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Schmitz and Zumpt's Classical Series -Continued.

From REV. CHAUNCEY COLTON, President, and Professor of Latin Language and Literature, St. John's College, Cin., Ohio, March 7, 1848.

I beg you to accept my thanks for this attention, with the expression of my favorable judgment of this edition, and of the plan you propose of a classical series by these eminent scholars I shall be glad to see them as they come from your press, and I doubt not shall prefer many of them to those we have at present in use. The Caesar I prefer on several accounts, and am making daily use of it.

From AMMI B. HYDE, Professor of Languages in the Oneida Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, New York, Sept. 2, 1847.

We find much to admire in the neat and business-like form of the work. Its notes are compact and sufficiently copious, and the text is, in our view, unusually accurate and Caesar-like. Our opinion of the work is such as to induce us to bring it into notice.

From E. S. DIXWELL, Latin School, Boston, Sept. 13, 1847.

It commends itself by its cheapness and the high character of the editors.

From the REV. S. DAVIS, Rector of Zion's Church, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1847. The enterprise of publishing a classical series in the form and style with which you have commenced, must meet the approbation and encouragement of classical scholars generally. The learning and ability of the gentlemen who edit the series are a sufficient guarantee for their correctness and accuracy.

From THOMAS BONSALL, Classical Teacher, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1847. After a minute examination of this edition of Caesar, I consider it to be decidedly the best both for accuracy and elegance of execution of any ever published in this country. I consider your publication of these works as supplying a desideratum in our school books, which is likely to be advantageously used to a wide extent.


From D. H. PEIRSON, Elizabethtown, New Jersey, Nov. 23, 1847.

I am glad to find just such an edition of Caesar. The publishers have done well, and the editors better yet. I have used in my school four different editions of Caesar, none of which do I think half so good as yours. Either they are burdened with notes and translations so as to leave nothing for the pupil to do, or they are full of blunders in the text. Your edition is just what was needed, and henceforth I shall purchase no other.

From E. M. ROLLO, Binghamton Academy, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1847. -All of these objections are avoided in the edition you have sent me. Besides, in several other respects it is superior to any edition in use in this country. The text and pointing are unquestionably very accurate. * * The quality of the paper and neat typography are important excellences. The map appears to be correct and sufficiently full for all the purposes of the student. But the most important improvement in the work is the admirable Biography of Caesar which the editors have prefixed to it. This is a desideratum wanting in all other editions of Caesar. They either have none at all, or a very meagre and imperfect one The notes are well calculated to elucidate the text and to render efficient aid to the student.

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