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Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by

in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.

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HE text of this edition of the De Senectute and De


Amicitia is that of Baiter, in the Tauchnitz series of Cicero's works edited by Baiter and Kayser, and published in 1864, the merits of which are well known. With this have been carefully compared the various readings given in the Annotatio Critica of that work, and the text of Orelli's edition revised since his death by Halm (Zurich, 1861). In only a very few instances, however, has the reading of Baiter been exchanged for any other; while in all cases in which there is any important difference, the readings of other critical authorities have been cited in the Notes.

In conformity with the general plan of this series of classical text-books, the chief design of the Notes is to furnish the pupil with such assistance in understanding the language and the thought of the author, as is actually needed at that stage of study at which these essays are usually read. In the work of preparing them, free use has been made of several German and English commentaries, as well as of other works, of which a full list is given on page 70, and to each of which credit is given in the Notes.

To suit the preferences of teachers for different grammars, parallel references to the five manuals in use in


different sections of the country have been inserted, so far as was found practicable. And wherever these have not contained a sufficient explanation of forms or constructions, the statements of Madvig and Zumpt have been quoted or referred to.

For the benefit of those students who do not have access to the larger classical dictionaries and historical works, the numerous biographical and historical allusions have been more fully explained than would otherwise have been deemed necessary. A brief introduction has also been prefixed to the Notes on each essay, to which has been added an outline of the course of thought.

As no American edition of the Cato Major and Laelius has appeared since that of Dillaway in 1837, and of Anthon in 1848, it is hoped that the one now submitted to the public may, in part at least, meet what has seemed to be a real demand on the part of classical instructors and students, even with the defects which teachers of riper scholarship and larger experience may detect in it.

AMHERST COLLEGE, July 31, 1871.






O TITE, si quid te adjuero curamve levasso,
Quae nunc te coquit et versat in pectore fixa,
Ecquid erit praemi?

Licet enim mihi versibus iisdem affari ie, Attice, quibus affatur Flamininum

Ille vir haud magna cum re, sed plenus fidei :

quamquam certo scio, non, ut Flamininum,

Sollicitari te, Tite, sic noctesque diesque;


novi enim moderationem animi tui et aequitatem, teque non cognomen solum Athenis deportasse, sed 10 humanitatem et prudentiam intelligo. Et tamen te suspicor iisdem rebus, quibus me ipsum, interdum gravius commoveri ; quarum consolatio et major est et in aliud tempus differenda. Nunc autem visum est mihi de senectute aliquid ad te conscribere. Hoc 15 enim onere, quod mihi commune tecum est, aut jam urgentis aut certe adventantis senectutis et te et me ipsum levari volo: etsi te quidem id modice ac sapienter, sicut omnia, et ferre et laturum esse certo scio. Sed mihi, quum de senectute vellem aliquid scribere, 20


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