Pam Saunders's Reviews > I'm Not Scared

I'm Not Scared by Niccolò Ammaniti
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Michelle is torn between his natural compassion and loyalty for his family. Michelle is a young boy living in a tiny, poor hamlet in Italy with just a handful of children to play with when he stumbles upon another boy who is held captive in a remote hut. Michelle tries to tell the adults but they are too interested in punishing him for being late home and not being obedient. Then he discovers the secret of the hidden boy and must also deal with his imagination which creates other horrors too, challenging him further in his desire to do the right thing. The author writes in short sentences, blunt and brutal as is the landscape and theme of the book. A story of innocence, guilt and betrayal.

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Finished Reading
April 14, 2012 – Shelved

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