Anne's Reviews > Second Nature: A Gardener's Education

Second Nature by Michael Pollan
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"Writing and gardening, these two ways of rendering the world in rows, have a great deal in common" (5). How could you not love this book? It was published in 1991, and you can see in it the makings of America's current food supply/cultural nutrition expert.

Despite his best efforts Pollan sometimes gets a little cerebral, a little obscure (Chapter 10), but you've got be lenient with a man who can convincingly describe his fully-grown squash in terms of infinite grace.

I confess that the rose which garners his fullest disdain (Dolly Parton) is currently growing, if not thriving, in my backyard. So I have a lot to learn about gardening.

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Reading Progress

September 6, 2010 – Started Reading
September 6, 2010 – Shelved
October 1, 2010 – Finished Reading

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