Front cover image for Thucydidis De Bello peloponnesiaco libri octo

Thucydidis De Bello peloponnesiaco libri octo

Print Book, Latin, 1821
apud J. Parker ; apud G. et W.B. Whittaker, Oxonii, Londini, 1821
4 volumes 22 cm
v. 1. Lib. I-III
v. 2. Lib. IV-VI
v. 3. Lib. VII-VIII. Index
v. 4. Latin translation of Lib. I-VIII download a digital copy of volume 1 of this work (PDF, 196 mb). You will need the Acrobat Reader to consult this file; it can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website. This copy has been made available for non-commercial purposes by Europeana. to consult a copy of volume 2 of this work (PDF, 152 mb). to consult a copy of volume 3 of this work (PDF, 108 mb). to consult a copy of volume 4 of this work (PDF, 27 mb).