Front cover image for A Mediterranean society : the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza

A Mediterranean society : the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza

Goitein's masterful study of the Mediterranean Arabic-speaking Jewish communities of the high Middle Ages (tenth through thirteenth centuries) as reflected in the documents preserved in the famous Cairo Geniza
Print Book, English, 1999 printing
University of California Press, Berkeley, 1999 printing
6 volumes : illustrations, facsimiles, maps ; 23 cm
9780520004849, 9780520221581, 9780520018679, 9780520221598, 9780520032651, 9780520221604, 9780520048690, 9780520221611, 9780520056473, 9780520221628, 9780520081369, 9780520221642, 0520004841, 0520221583, 0520018672, 0520221591, 0520032659, 0520221605, 0520048695, 0520221613, 0520056477, 0520221621, 0520081366, 0520221648
v. 1. Economic foundations
v. 2. The community
v. 3. The family
v. 4. Daily life
v. 5. The individual: portrait of a Mediterranean personality of the High Middle Ages as reflected in the Cairo Geniza
v. 6. Cumulative indices
Originally published: Berkeley : University of California Press, 1967-©1993
Volume 6 by S.D. Goitein and Paula Sanders
Volumes 3, 4, and 5 carry incorrect publication dates on t.p