., n. d. A carefully compiled index of 87 pages with many references by this well-known Indian scholar. 516. INDIANS. A. L. S., 7 pp. folio. January 15, 1792. Written by George Morgan to Samuel Adams, Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts. A long and interesting letter, detailing the results of a military expedition against the Western Indians, announcing that it has terminated in the Disgrace I foretold in my letter dated the 1st of last May." "The late Campaign has increased the Difficulties in our Way to Peace by multiplying our Enemies, yet I say an honourable Peace is practicable if immediately attended to, without further effusion of Blood. I wish |